Reducing barriers to voting, Supreme Court decision and more


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NEWS FROM THE HAAS, JR. FUND     |    June 13, 2024
Web version
A line of voters waiting to cast their ballots

Looking Ahead to November 2024

Dear Friend,

In this pivotal election year, the Haas Jr. team is focused on how to ramp up efforts to increase voter turnout, participation, and leadership among communities that are traditionally cast aside every election cycle. We want our communities to show up and vote—we want them to be part of decision-making and build alliances so we can achieve the long-term reforms that benefit everyone and not the powerful few. We know that those who vote have more power in society.

Over the years we’ve learned that one of the best tools to achieve these goals is through civic engagement tables. Each table serves as an organizing entity for a regional network of nonpartisan organizations that can collaborate and develop a shared agenda for their communities. Along with community and funder partners, Haas Jr. has been supporting and seeding these tables across California since 2013 and we’ve seen the profound impact their organizing and power-building has had on voter turnout and changes in leadership.

Consider this: After the establishment of the Orange County Civic Engagement Table in 2017, turnout for the 2018 midterm elections was up by 60% in some congressional districts. Four out of every five voters that were contacted by members of the table said that was the first time anyone actively reached out to them about voting. Since then, Haas Jr. and other funders have looked to build these tables across California, the most recent one being the Central Coast one in 2024 that cover Ventura and Santa Barbara counties.

Cathy Cha Signature
Cathy Cha

President & CEO
Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund

A young person photographed while registering to vote
GOTV on the Road to November

Checking in with our grantee partners on what they're doing to help realize the promise of a multiracial democracy in this vital election year.

A young person seen dropping his ballot into a ballot box
Why All Funders Should Be Democracy Funders

A new Inside Philanthropy op-ed co-authored by our own Cathy Cha and Ralph Lewin, executive director of the Peter E. Haas, Jr. Family Fund.

Photo of a San Bernardino County voter heading into a polling place
Redefining Civic Engagement in California's Inland Empire

We recently spoke with Sky Allen of the Inland Empire United Education Fund about her organization's work to build the power and voice of historically disenfranchised communities.

Photo of a demonstrator whose shirt reads "Every Student, Every Worker, Every Person Deserves an Equal Opportunity to Succeed"
A Pathway to Opportunity Beyond DACA

The Opportunity for All campaign is urging the UC system to provide work authorization and hire undocumented students without DACA for campus jobs and careers.

Student conversing with her high school counselor
Supporting Students in Their College Journey

The Southern California College Attainment Network (SoCal CAN) provides direct support to students in the Los Angeles region and advocates for increased financial aid availability.

Photo of two people huddled over data on their desk
We're Hiring!

We are currently in search of a Senior Associate for Grants and Data Management. This is a unique opportunity for someone looking to use their strong tech and data management skills to advance equality and justice. Please share widely!