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Number 445 15 February 2024



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The upcoming eighteen months promise to be pivotal for international cultural policy, marked by significant conferences that will shape the global agenda for culture and the arts. The Summit of the Future in 2024, the 10th World Summit on Arts and Culture and MONDIACULT 2025 are set to address pressing issues, from multilateral cooperation to the impact of artificial intelligence on culture. Together, these events will contribute to fostering collaboration, innovation, and sustainable development, and shape the future of arts, culture and heritage.

The UN Summit of the Future, scheduled for September 2024, will present a unique opportunity for global leaders to come together and address the challenges posed by recent global shocks, including recent and ongoing conflicts. The Summit seeks to enhance cooperation on critical challenges and reaffirm commitments to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the United Nations Charter. Building on the SDG Summit in 2023, Member States will lay the foundations for a reinvigorated multilateral system, crucial for tackling current and future threats.

In mid-2025, IFACCA will co-host its 10th World Summit on Arts and Culture in Seoul, Republic of Korea in partnership with its National Member for Korea, Arts Council Korea (ARKO). The Summit, set to take place from 28 to 30 May 2025 with the Opening Ceremony on 27 May 2025, will bring together policymakers, practitioners, researchers, and innovators in arts and culture and related sectors. The Summit programme will offer three days of face-to-face engagement on critical issues for the sustainable future for arts, culture and heritage, employing a range of interactive formats. For Arts Council Korea, the Summit marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of their institution and an opportunity to explore the direction of the next 50 years in arts and culture. During those days in Seoul, IFACCA will also celebrate its General Assembly.

Our Summit, which will gather the international community in May 2025, will set the stage for discussions that will culminate in the next edition of MONDIACULT, the international forum for ministers of culture, to be held in Barcelona in the second half of 2025.

This week UNESCO announced that the next edition of MONDIACULT – where 194 UNESCO Member States will work together to define the global agenda for culture - will take place in Spain in 2025. MONDIACULT 2025 will address the challenges posed by artificial intelligence for the cultural sector and will focus on developing common solutions to ensure the ethical use of AI, which respects the rights of artists in terms of intellectual property and compensation. During this ministerial forum, UNESCO will also present the first-ever global report on the state of culture. 

We will provide regular updates here on the progress of the preparations for these key events. We look forward to seeing you all in Seoul for the 10th World Summit on Arts and Culture. Join us for a global dialogue aimed at ensuring a vibrant and sustainable future for arts and culture worldwide. See you there!


ACORNS Iberoamericano


Le recordamos que continuamos entregando noticias del espacio iberoamericano tanto de los países miembros como artículos en prensa en general de la región.  Al final de cada edición de ACORNS encontrará la sección de ACORNS Iberoamericano.  Asimismo, nuestro sitio web cuenta con una variedad de noticias en español a su disposición.


National Agency News


"Culture is with you": emotional support programme for children affected by the fires in the Valparaiso region

Ministry of Cultures, Arts and Heritage, 12 February 2024, Chile

The initiative, part of the Open Schools programme, is a collaboration between Ministry of Cultures and the following flagship cultural institutions: La Moneda Cultural Centre, GAM Cultural Centre, Crafts Foundation of Chile, International Theatre Festival FITAM, Balmaceda Arte Joven, Parque Cultural de Valparaíso, Interactive Museum Mirador and Violeta Parra Museum. The activity for children took place at the Mannheim School in Quilpué, where Minister Carolina Arredondo handed out Cultural Kits, a kit of cultural resources to support emotional recovery after the recent catastrophe.


Main ministry plan for 2024 to imprint Korean culture abroad

Korea.net, 7 February 2024, Korea, Rep

The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism will provide a record KRW 1.74 trillion in content policy financing to have domestic content become a leader on the world market this year.


International cooperation in heritage conservation

Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, 6 February 2024, Viet Nam

With the support and connection of UNESCO, 15 governments, 50 non-governmental organisations and more than 10 international organisations have implemented cooperation activities to research and conserve Hue heritage, with a total budget of more than 10 million USD.


