No images? Click here DON’T DELAY—START DOING NOTHING TODAY!![]() Photo by Pixabay from Pexels “The trick is to create a true post-work society, one that truly liberates human energies.... I have faith that the answers are waiting in billions of idle minds, and that the brightest among us have yet to realize that what they really need is a break, a chance to rest, a golden opportunity to do nothing at all.” —Andrew Smart VACATION ON DEMANDFriends go away, the U.S. Congress closes shop, and it becomes readily apparent that the month known for vacations is upon us. August is our time to take a break and indulge in a golden opportunity to do nothing at all. For some of us, this might be our last chance to go on vacation. For others, August may mean time at home to rest and explore favorite local spots of leisure and play. While August breaks are familiar, we can take vacation at any time by stopping and doing nothing for a few minutes or a few hours. No, it’s not the same, but periods of doing nothing offer their own set of unique advantages. Mastering strategic inaction—doing nothing—might be our best hope for attaining well-being and fulfillment while living in a society that runs at warp speed. Strategic inaction enables us to recognize moments when inaction offers a better option than action. For example, pausing to better understand a situation equips us to respond thoughtfully rather than react mindlessly. Whether there is a tangible benefit or not, periods of inaction and doing nothing can bestow respite, restoration, delight, joy, and pleasure. MORE VALUE THAN WE'VE EVER IMAGINEDGiven our culture’s overemphasis on productivity, it is sad but true that many of the ways we might do nothing are typically disparaged and discouraged. But they’re more valuable than we’ve ever imagined. Mind-wandering, laziness, and procrastination offer rest and enjoyment while facilitating creativity and problem solving. They’re inexpensive, accessible, and fun ways to take the frequent breaks we need to cope and prosper. What better time than vacation month to resurrect some of these approaches? Here are some ideas to get you started:
REFRAME RATHER THAN TRAINWe may know how to do nothing but not know how to adopt an attitude that frees us to stop at will, take a break, and re-balance. The Dutch call this stance “Niksen”; in Mumbai, they say “Timepass.” In both settings, the amazing benefits of regularly doing nothing are recognized and valued. There has never been a time when regularly doing nothing was so needed for our well-being as it is today. August is a good time to go against conventional thought and practice the alternative forms of vacation that mind wandering, laziness, and procrastination provide. Try doing nothing several times this month. I think you’ll find it more valuable than you realized. Joyce M. Young, MD, MPH ![]() Photo by Jennifer Murray on Pexels Sincerely, High health is now a business imperative. Your company needs it for competitive edge. The High Health Network makes it easy. Get the one sheet. |