Welcome to the Communique from the 25th meeting of the SA Arid Lands Landscape Board No images? Click here ![]() SA Arid Lands Landscape Board CommuniqueWelcome to the Communique of the SA Arid Lands Landscape Board following its meeting in June,. Regional Combined Board MeetingThe June meeting was hosted in the Flinders Ranges with both the SA Arid Lands and Pastoral Boards coming together after holding their individual board meetings in Leigh Creek and Copley. This annual trip provides a rich opportunity for information exchange, discussion and collaboration on common issues as well as a community event to engage more directly with the local community. The boards’ combined meeting was attended by the Deputy Premier and Minister for Climate, Environment and Water, Hon Susan Close who was all ears to the local issues, opportunities and outcomes associated with the business of both boards. Minister Close was able to reflect on the recent amendment to the Pastoral Land Management and Conservation Act to enable carbon and conservation activities on pastoral leases. Both boards welcomed her reflection on an ‘up curve’ in recent budget funding to the environment portfolio. The Minister’s focus on conservation, reducing extinction, the prolific threat of buffel grass to the environment and culture were key points she emphasised in the meeting. The boards provided briefings on matters of significance to the region including; fencing guidelines, the development of the Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Act and Regulations. They discussed the implications of this to local communities and industries and to the boards’ operational capacity. Discussions about goats, kangaroos, wild dog management, Public Access Routes and pastoral policies were all matters of interest where the boards identified opportunities to work more closely together. ![]() The boards visited Luke and Frances Frahn on Holowiliena Station and visited sites funded by the SAAL Grassroots and Building Pastoral Sustainability (BPS) Grants, including vegetation management and protection of the bullock bush. Members were also shown remedial works on water and soil erosion as a result of the property's participation in the BPS Property Management Planning (PMP). These have begun to make a difference to the cover and condition of critical vegetation. They shared some of the insights and benefits with the boards on their learnings and adaptations since participating in the inaugural PMP program. Their beautiful homestead, generous catering and hospitality were highly valued by both boards, as is their stewardship for the heritage and environment at the homestead and across the property. ![]() A visit to Nilpena Ediacara Conservation Park was a highlight to close out the regional tour. Ross Fargher, Pastoralist, International Amateur Scientist Award Winner and Tourism Operator hosted a tour of the property and the fossil beds, which were initially protected by him as a pastoralist. His work led to the transformation of the fossil beds now excised from his pastoral lease and included as a National Park. Dr Mary Droser, the pre-eminent scientist who has attended to research and protect the sites for over 20 years was also present to speak with the board members. A greater understanding of the World Heritage Bid, the significance of the site from both a science and protection perspective, topped off by the audio visual experience was a highlight for all in attendance.![]() A barbecue and informal catch up by both boards and Livestock SA was held at the Copley Hotel and was a welcome opportunity for locals and board members to connect for a broad update, and some valuable discussions between the local community and the many board members who value the opportunity to get out into the regions and connect casually over a barbecue. The SA Arid Lands Landscape Board meeting included discussion and endorsement of the following; Grassroots Grants 2024/25The board endorsed $150k in grants for 19 projects across the region. Successful projects of up to $20k include five First Nations led projects incorporating springs monitoring, Buffel Grass control, protection of rare and culturally significant flora, School Cultural camps across the region. A Coastcare project, Pest plant and animal control actions including pigs, Boxthorn, African rue, Noogoora burr were funded alongside native and endangered plant exclosures and revegetation and heritage protection projects were also included in this year’s successful projects. The board is pleased to fund initiatives that are a direct result of landholders’ upskilling and participation in some of the workshops, training and awareness raising it invests in. Grants are offered on the basis that there is an element of public good also incorporated in projects. Planning for Healthy Country GrantsThe board has now awarded six First Nations organisations with funding to support their development or review of plans associated with Native Title holdings likely to support ranger activities or enterprises that support greater capacity and participation of community on Country. Each of the six groups will receive up to $50k over the next two years, to support the planning process, essentially co-funded by the groups to maximise future opportunities for land management and protection across the region. This initiative delivers on another commitment to the Statement of Commitment outcomes to support stronger partnerships and joint endeavour across the outback of SA with our First Nations partners. It is in line with a promise by all Landscape Boards to do better and be better when it comes to our reconciliation aspirations. 2025 Business Plan Endorsed The board has endorsed its 2025 Business Plan – the financial blue print that sits alongside the board's five year Strategic Plan. The Business Plan captures the new funding sourced by the board to deliver outcomes across Sustainable Agriculture, Climate variability, conservation and biodiversity objectives, all in partnership with community, partners and other Landscape Boards. The new Business Plan can be found here COMING EVENTS16 July 2024 – North Flinders Fun Day @ Mount Little 28 July 2024 – National Tree Day event @ Yunta 2 August 2024 – Port Augusta-Quorn Landscape Group Meeting @ Quorn 16 August 2024 – North East Pastoral Landscape Group Meeting @ Yunta 23 August 2024 – Marree-Innamincka Landscape Group Meeting online. 23 August 2024 – Sheep eID Day @ Quorn 12 September 2024 – North Flinders Landscape Group Meeting @Leigh Creek 27 September 2024 – Marree-Innamincka District Fun Day @ Aroona Dam 14 October 2024 – Outback Ladies Muster @ Hawker 20 March 2025 – SA Arid Lands Pastoral Field Day @ Port Augusta |