A cultural and creative exchange partnership between the NACSA and the HKADC

National Arts Council of South Africa, 1 February 2024, South Africa

The National Arts Council of South Africa (NAC) and the Hong Kong Arts Development Council (HKADC) are pleased to announce they have entered into a global strategic partnership that will create international market access for South African and Hong Kong artists in the Music, Visual Arts, Crafts, Dance, Theatre, Literature creative disciplines. 


Groundbreaking arts summit propels national conversation on healing, bridging, and thriving

National Endowment for the Arts, 31 January 2024, USA

Yesterday, the White House Domestic Policy Council and National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) co-hosted a first-of-its-kind convening to share insights and explore opportunities for arts organisations and artists to contribute to the health and well-being of individual and communities, invigorate physical spaces, fuel democracy, and foster equitable outcomes.


New funding supports UK artists to work with immersive tech

Creative Scotland, 31 January 2024, United Kingdom

A new project will support over 200 UK-based artists and organisations to explore the creative potential of virtual, augmented and mixed reality technologies.


Arts Council Malta’s Action Plan for 2024 is unveiled

Arts Council Malta, 25 January 2024, Malta

The Minister for the National Heritage, the Arts, and Local Government, Owen Bonnici, launched Arts Council Malta's Action Plan for 2024. He described this year as a year of investments, initiatives, and programmes by the Arts Council Malta (ACM) with the aim of implementing the National Cultural Policy.


Funding to foster global arts collaborations

Minister for the Arts, 24 January 2024, Australia

The Albanese Labor Government is boosting Australia’s engagement in the global arts scene with four arts projects to share in almost $500,000 in funding through the International Cultural Diplomacy Arts Fund (ICDAF). As part of Revive – Australia’s new cultural policy – ICDAF promotes homegrown talent here and overseas, increases our access to international markets and develops new creative networks for Australian artists.


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International News


New festival to position Kigali as a global cultural hub

The New Times, 13 February 2024, Rwanda

From February 16-25, more than 200 artistes from 25 nations will convene in Kigali for the inaugural edition of ‘Kigali Triennial Festival’, a celebration of African arts and culture that aims to position the Rwandan capital as a global cultural hub.


Saudi Ministry and UK National Archives team up to document Kingdom’s cultural heritage

Arab News, 7 February 2024, Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Culture and the British National Archives have agreed to collaborate on an executive program for the digitization of cultural records in the Kingdom, in line with established international specifications and standards.


EU Artificial Intelligence Act — final form legislation endorsed by Member States

JD Supra, 6 February 2024, International

The long-awaited proposed AI Act, once enacted, will be a comprehensive cross-sectoral regulatory framework for artificial intelligence (AI). Its aim is to regulate the development and use of AI by providing a framework of obligations for parties involved across the entire AI supply chain.


Nigeria, AfDB team up to boost digital, creative industries with $617m

Ripples Nigeria, 3 February 2024, Nigeria

In a significant move to bolster the nation’s digital and creative landscape, the Nigerian government and the African Development Bank (AfDB) are partnering to launch a $617 million investment fund.


Government finalises stakeholder engagement on Creative Industries Bill

Kenya News Agency, 2 February 2024, Kenya

The State Department for Youth Affairs and Creative Economy is in the final stages of conducting public participation for the draft Creative Economy Policy and the Creative Industries Bill, 2023.


New UK creative industry tax reliefs

Lexology, 1 February 2024, United Kingdom

A new tax relief system for the UK’s animation, film, TV and video games industries has been recently rolled out in the UK: the audio-visual expenditure credit (AVEC) and the video games expenditure credit (VGEC) aim to expand the UK’s creative industry and drive economic growth.


Creatives battling AI companies over copyright turn to Congress

Bloomberg, 29 January 2024, USA

Copyright holders ranging from newspapers to novelists to artists have brought the top AI companies, including OpenAI Inc., Stability AI Ltd., and Meta Platforms Inc., to court over alleged infringement of their works in new AI products. Musicians, actors, and other creatives also warn that the surge in deepfakes, which clone their image, voice, and likeness, jeopardize their creations and their jobs.


