No images? Click here November 2023 Dear Supporter, Welcome to the November edition of Seapost, The Seafarers' Charity's e-newsletter. In this issue, we're excited to share fantastic updates and important initiatives. We're thrilled to announce a new annual National Fishing Remembrance Day on Sunday, May 12, 2024, to commemorate all those who have lost their lives while fishing at sea. On Remembrance Sunday, we honoured the Royal and Merchant Navies and the UK Fishing Fleet with a wreath laid at the Merchant Navy War Memorial. We'd also like to highlight our new 'Working in UK Fishing Pre-Departure' films, produced in collaboration with Stella Maris and Waitrose, aiming to empower foreign crew members with insights into life in UK fishing fleets, legal rights, and avenues for support in case of abuse or exploitation. For those of you seeking a challenge while supporting our cause, you can make a difference by joining #TeamSeafarersKGFS for the London Marathon 2024. You can also support our keyworkers by shopping online on Black Friday or Cyber Monday, generating free donations at no extra cost to you. Check out the latest episode of the Sea Views podcast, exploring topics ranging from the role of insurance to initiatives supporting seafarers' mental health, funded by The Seafarers' Charity and CHIRP. Finally, we published a topical blog exploring the importance of creating a menopause-friendly workplace, contributing to the broader conversation on workplace inclusivity. For more information and resources, please visit our website. We deeply appreciate your continued support and hope you enjoy reading this edition of Seapost. Best wishes, Luca Selvaggio Editor The impact of your support in 2023Each year, we allocate over £2m in grants to various maritime and welfare charities. In 2023, your donations enabled us to award £2.4m through 67 grants, to support 50 diverse charities and organisations dedicated to delivering welfare services and safety initiatives for the well-being of seafarers and their families. First National Fishing Remembrance Day announcedOn World Fisheries Day, we have joined forces with the maritime welfare charities Stella Maris and The Fishermen's Mission to support a new annual National Fishing Remembrance Day for those who have lost their lives while fishing at sea. The first National Fishing Remembrance Day will take place on Sunday 12 May 2024. ![]() The Seafarers' Charity's tribute on Remembrance SundayOn Remembrance Sunday, Deborah Layde, Chief Executive of The Seafarers' Charity, laid a wreath at the Merchant Navy War Memorial during a remembrance service. The act was in memory of all those in the Royal and Merchant navies and the UK Fishing Fleet who have no grave but the sea. Our Chair was also invited to attend the Festival of Remembrance at the Royal Albert Hall, which, for the first time, recognised Fighting With Pride - an LGBT+ charity which we have funded, and which has successfully campaigned for an apology, compensation and recognition of the harm done to people dishonourably discharged for being gay in the military up until 2000 when the gay ban was finally lifted. Pre-departure films: a collaboration with Stella Maris and WaitroseOn our YouTube Channel, we have uploaded a series of four films that we worked on in partnership with Waitrose and Stella Maris. These new ‘pre-departure’ films are aimed at foreign crew to help them to understand what it is like to work in the UK fishing fleets, their legal rights and expectations and to understand how to seek support if experiencing abuse or exploitation. Many other retailers are also sharing these films to help empower and inform fishers. Waitrose have paid for these films to be translated into the nine most common languages used by foreign fishers working in the UK. Secure your charity place for TCS London Marathon 2024Missed out on the TCS London Marathon 2024 ballot? Don't worry! At The Seafarers’ Charity, we still have charity places available. Join #TeamSeafarersKGFS and raise funds to support seafarers and their families in need. Listen to inspiring stories from our #TeamSeafarersKGFS runners who participated in the London Marathon 2023 and discover the impactful difference their fundraising efforts make for seafarers and their families. Shopping online this Black Friday or Cyber Monday?Did you know that each of your purchases has the power to generate free donations in support of keyworkers transporting over 95% of the UK's trade? Shop online with EasyFundraising and The Giving Machine to make your deals count and contribute effortlessly to our crucial cause. P&I experts unveil maritime safety insights on the latest episode of Sea ViewsListen to the 6th episode of Sea Views to dive into the world of maritime safety with insights from Bill Moore and Yves Vandenborn, P&I specialists from The American Club and North Standard. Discover the role of insurance, explore high-profile incident claims, and learn about priorities for seafarer well-being. Creating a menopause-friendly workplaceOn 18 October, in celebration of World Menopause Day, we shared ideas about what some organisations are doing to create a Menopause-Friendly Workplace, highlighting the importance of supporting women through this natural life phase. By raising awareness, offering flexibility, and creating a supportive environment, employers can foster a menopause-friendly workplace. ![]() |