2022#18 9 November

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world

Nelson Mandela

AUGent & Africa Announcements

UGent International Thematic Networks 2024-2028

Launch of new call


The international thematic networks are cooperative networks consisting of Ghent University staff members and international partners concerning a specific topic of excellence in education and research. The network of international partners offers an added value through synergy by strengthening the existing capacity and expertise within Ghent University, and/or strengthening the capacity of partners in the Global South.

Deadline declaration of intent - 17 February 2023


Politics at the Margins: Lana Salman and Max Ajl

Seminar series - 14/11

We kindly invite you to a double featured presentation with our colleagues Lana Salman and Max Ajl in the Politics at the Margins seminar series. Max will be talking about the sources and solutions for marginalization and dependency in a North African context. Lana will present her research on the racialization of peripheral life in colonial Tunisia.


Tina De Gendt interviewt Philsan Osman

Activiteit in de Krook op 17/11

Philsan Osman studeert Afrikaanse Talen en Culturen aan de Universiteit Gent. Naar aanleiding van de coronacrisis en de centrale plaats die zorg hierbinnen kreeg, schreef ze samen met Dirk Holemans en Marie-Monique Franssen het boek Voor wie willen we zorgen? Ecofeminisme als inspiratiebron.

Zorg omvat immers meer dan louter het medische, het behelst alles wat we doen om de wereld te behouden en te herstellen. De globale toestand is zorgwekkend. We kunnen alleen het tij keren als we de instrumentele kijk op de natuur en de mens als concurrent achter ons laten en écht zorgen voor alle mensen en andere aardbewoners. Kan zorg, gebaseerd op emancipatie, verbondenheid en generositeit, een nieuw vertrekpunt voor onze samenleving zijn? Kan het politiek en economie schragen?


UNU-CRIS/CESSMIR Seminar - 22/11

Decentering research on governance and international cooperation

There is a need for pluralising the ontological, epistemological and methodological tools to realign the South and the North as loci of co-construction and co-presence. This realignment cannot occur without a reconsideration of the normative role of researchers, academic knowledge and jargon in effecting social and political changes in both Northern and Southern spaces.

This panel aims to contribute to these debates by reflecting on empirical, theoretical, methodological or moral questions of decentering from different disciplinary perspectives and geographical contexts.


Entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs conference - 22/11

Africa and Europe: hand in hand

On the 22nd of November 2022 OVO - Entrepreneurs for Entrepreneurs - organizes its seventh Conference. This year’s theme is Africa & Europe: Hand in Hand.

We hope Meryame Kitir, Minister of Development Cooperation and Major Cities Policy, will honour us with her presence (to be confirmed). Our Keynote speakers are Ifeyinwa Ugochukwu, CEO of The Tony Elumele Foundation, and Koen Doens, Director General at the Directorate General for International Partnerships, European Commission.


To Which We Belong

Filmavond over landbouw en natuur - 24/11

Dierenartsen Zonder Grenzen en WWF nodigen u uit voor een filmvoorstelling in Studio Skoop Gent. We vertonen de film ‘To Which We Belong’ over een nieuwe generatie landbouwers en veehouders in de VS, Mexico en Kenia, die tegen de stroom in gaan. Samenwerken met de natuur, in plaats van de natuur te onderdrukken, is voor hen de toekomst van de landbouw en voedselproductie.

Na de film gaat Joost Dessein (professor Rurale Sociologie aan UGent) in gesprek over landbouw en natuur met:

  • Kurt Sannen (agro-ecologisch veehouder bij Natuurboerderij Het Bolhuis)
  • Laurens De Meyer (auteur van ‘Moet er nog vlees zijn?’)
  • Geert Janssens (professor Dierenvoeding aan UGent)


Global Health EDCTP3 exchange meeting for Belgian & sub-Saharan African stakeholders - 5/12



Together with The Flemish Ministry of Research, Innovation and Economy, we are pleased to invite you as a stakeholder of the European & Developing Countries Clinical Trial (EDCTP) partnership to an exchange meeting on the third EDCTP program the Global Health (GH) EDCTP3 Joint Undertaking (JU).

The GH EDCTP3 JU continues to support clinical research on solutions to reduce the burden of infectious diseases in sub-Saharan Africa and strengthen clinical research capacity.


Populism in the era of soundbite politics

International workshop - 17/12

A Conversation with Journalists and Researchers from Southern and Eastern Africa as well as South and South-East Asia

In this international workshop, we bring together the perspectives of journalists and researchers from various contexts in Eastern and Southern Africa as well as in South and South-East Asia to discuss the evolution of populist “performances” over the last years, the role of the media and how various actors in the Global South learn from each other.

The aim of this event is to create a space for exchange between scholars and practitioners to share their empirical insights into the diverse interplay between populism and the “general public” and how the perceived populist rise has impacted on the media landscape in South Africa, Tanzania, Bangladesh and the Philippines.


Young Researchers Overseas Day 2022 - 12/12

Organised by the Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences

On Monday, 12 December 2022, the fifth Young Researchers Overseas Day is organized by the Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences. This event is aimed at researchers younger than 40 who are working overseas in various research fields. These fields should fit into one of the scientific disciplines of the 3 sections of the Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences.

The Young Researchers’ Day is an opportunity to meet one another, discuss, exchange ideas and know more about the Academy (www.kaowarsom.be) and its activities.


2nd International Conference on Biodiversity in the Congo Basin

Challenges for the future - March 2023

This second conference will address themes linking biodiversity, climate change and public health: biodiversity and food security, valorization of ecosystem services, biodiversity and climate change, sustainable agriculture, developing and facilitating supra-national and interregional cooperation in scientific research, new approaches to conservation, sustainable exploitation of natural resources, forestry and biodiversity, industrial development and biodiversity, availability of official environmental data, urban biodiversity, and policy-making.


Upcoming events organized by the africa platform

Meet the Ambassadors Event

Celebrating 15 years of AUGent Africa Platform

WHEN 24-11-2022 from 14:00 to 18:00
WHERE  Het Pand, Onderbergen 1, Ghent
ORGANIZER Africa Platform of Ghent University Association
CONTACT Annelies.Verdoolaege@UGent.be
WEBSITE  https://www.africaplatform.ugent.be/event/meet-ambassadors-event-celebrating-15-years-augent-africa-platform

We would like to invite you to a festive and networking event where we will present the Africa Platform of Ghent University Association to the African ambassadors to Belgium, in order to showcase the Africa Platform and its achievements.

This will be an excellent opportunity to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the Africa Platform and to foster connections between the academia and the African embassies.