Culture ministers meet before Tartu 2024 launch to enhance cooperation

ERR, 28 January 2024, International

On Friday, prior to the opening festivities of Tartu 2024 European Capital of Culture, Estonian Minister of Culture Heidy Purga (Reform), together with her counterparts from Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, and Ukraine, held several meetings to discuss cross-national cultural cooperation and exchange experiences.


Govt publishes draft legislation for cultural framework

Gibraltar Chronicle, 18 January 2024, Gibraltar

The Gibraltar Government has published draft legislation which aims to formalise the cultural framework in Gibraltar in a bid to promote and enhance the arts.


European Union demands streaming services increase royalty payments to artists

NME, 18 January 2024, International

The European Union has called for changes to the music streaming business, including fairer royalty distributions and increasing payments to artists.


Estonia will transfer 274 archaeological artifacts to Ukraine

The Odessa Journal, 18 January 2024, Ukraine

The Acting Minister of Culture and Information Policy, Rostyslav Karandeyev, along with the Ambassador of Ukraine to Estonia, Maxim Kononenko, and the Ambassador at Large of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Igor Ostapenko, discussed the transfer of 274 archaeological artifacts.


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Building a New Scotland: Culture in an independent Scotland

Scottish Government, 2 February 2024

This paper sets out the Scottish Government's vision for culture in an independent Scotland.


Economic analysis of culture turnover in Q3 2023

Ministère de la Culture, 19 January 2024, France

This economic outlook measures the economic situation of the cultural market field in the third quarter of 2023 as reflected by the evolution of the turnover indices in value and volume by cultural sector, resulting from VAT declarations made by companies to the Directorate-General for Public Finance.


New survey shows 89% of UK artists want the Government to better protect their work by regulating AI.

DACS - Design and Artists Copyright Society, 18 January 2024, United Kingdom

A pivotal new report ‘Artificial Intelligence and Artists’ Work’ published by DACS has revealed significant insights about UK artists' concerns and expectations regarding AI's impact on their work and livelihoods.


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Opportunities and Events


Hong Kong International Cultural Summit 2024 - Connecting Cultures, Bridging Times

West Kowloon Cultural District Authority, 24-26 March 2024, Hong Kong SAR, China

The first-ever Hong Kong International Cultural Summit 2024, hosted by the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority, will be held on 24-26 March 2024 at the West Kowloon Cultural District (WKCD). The Summit will offer a platform to bring together leaders from arts and cultural institutions globally to promote international cultural exchange and cultivate long-term partnerships. It will also demonstrate Hong Kong’s commitment to acting as an East-meets-West centre for international cultural exchange.


Creating Futures: Art and AI for Tomorrow's Narratives

Salzburg Global Seminar, 6–10 May 2024, Austria

Creating Futures is a programme focusing on the role of creativity, art and emerging technologies in challenging entrenched narratives and imagining more just and equitable futures.


Communicating the Arts Conference in Paris

Communicating the Arts, 2–4 April 2024, France

CTA Paris 2024, organised in partnership with Beaux Arts, aims to showcase prestigious venues and unveil hidden cultural gems in Paris. Over 250 international cultural leaders from the visual and performing arts, as well as heritage sectors, will come together to exchange ideas, address challenges, and collaboratively seek solutions.


2024 Jeonju International Awards for Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage

UNESCO-ICHCAP, 1 February 2024, International

The forthcoming autumn will witness Jeonju City serving as the venue for the 2024 Jeonju International Awards for Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage (JIAPICH). This distinguished international award ceremony was instituted to commend individuals or organisations that have demonstrated exemplary leadership in the preservation and promotion of intangible cultural heritage on a global scale. The inaugural JIAPICH took place in 2019, and the imminent event represents its sixth iteration. The primary objective is to acknowledge the selfless contributions of individuals across all domains of intangible cultural heritage and stakeholder in the world’s heritage.


