![]() EVST News October 21, 2024 Upcoming Events"Landing the Paris Agreement: A Climate Change Book Talk" |Todd D. Stern (Former Special Envoy for Climate Change) | Law, Ethics, and Animals Program at Yale Law School Wednesday, October 23 4:30 PM | Sterling Law Building, Room 127 (127 Wall Street) | The story of how the Paris Climate Agreement was achieved is a remarkable one with lessons for all who are concerned with the challenge of global governance. No one knows the story of how this was achieved more intimately than former Special Envoy for Climate Change Todd D. Stern. This event will allow the community to hear the story firsthand from its author and to engage with Special Envoy Stern in conversation about lessons learned and possibilities for progress on climate change going forward. Open to members of the Yale Community. Registration here. Who Are the Real Climate Polluters in Our Food System Matthew Hayek (New York University) Law, Ethics, and Animals Program at Yale Law School Jackson School 5-year B.A.-B.S.-M.P.P. program information session | Thursday, November 7 at 5pm in Horchow Hall. Registration link. Current first-semester juniors from any major are eligible to apply this year, but we are also seeking to build interest from current first-years and sophomores who may want to begin thinking about applying in the future. For students who are unable to attend the information session, we have a general inquiry form here. Sarah Cheung EVST' 25 will be attending the Jackson School next year. Contact her with questions about the application process experience. Opportunities The CC Lab is looking for student research assistants for the spring semester. The CC Lab is a climate non-profit based in New Haven. They spun out the Yale School of the Environment earlier this year but continue to have many ties to Yale. Their mission is to develop and support emergent climate solutions by applying scientific, entrepreneurial, and investment expertise. Apply by November 30. Details and application here. Future Leaders in Public Service Internship Program – USDA Tribal Agriculture and Food Program (Washington D.C.) is accepting applicants for summer 2025. The program pairs selected interns with USDA staff whose internship areas focus on a range of topics including Forest Service and Indigenous Food Sovereignty. Learn more here and apply by November 22nd. Virtual Information Session: October 24, 5-6:00pm. Register here. ![]() Post Grad Opportunities The Uriarte lab at Columbia University in New York is seeking a doctoral student to study the effects of drought on tropical forests in the island of Puerto Rico. Within this general area, the topic of research is flexible. Interested parties should contact Dr. Uriarte at mu2126@columbia.edu. Please include your CV and a brief statement about your interests. The Institute for Applied Ecology (IAE) SW Rare Plant Monitoring Technician | IAE is a non-profit founded in 1999 with a mission to conserve native species and habitats through restoration, research, and education. Their vision is a world where all people and wildlands are healthy and interact positively, biological diversity flourishes, and environmental challenges are met with a social commitment to solving problems with scientific principles. Details here. Opportunities in Past Newsletters
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