RoadWatch: Roundup December 2020 Welcome to our monthly Austroads RoadWatch: Roundup for December. Discover our latest news, published reports, Guide updates, webinars and events. ![]() Chief Executive’s messageThe end of this very challenging year is almost here, and we are looking forward to a short break before embarking on a productive and collaborative 2021. This year Austroads Work Program, NEVDIS, and TCA have worked together more closely. Over the next 12 months, we are planning to expand our transport data analytics offerings in addition to maintaining the high standards of work we have come to expect from each unit. Austroads Programs has 100 projects approved for the 2020/21 financial year. We have had a few projects delayed by COVID-19 but have already completed 15 this financial year. We have nine webinars planned for the new year and with nearly 2,000 registrations already it's looking like a cracking start to the year. Having delivered an excellent result both financially and operationally, NEVDIS is building new services and exploring new opportunities to further benefit our stakeholders, and bolster its contributions to the Austroads business. TCA has significantly increased the number of vehicles enrolled in the telematics applications and approved new telematics devices and suppliers. Each expansion leads to improvements in road safety and productivity. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to Austroads achievements over the last year. I have been impressed by the capability, professionalism, and dedication shown by staff, working groups, and task forces during the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. With your steadfast support, we continually make Austroads better and ensure our work makes a difference to our members and the community. Have a good and relaxing break. I look forward to a great 2021. Stay healthy and happy. Dr. Geoff Allan, Chief Executive, Austroads Austroads office will be closed for the holidays from Thursday 24 December 2020, reopening Monday 4 January 2021. ![]() Austroads Board Meeting and AGMThe Austroads Board met on 5 November 2020 via teleconference. The meeting was chaired by Neil Scales, Director-General, Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads. The Board approved the Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2020. The Board also supported the proposed approach to delivering the Strategic Plan 2020-24. ![]() Richard Delplace elected to ITS Australia BoardCongratulations to Richard Delplace, Austroads’ Program Manager Transport Network Operations, who has been elected to the ITS Australia Board for a two-year term. There are many commonalities between ITS Australia’s aspirations and the work of the Austroads Transport Network Operations and Future Vehicles programs. Richard will bring a broad perspective and large industry network to the role, developed through various ITS engineering management positions in the public sector, construction industry, and consultancies over the last 20 years. ![]() Designing high performing flexible pavements containing lightly bound cemented materialsAustroads has published a new structural design method for flexible pavements containing lightly bound cemented materials. Ross Guppy, Austroads’ Transport Infrastructure Program Manager says the scarcity of quality, cost-effective road‑building materials is an increasing national challenge. Lightly bound cemented materials are particularly useful in pavement rehabilitation and heavy patching and the new method allows to design and construct a low-strength material that limits the extent to which micro‑cracking leads to macro-cracking. ![]() Improved guidance on pedestrian planning and designAustroads has released a report which provides up-to-date guidance on pedestrian planning and design in line with national and international best practice. Recommended changes to the Austroads Guide to Traffic Management were published in April 2020 with pedestrian planning concepts and methods for pedestrian surveys presented in webinars in May / June 2020. Recommended changes to the Austroads Guide to Road Design will find their way in its upcoming update and restructure later this financial year. Read more | Download the report Join us in February 2021 for a series of webinars on the updated guidance presented by Jeanette Ward and Ann-Marie Head:
![]() Selecting and designing raised safety platformsAustroads has published a report clarifying the design and performance of raised safety platforms based on leading Australasian and international practice. Raised safety platforms are increasingly used to reduce a vehicle’s maximum comfortable operating speed to a Safe System collision speed. This research focussed on the application of raised safety platforms in innovative contexts, including urban arterial intersections with speed limits above 50 km/h. Both Guide to Traffic Management and Guide to Road Design will be updated to reflect this new guidance. Thursday, 4 March 2021, 1-2 pm AEDT Join Fabian Marsh, Hamish Mackie and Rebekah Thorne for the overview of the research approach and the key findings from the project. ![]() Improving freeway capacity analysisAustroads has released a research report which reviews and evaluates established and emerging methodologies in freeway capacity analysis. Richard Delplace, Austroads Program Manager Transport Network Operations says freeway capacity analysis is an important process undertaken at the planning stage of freeway construction or upgrade projects to determine the number of lanes for mainlines and entry or exit ramps, as well as for anticipating levels of service along the route. Following a comparative analysis of the various freeway capacity analysis methodologies used by Austroads member agencies, the project recommends practitioners consider adopting the maximum sustainable flow rate and the flow rate at maximum productivity methodologies. Tuesday, 16 March 2021, 1-2 pm AEDT Paul Bennett will present the research