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Read more ACORNS

ACORNS Special Edition: World Summit on Arts and Culture: Arts Council Korea to host 10th edition in Seoul in May 2025

ACORNS 444: Commencing the new year with policy updates from around the world

ACORNS 443: The year in review - Culture’s vital role for sustainability in an increasingly fragile world

ACORNS 442: Cities embrace culture for sustainable development: the path forward




Download Publications

9th World Summit Report

9th World Summit Discussion Paper

Re-Shifting Centres and Peripheries

From Symbolic Acknowledgement to Tangible Recognition

A crisis of sustainable careers?

Supporting Culture in the Digital Age





Conformando el paisaje internacional de las políticas públicas: eventos en 2024-2025

Los próximos 18 meses prometen ser cruciales en la política cultural internacional, al compás de una serie de importantes conferencias que darán forma a la agenda internacional de la cultura y las artes. La Cumbre del Futuro en 2024, la 10ª Cumbre Mundial de las Artes y la Cultura y MONDIACULT 2025 abordarán cuestiones tan acuciantes como la cooperación multilateral o el impacto de la inteligencia artificial en la cultura. En su conjunto, estos eventos contribuirán a promover la colaboración, la innovación y el desarrollo sostenible, y modelarán el futuro de las artes, la cultura y el patrimonio.

La Cumbre del Futuro de la ONU, cuya celebración está prevista para septiembre de 2024, ofrecerá una oportunidad única de reunión a los líderes internacionales para enfrentar los problemas causados por las recientes crisis, como los conflictos armados, los nuevos y los de larga duración. La Cumbre tiene como objetivo mejorar la colaboración en diversos desafíos de crítica importancia y reafirmar los compromisos con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) y la Carta de las Naciones Unidas. A partir de la Cumbre de los ODS en 2023, los Estados miembros pondrán los cimientos de un sistema multilateral revitalizado, crucial para afrontar las amenazas actuales y futuras.  

A mediados de 2025, IFACCA coorganizará la 10ª Cumbre Mundial de las Artes y la Cultura con el miembro nacional por Corea, el Consejo de las Artes de Corea (ARKO). La Cumbre se celebrará los días 28 a 30 de mayo de 2025, con una ceremonia inaugural el 27 de mayo, y reunirá a los/as responsables de políticas públicas, y a profesionales, investigadores/as e innovadores/as en las artes y la cultura y sectores relacionados. El programa de la Cumbre ofrecerá tres días de encuentros presenciales sobre temas clave para el futuro sostenible de las artes, la cultura y el patrimonio, mediante una serie de formatos interactivos. La Cumbre también marca los 50 años del establecimiento del Consejo de las Artes de Corea y constituye una oportunidad de explorar su rumbo en las artes y la cultura en los próximos 50 años. Asimismo, durante los días en Seúl, IFACCA celebrará su próxima Asamblea General.  

Nuestra Cumbre, que reunirá a la comunidad internacional en mayo de 2025, también servirá de marco para las conversaciones que culminarán en la próxima edición de MONDIACULT, el foro internacional para ministros/as de Cultura, que se celebrará en Barcelona durante la segunda mitad de 2025. 

Esta semana, la UNESCO anunció que la próxima edición de MONDIACULT, cita en la que los 194 Estados miembros de la UNESCO trabajarán conjuntamente para definir la agenda global de la cultura, se celebrará en España en 2025. MONDIACULT 2025 abordará los retos al sector cultural planteados por la inteligencia artificial (IA) y se centrará en desarrollar soluciones comunes para garantizar un uso ético de la IA que respete los derechos de los/as artistas en cuanto a propiedad intelectual y remuneración. Durante este foro ministerial, la UNESCO también presentará el primer informe internacional jamás realizado sobre el estado de la cultura.

Continuaremos ofreciendo noticias frecuentes sobre las preparaciones de estos eventos clave y esperamos verlos/as a todos/as en Seúl para la 10ª Cumbre Mundial de las Artes y la Cultura. Acompáñenos en este diálogo global para asegurar un futuro vibrante y sostenible para las artes y la cultura en todo el mundo. Ahí nos vemos.



