22 November 2023#21
afrika Platform

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world

Nelson Mandela


Inaugural Lecture of the Endowed Chair of South Africa: Languages, Literature, Culture and Society: 23/11/2023

You are cordially invited to the inaugural lecture of this year's endowed Chair of South Africa: Languages, Literature, Culture and Society at Ghent University.

In her inaugural lecture, the acclaimed South African writer, philosopher, and professor emeritus at Stellenbosch University, Marlene van Niekerk examines what kind of critical apparatus would be needed to best identify the conditions of possibility under which Afrikaans literature was produced and the levels of self-understanding that can be expected from a historically privileged South African who teaches literature to students abroad.

International Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Conference - ‘The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 75: Rethinking and Constructing its Future Together’ - 6-8/12/2023

The 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights will be celebrated on 10 December 2023. Since its adoption, the Declaration has been read in multiple ways. Some have been inspired by it, others have found it wanting. At this conference, Ghent University will take stock and look forward, embracing a resolute engagement with human rights in their multiple contemporary dimensions.

The conference is an initiative of the UGent Human Rights Research Network (HRRN), which brings together researchers at Ghent University working on human rights in different disciplines. 

We want to inject human rights with new energy, learn from each other and join forces. We shall meet, we shall walk, we shall talk, we shall co-create. Look at this conference as a major brainstorm—or as a big celebration from which you will return with new ideas, new friendships and new resolutions.

There is a thematic track on decolonial and racial justice.

Internationale Conferentie: Reimagining power structures: The potential of feminist foreign policy - 17/1/2024

De Adviesraad Gender en Ontwikkeling nodigt u uit voor de internationale conferentie “Reimagining power structures: The potential of feminist foreign policy”.

Kom op deze internationale conferentie meer te weten over het belang van het versterken van feministische bewegingen in buitenlands beleid en internationale solidariteit. Het zal ook een gelegenheid zijn om de uitdagingen en kansen van een feministisch buitenlands beleid voor België en de Europese Unie in een steeds veranderende politieke context te verkennen.

ANSER Conference: Catalysing Change: Enhancing Evidence-Based Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Policies in Challenging Times - 7-9/2/2024

We are excited to announce that the registration is open for our upcoming  ANSER Conference "Catalysing Change: Enhancing Evidence-Based Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Policies in Challenging Times", which will be held from February 7th to February 9th, 2024, in Brussels (Belgium).

Capitalizing on the momentum of the ICPD30 anniversary, the Belgian EU Presidency and the upcoming EU elections, this conference will bring together renowned researchers, policymakers, advocates, and program implementers from around the world to examine the multifaceted dimensions needed to re-energize the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) agenda.

Réseau Pan-Africain de Nématologie Workshop 2024 - 12 & 13/3/2024

Les 12 et 13 mars 2024, le troisième atelier international PANEMA se tiendra à Cotonou, au Bénin. Cet atelier de deux jours, organisé par l'Université d'Abomey-Calavi, au Bénin, réunira des nématologues qualifiés, des chercheurs en début de carrière, des étudiants, des vulgarisateurs agricoles et des agriculteurs de tout le Bénin et de l'Afrique de l'Ouest.

L'objectif de cet atelier PANEMA au Bénin est de fournir des opportunités éducatives supplémentaires pour ceux qui travaillent dans l'agriculture et la nématologie dans un contexte ouest-africain.

Boekpublicatie: Geen land voor dromen

Geschiedenis van de Zuid-Afrikaanse Nederlandse literatuur

Dat er in Zuid-Afrika Afrikaans wordt gesproken en geschreven, is algemeen bekend en dat er in de zeventiende en achttiende eeuw, de tijd van de VOC, door ambtenaren in de Kaapkolonie officiële journalen en rapporten in het Nederlands werden geschreven, zal niemand verbazen.

Er bestaat echter ook een Zuid-Afrikaanse Nederlandse literatuur: poëzie, toneel en verhalend proza geschreven in het Nederlands door inwoners van Zuid-Afrika. Daar is in de geschiedschrijving van de Nederlandse literatuur amper aandacht aan besteed.

Eep Francken en Olf Praamstra voeren ons mee door deze boeiende letterkunde, vanaf het ontstaan ervan in 1652 tot in de eenentwintigste eeuw.



Open Doors Fellowship Program: Applications are open!

The Open Doors Fellowship Program, coordinated by IPBO (International Plant Biotechnology Outreach) in collaboration with VLIR-UOS and UGent, is currently accepting applications from post-doctoral and mid-career women scientists in African research centers.

The program is meticulously designed to equip participants with new skills, foster professional networks, and enhance scientific visibility to ensure talents remain into the scientific pipeline.

3 PhD research positions (4 years) in African and Global History - application deadline: 18/12/2023

The History Department at Ghent University is recruiting 3 doctoral fellows for the ERC Starting Grant Project ‘CATTLEFRONTIERS – (Post)Colonial Catle Frontiers: Capitalism, Science and Empire in Southern and Central Africa, 1890s-1970s’ (2023-2028), under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Samuël Coghe.

Call for papers - International workshop: Scientific Analyses on Pottery Finds from Africa - deadline: 31/1/2024

Pottery production on the African continent is among the oldest in the world, and in many regions, the practice has endured into modern times. Compared to other parts of the world, the study of pottery in and from Africa using modern scientific techniques is still in its infancy. The main goal of this (online) workshop is to bring researchers together and examine the current state of scientific studies on pottery across Africa.

Launch of the Call for VLIR-UOS TEAM projects 2024 - Stage 1 Concept notes - deadline: 8/12/2023

With TEAM projects, VLIR-UOS aims to strengthen the research and educational capacities of higher education and science institutions in partner countries. In addition, TEAM projects are expected to create the conditions for uptake of new and relevant knowledge, applications and/or services by academic, civil society, private and public actors.

A TEAM project is expected to produce results within the duration of maximum 5 years.

The projects allow for medium-term capacity building, e.g. through PhD research, curriculum development, network building, etc.



Afrika Focus 36:2 is published!

The peer-reviewed and Scopus-listed journal Afrika Focus promotes critical and worldly debates with Africa at the centre. It accepts scholarly contributions dealing with current trends and new developments at both empirical and theoretical levels, and encourages the submission of work from new generations of researchers based in the continent.

Afrika Focus is edited by the AUGent Africa Platform, in collaboration with the University of the Western Cape in South Africa.

We are proud to present you this new issue!

First AUGent Africa Forum - 8/12/2023

On the agenda of this first AUGent Africa Forum:

  • Introducing GAP / Learn more about our community and vision
  • Impact assessment / Share your thoughts on our contribution to your success
  • GAP in 2024 / Introducing an ambitious planning
  • Funding for Africa / Discover funding opportunities tailored to Africa
  • Reception / Network with your peers

Want to learn more about the six Regional Platforms? Take a look at www.ugent.be/regionalplatforms
to find all the information you need.

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