48th Annual Synod of WA Begins with Worship“Seek always to hear the word of Christ speaking to us, and to be reminded day by day that Christ goes ahead of us, leading always. May that be a spirit of our Synod.”
Uniting Church in Australia, Synod of Western Australia Moderator, Rev Dr Ian Tozer led the opening service of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Synod of WA on Friday 13 September 2024. You can read about the worship service, and view photos from the evening on our website.
48th Annual Synod of WA HighlightsLay and ordained members elected from our Uniting Church WA congregations and faith communities of the Presbytery of Western Australia, eight schools and colleges and three agencies came together for fellowship, to discern, and to discuss issues of importance in the life of the Uniting Church in Australia, Western Australia, and the wider community. They gathered for the 48th Annual Meeting of the Synod of Western Australia on Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 September 2024 at Scotch College in Swanbourne. You can read highlights and see photos from Saturday and Sunday now on our news blog!
A statement from the President for the World Week for Peace in Palestine and IsraelPresident Rev Charissa Suli calls the Uniting Church to pray for the Holy Land as the World Council of Churches' World Week for Peace in Palestine and Israel begins. Churches all over the world are invited by the World Council of Churches to pray, advocate, and stand in solidarity with people in the Holy Land during the week, observed on 16 to 22 September
Godly Play Core TrainingExpressions of Interest Now Open
Core Training is an intense three-day course in which participants are immersed in Godly Play practice, and learn and tell a story for supportive feedback and evaluation. The core training required to achieve accreditation as a storyteller/doorperson takes three days (a minimum of 21 hours training). The training dates will be 1 to 3 March 2025 at a cost of $550. In order to proceed, this training will need ten participants. Expressions of interest will close on Monday 17 December 2024. Registrations will open on Monday 7 January 2025.
Uniting Outreach Mandurah - 50 Year CelebrationsJoin Mandurah Uniting Church as they celebrate 50 years of Uniting Outreach Mandurah on Friday 20 September at 2.00pm at Mandurah Uniting Church, 156 Pinjarra Rd, Mandurah. Please RSVP to Coral Richards by email - crichrds@iinet.net.au You can read more about the work of Uniting Outreach Mandurah in this Revive article.
- Remembering our commitments on domestic and family violence (UCA) - Uniting Church President Rev Charissa Suli writes about the ecumenical conference she attended recently and the Government's new funding commitment for DFV supports.
- UnitingCare Australia welcomes action on
new Aged Care Act (UnitingCare) - UnitingCare Australia, together with the UnitingCare Network, welcomes action on aged care in Parliament House today by the Federal Government and the Federal Opposition.
- Faiths for Climate Justice Perth Launch is on Tuesday 17 September at 9.30am - outside St Mary’s Catholic Cathedral, Perth. For more information go to the event page or contact ARRCC WA rep Rev Ken Devereux kendevx@gmail.com
Floreat Uniting Church Creative Living Centre is seeking a new pro bono Accountant/Treasurer. It is a valuable and well run registered charity and the time required is small. The MYOB bookkeeping system is kept by the Administrator and Board meetings held quarterly. Contact Geoff Schupp, Chair on 0409 985 538 or Marie Yuncken, Secretary on 0410 061 279 for further information. Old Manse Markets - all are welcome to the Old Manse Markets at Wesley Chapel, 91 James St, Guildford on Saturday 5 October, from 8.00am to 12.00pm.
This week we pray for: The Board of Finance and Investment, Social Justice Commission, Uniting Church Adult Fellowship WA, Mission Resourcing Committee and the International Partnerships and Development Commission
Job opportunities within the Uniting Church WA
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