2022#5 2 March

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world

Nelson Mandela


Belmundo 2022

"Maak indruk met je afdruk"

Belmundo Festival is het jaarlijkse Gentse stadsfestival rond internationale solidariteit, georganiseerd door Stad Gent en 11.11.11.

Belmundo heeft als doel de Gentse actoren een kader te bieden om activiteiten op te zetten rond mondiale thema’s en om bij de Gentenaars een draagvlak te creëren en te versterken voor internationale solidariteit. Met een sterk netwerk en een wervende communicatiecampagne richten we ons op een breed doelpubliek. We willen hierbij verbreden én verdiepen.

Voor de editie van maart 2022 is het thema: Rechten van mens en natuur.

Ontdek het volledige programma op https://www.belmundo.gent/

CliMigHealth E-workshop

Planetary Health Education In African Primary Health Care Curricula

With climate change as one of the biggest public health crises of the 21st century, there is an increased need to integrate the field of ‘planetary health’ into primary health care curricula, to better protect the wellbeing of humans and the planet. However, in Africa, which suffers greatly from the effects of climate change, little is known about how to convey this knowledge to the current and future primary care workforce.

To discuss these matters, join this e-workshop on 8 March from 1-3pm CET

Information and registration:


Welkom aan Alfred Schaffer

Dankzij een fellowship van het Gents Afrika Platform en de financiële steun van de Afdeling Internationalisering en de vakgroep Letterkunde (afdeling Nederlands) van de faculteit Letteren en Wijsbegeerte (UGent), zal de in binnen- en buitenland gerenommeerd Nederlands dichter en letterkundig academicus Alfred Schaffer - verbonden aan het departement Afrikaans en Nederlands van de Universiteit Stellenbosch - komend semester de poëzievakken doceren aan de UGent.

Alfred ontving in 2021 voor de bundel Waar was ik. Strafregels (De Bezige Bij, Amsterdam, 2020) de Herman de Coninckprijs en de prestigieuze P.C. Hooftprijs voor poëzie. Naast de overzichtscursus Poëziegeschiedenis van de Lage Landen 1800-2000 (Bachelor 2) verzorgt hij het mastervak over naoorlogse tendensen in de Nederlandstalige poëzie, met specifieke aandacht voor identiteit en veelkleurigheid in de dichtkunst van het Nederlandse taalgebied.

Welkom Alfred!


CESSMIR Conference - 18-21 September 2022

Contemporary forms of racism and discrimination - CfP is open

CESSMIR's second biennial conference opens up an exchange platform for researchers, practitioners and policy makers working in the broad field of migration, integration and ethnic-cultural diversity. You are invited to share your questions and expertise on understanding and responding to contemporary forms of racism and discrimination from a broad, interdisciplinary approach.

The exclusion of social groups based on migration background, colour, religion, language and legal documents, amongst other aspects, remains a key social problem in societies across the globe.It is therefore paramount that academics and practitioners remain focused on understanding and tackling racism, discrimination and social exclusion in order to develop a more cohesive and just society.

Deadline for submissions: 15th of March 2022


Trains & Tracks in Africa

A Dialogue on Infrastructures and Mobilities in Africa - 16/3

Studying the construction of railway lines across the African continent is crucial for understanding the logic of land colonisation, the exploitation of people, the extraction of natural resources and the transportation of goods to and from metropolises.

During one evening and a day of conferences, researchers and artists will offer alternative views on railway transport in Africa by confronting the diversity of narratives linked to it from a post-colonial and transnational perspective. Contributions will not only focus on the past but will also take stock of the present and future of these railway lines — some still in service, others abandoned, some being restored — and of the railway infrastructure.

This is a hybrid event, meaning that the lectures take place on site (VANDENHOVE UGent 16 03 2022 and AfricaMuseum 17 03 2022) and online at the same moment.


