Uniting in PrayerUniting in Prayer 2024 will take place from 19 May - 22 June. Congregations and individuals can sign up for 35 days of prayer and connection for the whole Uniting Church. This year Uniting in Prayer will be drawing on the upcoming Assembly theme “Threads of Love, Weaving Christ’s Love Across Cultures and Boundaries” as a catalyst for reflection. There is opportunity for individuals and communities to submit a prayer for consideration by 31 March.
Lent Event 2024Lent Event takes place from 14 February to 28 March 2024
UnitingWorld is challenging us to take 40 days of faithful action for God’s creation this Lent.
In the face of the climate crisis, commit to action – Personal change, Practical support, Political advocacy – for the world we want to see: hopeful, peaceful, life in abundance for all.
There are resources available for individuals and church groups – find out more at www.lentevent.com.au
Finding the need, sharing the loveA quick look at some key statistics in our community gives us some concerning insights into the reality of life for many people in Australia at the moment. In this article we share three stories highlighting just a few of our many congregations who have found unique ways to support their local communities. This story was first published in our December 2023 Revive magazine.
Easter Services CalendarCongregations have the opportunity to list their Easter services on the Uniting Church WA Easter events calendar for 2024. Send details of your services - including congregation name, service times and information that may be of interest to people wishing to attend - to Wendy at website@wa.uca.org.au or submit them online here. The services will be listed here - https://unitingchurchwa.org.au/easter/
Summer Spirit - still time to register!The deadline to register for the Saturday 10 February day of learning at Summer Spirit 2024 has been extended to Thursday 8 February. Date: Saturday 10 Feburary
Time: 8.30am to 4.30pm
Location: All Saints Floreat Uniting Church Tickets available here - https://tinyurl.com/SummerSpirit24
Revive - SubmissionsThe April 2024 edition of Revive is currently in the planning stages and submissions from individuals and congregations are invited for consideration by the editor. If you have an original article or story you think may be of interest to the wider church please contact Wendy at revive@wa.uca.org.au Please note, publishing of articles is at the discretion of the Editor, in line with the UCWA Revive policy.
News & Information Australia Day Awards - This year one of 38 national awards of Officer of the Order of Australia (AO) was made to John McKechnie KC, for distinguished service to the
law, to the judiciary, and to the community of Western Australia. John is an active member at All Saints Floreat Uniting Church.
John has had a very public profile and made a distinguished contribution to law and justice, including in his role as Corruption and Crime Commissioner. These were acknowledged. John also helps law students at university, has written textbooks in law and the training of judges.
However John has also served the Church in a wide range of ways, including on Synod committees and bodies related to Church Law, Children and Youth and Uniting Church Schools. He was chair of the Council of Presbyterian Ladies’ College. At All Saints, John and Beth are on the morning tea roster and he has often been a member of choirs.
In the community, John has chaired the national Council of Scouts Australia, reads voraciously, sails and is a judge in competitive sailing.
We thank John for his service and his Christian witness. He reports that his mother used to say, “Don't return a favour, pass it on". This is in the spirit of Jesus, who called us to do to others what we would have them do to us.
You can read about other Uniting Church members who were recognised here.
The 2024 honours list can be found here. Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage - This Lent, Christian groups from around the globe are launching the Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage. Already, 59 cities in 8 countries are hosting a walk the length of Gaza (about 40km) to raise funds for humanitarian relief and support for
refugees. There will be a Perth pilgrimage taking place on 24 February starting at Hillary's Boat Harbour. Go to the event page here. Juniper News - Greyhound 'Mimco' becomes beloved visitor at Juniper Sarah Hardey in Kelmscott. - Jews - Chosen for what? This will be the topic of guest speaker Aviva Freilich at the AGM of the Council of Christians and Jews WA Inc. The meeting is to be held at 2:30pm Sunday 25 February 2024 at the Mary Lockett Hall, Claremont. The occasional address will follow the business meeting. For more details and RSVP visit https://ccjwa.org/events/#AGM2023
- Retired Ministers Fellowship - the first gathering of the Retired Ministers Fellowship for 2024 will be on Friday 16 February at Scarborough Uniting Church, 121 Northstead St, Scarborough starting at 10.30am. John McKechnie AO KC will be the speaker. For enquiries please contact Margaret Smithson – smithsonmarg@gmail.com
- Induction Service for Rev Ivan Clarke as Minister at Trinity North Uniting Church will take place on Saturday 17 February 2024. The service will be at St Stephen’s School Duncraig, starting at 2.00pm.
- Uniting Generations Network Meeting - Tuesday 20 February, 2.00pm at Maylands/Mt Lawley Uniting Church. For more details contact Julie Ridden at julie.ridden@wa.uca.org.au
Events CalendarFebruary - Friday 9 & Saturday 10 February. Summer Spirit 2024
- Friday 9 February. Uniting Church Centre closed.
- Sunday 11 February. New Year Thanksgiving Service at Uniting Church in the City, Trinity, Perth
- Wednesday 14 February. Ash Wednesday.
- Friday
16 February. Uniting Church Centre closed.
- Friday 16 February, 10.30am. Retired Ministers Fellowship at Scarborough Uniting Church.
- Friday 16 February, 7.00pm. CEDAL Commencement Service at St Peter and Emmaus Church, Joondanna.
- Saturday 17 February, 9.00am to 12.30pm. CEDAL Commencement Retreat at St Peter and Emmaus Church, Joondanna
- Saturday 17 February, 9.00am to 12.00pm. Treasure Market at Maylands/Mt Lawley Uniting Church
- Saturday 17 February. Induction of Rev Ivan Clarke at Trinity North Uniting Church
- Tuesday 20 February, 2.00pm. Uniting Generations Network Meeting at Maylands/Mt Lawley Uniting Church.
- Friday 23 February. Uniting Church Centre closed.
- Saturday 24 February, 9.00am to 2.00pm. Safe Church Awareness Workshop at Hope Methodist Church in Parkwood.
This week we pray for: Remote Area Ministry Tom Price
Job Opportunities in the wider Uniting Church Assembly Communications Officer
Here's a great and flexible opportunity for a skilled communicator to work as part of a small but dynamic communications team! The Uniting Church Assembly is seeking a part-time Communications Officer to support the communications work of the Assembly in the lead up to the 17th Assembly meeting. This role is 15 hours per week on a temporary basis, beginning early March 2024.
Applications close 21 February 2024. UnitingCare Australia is seeking a new Board Chair
The UnitingCare Australia Board is seeking expressions of interest for a new Chair on the retirement of its current Chair Geoff Batkin at the upcoming Triennial Assembly in July. This is a key leadership role within the UCA and an exciting opportunity for the right person to lead UnitingCare Australia to achieve its mission and vision.
Applications close 16 February 2024.
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