No images? Click here ![]() ESFPA E-NewsVolume 3 - Issue 42November 18, 2022 NAFO Tricolored Bat CommentsThe National Alliance of Forest Owners (NAFO) has completed the final version of their comments on the proposal to change the ESA listing of the tricolored bat from threatened to endangered. The comments were submitted on behalf of 25 forestry associations, including the Empire State Forest Products Association. The comments highlight the importance of sustainably managed forests and their impacts on the bats as they struggle with endangerment from white-nose syndrome (WNS). "Given the Service’s recognition of the value of private working forests for conservation of at-risk and listed species, we urge the Service to state in the final rule its willingness to work collaboratively with private forest owners for conserving bat species, including the tricolored bat. Additionally, where appropriate, the Service should work with forest owners to develop streamlined agreements that provide regulatory assurances to landowners and recognize that modern forest management provides conservation benefits for bat species affected by WNS." Read the full comments below: DEC Reminds Outdoor Enthusiasts to Share the Woods Safely this SeasonNew Yorkers Encouraged to be Safe, Responsible, and Respectful during Fall and Winter Hunting Seasons With the Southern Zone regular big game season beginning Saturday, Nov. 19 throughout much of the southern part of New York State, Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner Basil Seggos is encouraging outdoor enthusiasts to respectfully share the woods and follow common-sense safety precautions this fall and winter. "With most public land across New York State open to multiple forms of recreation, from hiking and nature photography to hunting and trapping, visitors should be cautious, courteous, and responsible when sharing the woods to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience," said Commissioner Seggos. "DEC encourages all visitors to review the safety guidelines for hunting and recreating in the woods before going afield and respectfully sharing the outdoors with others." DEC requires big game hunters using a firearm to wear hunter orange or pink and encourages non-hunters to wear blaze orange, blaze pink, or another bright color during fall and winter months to be seen more easily and from greater distances. In addition, wearing bright colors makes it easier for Forest Rangers, Environmental Conservation Police Officers, and other rescue personnel to find lost, sick, or injured people afield. Pet owners are also encouraged to affix a bright colored vest or scarf on their dogs and keep pets leashed at all times. Trapping seasons for many species are open throughout the fall and early winter. Although rare, traps set for furbearers like raccoons and coyotes can also capture dogs that are not under control. Trapping is a highly regulated activity and regulations are strongly enforced. Trappers are required to take an educational course before getting a license and DEC works closely with the trapping community to minimize risks to non-target wildlife and domestic animals. Hunting is among the most popular forms of wildlife recreation in the state, drawing an estimated 600,000 New Yorkers afield each year. Hunting is safe and economically important, helping to manage wildlife populations and promote family traditions, while fostering an understanding and respect for the environment. Hikers should be aware that they may encounter hunters bearing firearms or archery equipment on trails. Hunters should likewise recognize that they may encounter hikers and others enjoying the outdoors. Hunting-related shooting incidents involving non-hunters are extremely rare and the 2021 hunting seasons in New York were the safest ever, with the lowest number of incidents since record-keeping began. Hunters can minimize the potential for disturbance by and to other forms of recreation by following a few tips. Before a season opens, when hunters are scouting for the perfect spot or stand location, take the time to check if the planned location is popular. Avoiding locations that crowd other hunters or are near a sought-out hiking spot can improve both the hunting and recreational experience. If a preferred hunting spot is too crowded, identify an alternative location ahead of time. DEC maintains hiking, biking, skiing, and snowmobile trails in many areas of Forest Preserve lands in the Adirondack and Catskill parks, as well as in State Forests, Wildlife Management Areas, and Unique Areas open to hunting. DEC launched the 'Love Our New York Lands' campaign to encourage visitors to State-owned and managed lands to practice responsible recreation. The campaign is responsive to the steady increase in the number of visitors to State Lands, both during the COVID-19 pandemic and in the decade prior. Love Our New York Lands bolsters ongoing State-and partner-led efforts to educate the public about how to responsibly enjoy outdoor recreation on public lands without negatively impacting natural resources. Find recreation options by visiting DEC's Trails Less Traveled or checking out DECinfo Locator. Many trails are accessible to people with disabilities. Check out DEC's YouTube playlist, with tips for how to plan and prepare for a hike Hiking Essentials (leaves DEC website), and DEC's Hunter Education playlist for more information Basic Rules of Hunter Safety Hunting Within State ParksThe New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation offers many places to hunt, including 81 parks, three historic sites, three golf courses, and 50 boat launches that provide opportunities to hunt a variety of wildlife including big game, small game, turkey, furbearers, waterfowl, and migratory bird species. In addition to a valid hunting license, all hunters wishing to take advantage of select hunting seasons within State Parks must obtain a regional hunting permit for each park. Trapping is not allowed in State Parks. For more information, visit the New York State Parks website.
Funding for Wood Products FacilitiesYesterday, the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced a tranche of funding to assist wood processing facility owners establish, reopen, retrofit, or expand their operations. The grants are focused on sawmills or other wood processing facilities that purchase and process byproducts from forest restoration activities in areas of severe fire risk and insect or disease infestation. Specifically, $12.5 million will be targeted as financial assistance for owners that are taking fiber in the form of byproducts from forest restoration projects, including thinning, wildfire resilience activities, and habitat management. Owners must identify how their work will use byproducts from areas of high or very high risk of severe wildfire or insect and disease infestation. Additional information and instructions on how to apply for these grants may be found below: Independent Contractor StatusAs we previously reported, the U.S. Department of Labor is proposing to modify Wage and Hour Division regulations to revise its analysis for determining employee or independent contractor classification under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). As you are aware, the forest products industry uses independent contractors to move fiber from the woods to mills. The proposed regulations, if finalized, would expand the coverage of the FLSA by treating many individuals as “employees” who under current law would be properly classified as independent contractors. Business Council of NYS 2022 Environmental ConferenceThe Business Council's two-day Environment Conference was held this week from Wednesday, November 16th through Thursday, November 17th. The conference comprised a variety of topics and speakers, including a panel with executive members of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). ESFPA's Executive Director John Bartow was also in attendance and spoke in a panel on New Wetlands Legislation. Click below to read a full recap of the conference: The Society of American Foresters Develops Resource on ProforestationAs with many political movements, it is difficult to pinpoint the exact origins of proforestation. While the forestry community has faced similar challenges before, widely read journals and op-eds in major news media have given the issue nationwide publicity in recent years. Northern Long-eared Bat UpdateWe anticipate the final decision on the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) proposal to reclassify the northern long-eared bat (NLEB) from threatened to endangered status under the ESA in the next 2-3 weeks. The endangered listing status will go into effect 30-days following the publication of the final rule in the Federal Register. It will also automatically amend the NYS Endangered Species list upon federal publication. ESFPA has been in communication with the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), and the agency has indicated that they are anticipating some guidance to help private forest landowners assess their risk of taking NLEBs and for those harvesting in the woods. As soon as the federal notice is published, we will work with DEC on this guidance. |