Klimaattoren in Congo dicht een groot gat in onze kennis

Afrika-expertise in UGent Durf Denken

Diep in het Congolese regenwoud staat een toren van 57 meter hoog die moet helpen in studie van de klimaatverandering. De UGent-klimaattoren meet sinds oktober 2020 hoeveel CO₂ het tropische bos opslaat en hoeveel water het verdampt. Op die plek is hij uniek.

Lees meer https://www.durfdenken.be/nl/meettoren-congo

ERC Webinars for Researchers in Africa - 16/3

ERC Grant Schemes

Two ERC webinars (one in English and one in French) will be held jointly with the EU Delegation to the African Union on 16 March for researchers in Africa who are interested in applying for an ERC grant.

The webinars will include representatives from the African Union Commission and the African Academy of Sciences. Angela Liberatore, Head of the Scientific Department at the ERCEA, along with ERC grantees and evaluators will provide information on funding opportunities and some useful advice on how to apply for an ERC grant.


Open rehearsal & debate at Vooruit - 12/3

Monster: Other/Alternative & Making Men

This is an Internationalisation@Home event organized by the African Studies Programme, UGent (Inge Brinkman) and choreographer Harold George:

Instead of a classic performance, the audience is invited to attend the choreographic process of rehearsing on Othering, masculinities and monsters. In dialogue with the audience, the dancers will put ideas into motion as well as explore explore silences in movement.

By Harold George, DuniaDance Theatre & AfriKeraArts; Moderated by Inge Brinkman

For more information and registration, see


VLIR-UOS Call for Experts

Global Minds assessment commission

VLIR-UOS is launching a call for experts. The object of this call is to receive applications for membership of the assessment commission of one of our flagship programmes: Global Minds.

We seek high profile international experts that add expertise and diversity to the current commission. The commission is expected to assess 6 institutional proposals and attend a commission meeting in May 2022. Female experts in particular are invited to apply for commission membership, and (female) experts from VLIR-UOS partner countries.

The deadline for applications is 11 March 2022.

Could you help us by forwarding the call to individuals in your network that might be interested in applying for membership?


Upcoming events

GAPSYM15: Biennial Afroeuropeans Network Conference

Intersectional Challenges in Afroeuropean Communities - Call for Papers is open

WHEN 22-09-2022 - 24-09-2022
WHERE Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Etterbeek Campus
ORGANIZER Vrije Universiteit Brussel & Africa Platform of Ghent University Association
CONTACT Annelies.Verdoolaege@UGent.be

The 8th Biennial Afroeuropeans Network Conference “Intersectional Challenges in Afroeuropean Communities” will take place from 22 – 22 September 2022

Hosted by the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and co-organised by the AUGent Africa Platform, this conference is the result of a long collaboration between academics, writers, artists and activists that gave rise to the International Afroeuropeans Network.

The conference aims to consider how Afroeuropean communities are shaped by the intersections of ‘race’ and ethnicity with other markers of identification such as gender, class, sexuality, ability, age, citizenship status, language… Informed by intersectional thinking and its rejection of unidimensional perspectives in activism, policy and research, the conference explores how diverse processes of privileging and discrimination interact, making for complex and dynamic experiences of what it means to be Afroeuropean.

Belezen Wetenschappers


WHEN 26-04-2022 from 19:30 to 21:00
WHERE Bibliotheek De Krook, Krookcafé - Miriam Makebaplein 1, 9000 Gent
ORGANIZER Africa Platform of Ghent University Association and De Krook
CONTACT Annelies.Verdoolaege@UGent.be
WEBSITE https://avansa-regiogent.be/activiteiten/belezen-wetenschappers-afrika-editie

Naast een paneldiscussie met Sarah De Saeger, Patrick Van Damme en Koen Bostoen, gemodereerd door auteur en radiomaker Pat Donnez, zal Inge Brinkman een inleidende presentatie geven over de rijkdom aan talen en literaturen op het Afrikaanse continent.

Met muziek door Daouda Thiam uit Mauretanië.