“Cultura te acompaña”: presentan programa de contención emocional para niñas y niños afectados por incendios en la Región de Valparaíso

Ministry of Cultures, Arts and Heritage, 12 February 2024, Chile

La iniciativa, que se inserta en el programa Escuelas Abiertas, cuenta con la participación de las instituciones colaboradoras del ministerio de las Culturas: Centro Cultural La Moneda, GAM, Artesanías de Chile, FITAM, Balmaceda Arte Joven, Parque Cultural de Valparaíso, Museo interactivo Mirador y Museo Violeta Parra. En el Liceo Mannheim de Quilpué se desarrolló la actividad dirigida a niñas y niños, donde la ministra Carolina Arredondo entregó Botiquines Culturales, kit de recursos culturales para apoyar la recuperación emocional tras la catástrofe.


OEI, BID, CAF y Fundación Roberto Marinho ponen sobre la mesa la importancia de la educación artística en Iberoamérica

OEI - Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos, 12 February 2024, International

Mejor formación docente y más compromiso estatal son algunos de los reclamos que la OEI plantea para potenciar la educación artística en la región, de acuerdo con un reciente informe.


Comisión de Cultura impulsó sector a través de iniciativas que preservan el cuidado del patrimonio histórico

Congreso de la República, 12 February 2024, Peru

La Comisión de Cultura y Patrimonio Cultural, que preside el congresista Héctor Acuña Peralta (Unidad y Diálogo Parlamentario), obtuvo resultados importantes durante la primera legislatura del periodo Anual de Sesiones 2023-2024, impulsando el sector a través del cuidado y protección de monumentos históricos.


El Ministerio de Cultura impulsará una unidad de atención y prevención de las violencias machistas en el sector cultural

Ministry of Culture, 9 February 2024, Spain

El Ministerio de Cultura impulsará una unidad de atención y prevención de las violencias machistas en el sector cultural que tendrá como principales objetivos, en primer lugar, el acompañamiento a las víctimas de violencia machista y, en segundo lugar, la realización de estudios específicos para la elaboración de protocolos y recomendaciones que den respuesta a las necesidades específicas de cada sector y organismo vinculado a la cultura.


El Consejo de Ministros declara las expresiones culturales vinculadas a la cultura sorda y la lengua de signos española como Manifestación Representativa del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial

Ministry of Culture, 6 February 2024, Spain

El Consejo de Ministros ha aprobado, a propuesta del ministro de Cultura, Ernest Urtasun, junto al ministro de Derechos Sociales, Consumo y Agenda 2030, Pablo Bustinduy, como coproponente, la declaración de ‘Las expresiones culturales vinculadas a la cultura sorda y la lengua de signos española’ como Manifestación Representativa del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial.


Encabeza la canciller Alicia Bárcena Ibarra la entrega de 30 piezas arqueológicas restituidas al Consulado General de México en Los Ángeles

Ministry of Culture, 1 February 2024, Mexico

La secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores, Alicia Bárcena Ibarra, acompañada de la subsecretaria de Desarrollo Cultural de la Secretaría de Cultura del Gobierno de México, Marina Núñez Bespalova, encabezó la entrega de 30 piezas arqueológicas que fueron otorgadas al Consulado General de México en Los Ángeles, California, durante la visita de trabajo que realizó en esa localidad de los Estados Unidos.


Ministerio de las Culturas publica guía metodológica para contribuir a la gestión de espacios culturales del país

Ministry of Cultures, Arts and Heritage, 1 February 2024, Chile

La iniciativa está dirigida a espacios culturales, con fines públicos, vinculados al programa Red Cultura, y busca mejorar el diseño, planificación, implementación o actualización de sus planes de gestión.


Brindan ponencia sobre patrimonio cultural inmaterial

Ministry of Culture of El Salvador, 26 January 2024, El Salvador

La Dirección Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural brindó la ponencia “Conservación, revalorización y revitalización del patrimonio cultural inmaterial (PCI)”,  el viernes 26 de enero,  en el Museo Nacional de Antropología Dr. David J. Guzmán (MUNA).


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Email us: info@ifacca.org
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