National Reconciliation WeekNational Reconciliation Week runs from 27 May to 3 June each year, commemorating two significant milestones in Australia's reconciliation journey - the anniversary of the 1967 referendum (27 May), and the day of the High Court Mabo decision in 1992 (3 June).
The theme for 2024, Now More Than Ever, 'is a reminder to all of us that no matter what, the fight for justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people will —and must —continue.'
You can read more about NRW2024 on the Reconciliation Australia website here.
UCA members and congregations are encouraged to mark and take part in National Reconciliation Week. Worship resources are available prepared by the Synods of Victoria/Tasmania and South Australia, as well as resources from Common Grace and Reconciliation Australia
History of CovenantingAs the Uniting Church in Australia (UCA) approaches 30 years since the Covenant was formed between the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress (UAICC) and UCA, this Revive article by Rev Dr Alison Longworth looks back at some of the key moments leading up to the Covenant, how it was acknowledged at the Annual Synod of WA of the same year, and the ongoing Covenanting journey in the church as we continue to walk together as First and Second
Good Sammy Open DaySAVE THE DATE - 22 August Good Sammy Enterprises are hosting an Open Day for Uniting Church WA community at their Canning Vale facility on Thursday 22 August from 10.00am to 12.00pm. Join Good Sammy for a presentation from CEO Kane Blackman, a tour of their recycling facilities and a delicious morning tea. RSVP to Tina Cazzolli at
World Environment Day PrayerWorld Environment Day is celebrated every year on 5 June. This year the theme is ‘accelerating land restoration, drought resilience & desertification’. This prayer is offered by Rev Gordon Scantlebury for your worship or personal prayer time leading up to World Environment Day, or at a time that suits your congregation.
Formation for AllFormation for All is an opportunity to enrich your faith journey and deepen your understanding of discipleship.
The workshop will take place on Saturday 8 June from 9.30am to 1.00pm at Leeming Uniting Church. The theme is ‘Towards a Culture of Discipleship Making’ which will be led by Rob Douglas, Presbytery Minister: Mission. A Lay Preachers gathering will follow from 1.00pm to 3.00pm.
Act2 Speaks Your Language - the Act2 Project team has released a suite of language resources to help people engage with the Act2 report. The resources are currently available in 16 languages. Walking for a Cause - Trek for Timor 2024 wrap up. On a sunny Sunday afternoon in May, 38 people set out on an 8km walk around the river, over the Mount Henry and Canning Bridges, to raise money for our partner foundation in East Timor, Lafaek Diak. 19th Annual Meeting of the Presbytery of WA -
will be held on Saturday 15 June from 9.00am to 4.00pm at All Saints Floreat Uniting Church. Reports and proposals will be available early June. Financial Wellbeing Information Session - UnitingWA in partnership with the City of Fremantle are offering a free information session sharing tips and resources
for financial wellness. Wednesday 29 May, 11.30am to 12.00pm, Fremantle Park Centre, 36 Ellen St, Fremantle. Classical Piano Recital at Willetton UC - On 16 June 2024 at 10.45am the Willetton Uniting Church is putting on their popular once-a-year showcase of youthful talent. Six advanced piano students aged from 7- 18 will deliver a programme of classical works. These virtuoso-standard kids will blow your socks off with their mastery of the Yamaha.
Worship Service at 9.15, Morning Tea before the concert at 10.15. For enquiries contact Lyn Muir Kalamunda Market Day - Kalamunda Uniting Church are having a Market Day on Saturday 1 June from 9.00am to 12.00pm. There will be delicious scones, cake and sandwiches to tempt you with your morning tea or coffee. Browse the book
tables in the hall and the crafts, jams and cakes in the foyer and plants and bric-a-brac outside. Uniting Church WA Campsite - Please note the UCWA campsite in Busselton is closing for maintenance during the winter season. If you would like to enquire about booking for the July school holidays please contact Lora Brown, Property Services on or 9260 9800 Wellbeing for the Sacred Earth - last week we featured this story from Rev Ken Devereux, originally published in Revive magazine. Unfortunately the link was incorrect so we are sharing it again for those who were
hoping to read it!
May- Friday 31 May, 7.30pm. Solace in the City at Uniting Church in the City, Wesley Perth.
- Friday 31 May. Uniting Church Centre closed
This week we pray for: All Saints Floreat and St Aidan’s Claremont Uniting Churches
The President of the Uniting Church in Australia and National Assembly Staff
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