RoadWatch: Roundup November 2021 Welcome to our monthly Austroads RoadWatch: Roundup for November. Discover our latest news, published reports, Guide updates, webinars and events. 2020-21 Annual ReportAustroads has published its 2020-21 annual report. The report provides a detailed review of Austroads’ progress against its strategic plan. At a glance, in 2020-21 Austroads:
![]() New signage proposed to divert over-height vehicles approaching tunnels![]() A recently completed project has recommended changes to the Austroads Guide to Road Tunnels Part 2: Planning, Design and Commissioning to rationalise road signs on the approaches to tunnels, to divert over-height and dangerous goods vehicles approaching tunnel entrances. Diverting these vehicles away from tunnels wherever possible is crucial to avoiding potentially serious and negative impacts. The signage guidance is designed to better inform drivers of the risks and limitations of the clearance heights of their vehicles, and to enable the driver to clearly identify routes that avoid tunnels and their approaches. Thursday, 2 December 2021, 1-2 pm AEDT Join a webinar presented by the project manager Bob Allen and report authors Marcus van der Velden, Lindsay Edmonds and Charmaine Joe. Help shape Austroads’ new digital engineering guide![]() Transport professionals across Australia and New Zealand are invited to share their experiences around the adoption of digital processes for the delivery of capital projects and maintenance of assets, to help inform a comprehensive new digital engineering guide. In response to government and industry needs, Austroads has commenced planning the delivery of a new Guide to Digital Engineering. The consistent application of digital engineering will help Australasian transport agencies to deliver, maintain and operate their assets more effectively. The consultation process is seeking frank advice about all levels of digital engineering challenges. The feedback will be used to clarify problems, identify solutions and help shape and inform the document, to ensure it addresses the needs, gaps and common barriers to the consistent adoption of digital engineering. To submit your feedback or for further information, please contact Maria Chiozzi at Consultation closes on 10 December 2021. New Work Tip provides practical steps to producing and using EME2![]() A new Work Tip has been added to the collection of practical guidance produced by Austroads Asphalt Research Reference Group and the Australian Flexible Pavement Association. The Work Tip provides advice on the production and paving of EME2 – a high modulus asphalt used in structural layers for new construction and rehabilitation. Three existing Work Tips on asphalt joints, bituminous surfacing characteristics and air voids in dense graded asphalt have also been updated to reflect current best practice. Read more | Download the linked index of the Pavement Work Tips Austroads will lead the Australian Road Assessment Program (AusRAP)![]() Leadership of the Australian Road Assessment Program (AusRAP) is transitioning from the Australian Automobile Association to Austroads. Recognising the extensive use of the AusRAP protocols and systems at an institutional level by road agencies across Australia, the Austroads-led AusRAP Program will build on an extensive platform of local experience and application by state and local government agencies, motoring clubs, Austroads and ARRB. The partnership will continue to benefit from, and contribute to, the global iRAP partnerships that are in place in over 100 countries worldwide. Tuesday, 23 November 2021, 4-5 pm AEDT Join Austroads' Geoff Allan and Michael Nieuwesteeg, iRAP's Rob McInerney and James Bradford and John Hardwick from Transport for NSW to hear about new leadership, governance and future steps for AusRAP as well as global directions and learnings. Thursday, 25 November 2021, 4.30-6 pm AEDT Following on from the Austroads webinar, ITE-ANZ will host a practitioner seminar focused on practical aspects of AusRAP star ratings in policy, road investment and safety auditing. Register here. PIARC international seminar: Climate change adaptation and resilience on road networks![]() PIARC will hold a virtual international seminar on climate change adaptation and resilience of road networks in low- and middle-income countries on 6 and 8 of December 2021 from 2 to 5 pm EAT. The goal of the seminar is to exchange information between countries. It will include discussions of key learnings and best-practice climate change and resilience examples already in place, and future considerations. The seminar will be beneficial to government agencies officials, private operators and The event is co-organised by the Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) and PIARC Technical Committee 1.4 Climate Change and Resilience of Road Networks, Chaired by Caroline Evans, Australia. PIARC Road Tunnels committee meetingRoad Tunnels Technical Committee 4.4 held its fourth meeting in the 2020-2023 cycle of the World Road Association (PIARC) in November 2021. Technical Committee 4.4 has been formed to focus on road tunnels within PIARC's Strategic Theme 4. The goal of Strategic Theme 4 is to improve the quality and efficiency of road infrastructure through the effective management of assets in accordance with user expectations and government requirements. The committee addresses the construction and maintenance of tunnels as well as future use of data-driven approaches for preventive and/or predictive maintenance. Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030 released![]() The World Health Organisation and the United Nations Regional Commissions, in cooperation with other partners in the United Nations Road Safety Collaboration, have developed a Global Plan for the Decade of Action. The Global Plan is a guiding document to support the implementation of the Decade of Action 2021–2030 and its objectives. It aligns with the Stockholm Declaration, by emphasizing the importance of a holistic approach to road safety, and calling on continued improvements in the design of roads and vehicles; enhancement of laws and law enforcement; and provision of timely, life-saving emergency care for the injured. The Global Plan also reflects the Stockholm Declaration’s promotion of policies to promote walking, cycling and using public transport as inherently healthy and environmentally sound modes of transport. Supply Chain Benchmarking Dashboard released![]() The Supply Chain Benchmarking Dashboard developed by CSIRO and the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications has been released for public. The dashboard provides a comprehensive set of benchmarks to assist performance evaluation and international comparison. This project uses the TraNSIT facility to better inform transport infrastructure decision making. The interactive dashboard currently covers 130 commodities, and around 65 per cent of road and 95 per cent of rail freight trips. The dashboard is also complemented by new international benchmarking reports covering 10 different sectors and 6 commodities in detail: fuel, seafood, paper, milk, vehicles, and general containerised imports. The benchmarks provide insights on:
Austroads tendersClosing Monday, 29 November 2021 - 05:00 PM AEDT
Closing Wednesday 1 December 2021 - 05:00 PM AEDT
Closing Friday 3 December 2021 - 05:00 PM AEDT
There is no charge for our webinars, but registration is essential. If you can’t make the live session, register and we will send you a link to the recording. New Direction for AusRAP – Austroads leadership of Australian Road Assessment Program | Register Guide to Road Tunnels Part 2 Update: Rationalising Network Signage for Over-height Vehicles | Register Road Authority Data for Connected and Automated Vehicles | Register Road-grade Recycled Plastics for Sustainable Asphalt Pavements Part 1 | Register Road-grade Recycled Plastics for Sustainable Asphalt Pavements Part 2 | Register BITRE researchBITRE's monthly bulletin contains current counts and summaries of road crash deaths and fatal road crashes in Australia. Data are sourced from the road traffic or police authorities in each jurisdiction. You can also view monthly updated road safety statistics and an Australian Road Deaths Database. Upcoming industry eventsEvent organisers are carefully reviewing their arrangements to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Please be aware that details may change at short notice. AfPA TechTalk – High RAP asphalt mixes and the role of rejuvenators, online, 23 November 2021 Zero Emission Buses (ZEB’s) Forum, online, 1 December 2021 Transport Knowledge Conference 2021, Wellington NZ, 1 December 2021 PIARC international seminar: Climate change adaptation and resilience on road networks, online, 6-8 December 2021 ARRB Symposium "Integrated Mobility Impacts 2022", Melbourne, first half of 2022 Engineering, Innovation, and Technology Forum, Brisbane, 1-3 February 2022 IPWEA International Public Works Conference, Adelaide, 1-5 May 2022 MEGATRANS: Reimagining the supply chain, Melbourne, 24-26 August 2022 |