and findings outlined in the report and the recommendations made for updating relevant Austroads guidance. ![]() New process for selecting on-road public transport priority treatmentsAustroads has released a research report which presents a practical process to guide practitioners through the selection of treatments that prioritise public transport on roads. This step-by-step process can be used to assess options on existing or new roads. It considers all forms of priority treatments, ranging from road space, stop design and location, traffic signal priority, and traffic signal gating. “Using this guidance, practitioners will improve the consistency, traceability and robustness of their decision making process,” said Richard Deplace, Austroads Program Manager Transport Network Operations. Tuesday, 23 March 2021, 1-2 pm AEDT David Green will provide an overview of the tool explaining how practitioners can use it to select on-road public transport priority treatments for any road scenario. ![]() New technical specification for sprayed bituminous surfacing or resurfacingAustroads has published a technical specification setting out requirements for the design and application of sprayed bituminous surfacing or resurfacing. “Sprayed seals are an important component in the road system in Australia and New Zealand. They prove a cost-effective solution for light or medium trafficked roads and are often used with locally sourced pavement materials in rural areas,” said Ross Guppy, Transport Infrastructure Program Manager. “This is another Austroads Technical Specification in the series to improve construction and maintenance of roads and bridges.” ![]() Australian guidelines for automated vehicle trials updatedThe National Transport Commission (NTC) and Austroads have released an updated edition of Guidelines for trials of automated vehicles in Australia. The guidelines set out criteria that must be addressed in any application for an automated vehicle trial. They are applicable to trials of light and heavy vehicles incorporating differing technology, scale and risk. Austroads tendersClosing Friday, 8 January 2021 - 05:00 PM AEDT
Closing Thursday, 28 January 2021 - 05:00 PM AEDT
Closing Monday, 1 February 2021 - 05:00 PM AEDT
There is no charge for our webinars, but registration is essential. It will allow us to send you a link to the recording if you can’t make the live session. Opportunities to Build Capacity in Traffic Management | Register Road Space Allocation for Pedestrians | Register Midblock Crossings for Pedestrians | Register Pedestrian Planning and Design at Intersections | Register Pedestrian Planning and Design for Activity Centres | Register Innovation and Best Practice in Performance Measurement and Transport Outcomes | Register Pedestrian Planning and Design for Residential Areas | Register Effectiveness and Implementation of Raised Safety Platforms | Register Freeway Capacity Analysis | Register On-Road Public Transport Priority Tool | Register World Road Association (PIARC) committee meetingsClimate Change and Resilience of Road Networks Technical Committee 1.4 aims to identify hazards and environmental threats within the context of road infrastructure resilience and asses approaches to increase resilience. Read the report from the meeting held in October 2020. Road Safety Technical Committee 3.1 assesses and identifies the best practice of road safety activities and explores proven countermeasures that are effective in reducing the likelihood and severity of road crashes. Read the report from the meeting held in October 2020. Environmental Sustainability in Road Infrastructure and Transport Technical Committee 3.4 identifies traffic operations to minimise the health impact of vehicle emissions and improve pavement design, construction and maintenance to reduce traffic noise. Read the report from the meetings held in November 2020. Waka Kotahi NZ Transport AgencyThis research gathered information from a global search to help identify how changes in behaviour resulting from COVID-19 and the response to it have impacted transport demand, and how these changed behaviours can be mitigated or maintained as desired. This literature review identifies learnings from previous major transport disruptions and provides insight into how disruption can be leveraged to advance transport policy goals. The review focuses on the desired outcomes of New Zealand’s transport system: inclusive access, healthy and safe people, economic prosperity, environmental sustainability, and resilience and security.
This study was carried out to get a better understanding of the interdependencies between transport and other infrastructure so that a more resilient transport network can be achieved. BITRE: Road trauma and deathsThese bi-annual road trauma data Excel tables provide national summary tables of severe injury cases added to the Australia New Zealand Trauma Registry. Separate tables are provided for on-road transport, off-road transport, unknown transport and non-transport cases. This monthly bulletin contains current counts and summaries of road crash deaths and fatal road crashes in Australia. Data are sourced from the road traffic or police authorities in each jurisdiction. You can also view monthly updated road safety statistics and an Australian Road Deaths Database. Upcoming industry eventsEvent organisers are carefully reviewing their arrangements to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Please be aware that details may change at short notice. IABSE Congress, Christchurch, 3-5 February 2021 17th ITS Asia Pacific Forum, Brisbane, 12-15 April 2021 Australasian Tunnelling Conference, Melbourne, 10-13 May 2021 AITPM National Traffic and Transport Conference, Brisbane, 27-30 July 2021 AAPA 2021 International Flexible Pavements Symposium "Roads going full circle" (online), 3-6 August 2021 IPWEA International Public Works Conference, Adelaide, 15-19 August 2021 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, 28-30 September 2021 |