Welcome to the Communique from the 20th and 21st meetings of the SA Arid Lands Landscape Board No images? Click here ![]() SA Arid Lands Landscape Board CommuniqueWelcome to the Communique of the SA Arid Lands Landscape Board. following its meeting in February. Due to the closeness to Christmas of the December meeting, some items from meeting 20 are also included in this edition.
![]() Hydrogen and Renewable Energy (HRE) Bill briefingThe Department for Energy and Mines attended the meeting in Port Augusta provided an update on the process relating to the HRE Bill – which at the time was going through the final stages of ascension in Parliament. The process for engaging with community to maximise pastoralist input and the context of multiple land tenures in the region along with the development of the Regulations was held with the Board. The Board has been engaged throughout the consultation processes and made submissions to the process. ![]() Building Pastoral Sustainability (BPS) OutcomesA presentation was provided to the Board by key personnel relating to the board’s flagship Ag program – Building Pastoral Sustainability. Originally a discrete project funded through the Regional Land Partnerships funding from the Australian Government, BPS has become the overarching program framework for all services delivered by SAAL relating to Sustainable Agriculture, incorporating the From the Ground Up Project (Future Drought Fund) the Sustainable Agriculture Facilitator (Australian Government – Department for Ag, Fisheries and Forestry/National Heritage Trust) and new innovations including Ag Tech Extension and Adoption. The presentation covered the Grazing Land Management Course update, soils projects outcomes and updates, and multiple partnership projects with the Drought Resiliencce, Innovation and Adoption Hub. Data on impact, improvement and change in pastoral practices and impacts were shared and well received by the Board. Communications ReviewA comprehensive report was presented by the Communications team on the suite of products, processes and outcomes relating to the communications the board develops, publishes and oversees. A presentation of analytical data on the successful and impactful communications products and the scope of future investment and effort to harness the effectiveness and reach of the board was discussed. The board confirmed its aspirations for the upcoming 12 months alongside the recent endorsement of a reviewed Communications and Engagement Strategy. Recognition of the value and impact of the comms products the board develops and the multiple mechanisms that are necessary to engage the range of stakeholders in a remote context who subscribe to the board’s business, has qualified the desired direction for communications, recognising the historical success and reach by readers and consumers near and far to the region. ![]() Landscape Group Member callThe board endorsed the annual district Landscape Group Call to commence from March with appointments to be made by June. Multiple existing members will and have applied to be reappointed with a small number of vacancies identified across the seven groups. A focus on balancing gender, skills across land management, cultural authority, community, ecological/NRM science and industry make up the group membership in each district. The board depends on the group model to remain engaged and connected across the many and varied areas of the SAAL region and welcomes new ideas and skills to the groups. Of note is the opportunity for leadership development and personal and professional growth of group members, who are paid to attend meetings, given the majority of the current SAAL Board is made up of former group members. ![]() Grassroots Grants Round 5A few changes were made to the 24/25 round of Grassroots Grants, the first being an extra investment to take the total grant amount to $150k. This is alongside the change to allow the maximum individual grant application from $10k to $20k per applicant. The Grants have opened up and will be open until 3 May before they are assessed and announced in June and successful projects able to commence from 1 July 2024. June Regional Meeting - Save the dateThe board is planning its annual regional board meeting in June which will be in partnership with the Pastoral Board in the North Flinders District. This will provide an opportunity for both boards to meet and discuss common issues and participate in some joint site visits and tours in the region. An evening community event to connect board members with community, landholders and partners and will provide an opportunity for the members to meet and hear directly from community. The finer details will be promoted to community for the event scheduled to occur on Wednesday 26 June. Biodiversity Act – Endorsement of Submission from Landscape Boards of SAThe Department for Environment and Water have recently consulted on the development of a proposed Biodiversity Act. The collective of all nine Landscape Boards prepared a submission to the development of this proposed which was reviewed and endorsed by the SAAL Board. Elements that the boards’ submission included were: · Support for an increased level of engagement and consultation with First Nations communities to support the protection and management of biodiversity through this proposed legislation. · A review of how clearance of native vegetation occurs and the consequences for nature and industry were also included to ensure biodiversity impacts are an absolute last resort as it applies to approving native vegetation clearance in high biodiversity value areas – aligned with a ‘nature positive’ approach to how decisions on land use and approvals are applied. · Supporting the notion of shared responsibility, greater transparency and improved threat identification and mitigation frameworks were also included in the recommendations made to the shaping of a new Biodiversity Act. The SAAL Board strongly endorsed the collective views and future close engagement throughout the development of a new Bill to reduce duplication or confusion alongside the SA Landscape Act 2019 in an endeavour to develop a strong biodiversity protection mandate that adds value and harnesses the strengths of other legislative instruments. Upcoming SAAL Board events4 April 2024 - Marine Discovery Centre Visit and School Incursions 6 April 2024 - Port Augusta Coastcare Community Education Day, The Barracks, Port Augusta 11 April 2024 - Feral Pig and Weed Workshop, Cockburn 3 May 2024 - Marree-Innamincka Group Meeting 82, online 9 May 2024 - Landscape Rehydration Workshop at Boolcoomatta Reserve 10 May 2024 - Marla-Oodnadatta Landscape Group meeting – online 27-28 May 2024 - 2-day Leadership Training Mannahill 30-31 May 2024 - 2-day Leadership Training Leigh Creek 5 June 2024 - Feral Pig and Weeds Workshop, Oodnadatta 7 June 2024 - Gawler Ranges and Port Augusta-Quorn combined group meeting, Dutchman's Stern Conservation Park Want to know more?Take a look at our social platforms below. |