Welcome to the July edition of the Salamanca Market stallholder news ![]() Hi everyone, It has been a crazy couple of weeks with the Salamanca team, working hard to finalise the new licence agreements. I'd like to start by thanking all of our licensed stallholders for working with us to get as many signed as possible before last Saturday. We don't have too many left to go, which is fantastic! Secondly, a big thank you to the team for all of the work that has gone into this, from collating agreements to executing on-site, it has been a massive amount of work and we wouldn't have got there without their commitment - thank you! Some of you might be aware, this is my final week with the City of Hobart before I commence my next exciting adventure back in operations/retail land working across our beautiful state. I've thoroughly enjoyed my time at the City of Hobart and have developed a lot of insight into local government and all it offers. As a team, the Welcome Pad has worked extremely hard over the past 12 months, implementing new initiatives for Salamanca Market and most importantly, finalising the new license agreement. There is definitely a part of my heart being left with Salamanca Market. I appreciate more than ever the commitment and effort that our stallholders put in to deliver this iconic event every week! As some of you know, I now regularly shop down there at some of the stalls, so I will be sure to say hi when I visit! Commencing next week, Lisa Punshon, who is currently Program Manager City Economy & Visitor Experience, will be stepping into my role for the interim period until a permanent appointment is made. Join me in welcoming Lisa to the team :-) Have a great weekend everyone & chat soon. Tristan Merrett - Manager Welcome Pad Above The warehouses on Salamanca Place. ![]() Supporting stallholders We were recently asked if a support person could attend meetings between stallholders and the City, in particular for grievance matters. A support person can be a great resource and is welcome to attend these types of meetings. The primary role of a support person is to provide emotional support for a stallholder during meetings and to act as a witness. A support person may also take notes, explain or clarify questions, act as a sounding board or request a short break. A support person might be a family member or friend, another stallholder or a committee member of the SMSA. Importantly, the choice of person is yours and meeting times are negotiated to fit in with everyone's diaries. Above Enjoying a burger from Coburg & Co. ![]() New flights to Hobart Rex Airlines announced that it will operate direct flights daily between Melbourne – Hobart from 17 August 2023. Rex is the first new airline in a number of years to provide services on this important route, providing more options for travellers and boosting capacity to meet demand for the spring and summer season into Hobart. Above Walking along Salamanca Place. ![]() International tourist update Last week, Tourism Tasmania's CEO, Sarah Clark, joined a delegation of state tourism organisation CEOs for Tourism Australia’s China Mission. Pre-COVID, China was a top source market for Tasmania, with Chinese visitors making up around 15 per cent of total international visitors. The latest visitor data shows that Chinese visitors began returning to Tasmania in the March quarter 2023 and are currently at around 25 per cent of the visitation for the same quarter in 2019. Tourism Tasmania is delivering a number of activities to help drive demand from the Chinese market, along with other important customer market segments of New Zealand, USA, UK, Singapore and Hong Kong. The Salamanca Market team continues to work closely with Tourism Tasmania to benefit the market. Above Mongrel Socks. ![]() Options for casual stallholders Casual stallholders might be interested to know that we can facilitate the sharing of sites with other casual stallholders. This might assist those who want to trade often, but can only make a small amount of product or those looking to share the cost of a site. Casual stallholders are welcome to approach us already partnered up, or you can register your interest with us via salamancamarket@hobartcity.com.au. Above A wooden chopping board with devil. ![]() Comings and goings We are pleased to welcome the following new stallholders to Salamanca Market:
and we farewell:
Above Hartzview Vineyard. ![]() Farewell from Thea I feel really fortunate to have worked closely with stallholders and the team over the last few years. Navigating the market through Covid was a huge challenge for stallholders and our team, and an incredible achievement to reflect on. I am proud of retiring the casual telephone booking system too! I don't think anyone misses that. My last day with the Salamanca Market team will be Friday, 8 September. I sincerely wish the market, the team and all stallholders the absolute best. Above A honey tin. ![]() Winter promotions If you have any exciting new products or classic winter favourites, please let us know! We are always looking for new content for our social media pages. Please email us at salamancamarket@hobartcity.com.au, send us a few photos and let us know what winter things you are doing! Also, don't forget to tag us in your social media posts so we can reshare them - @salamancamarket or #salamancamarket Above Grizzly Hatters beanie ![]() Update your website page Each year, thousands of people visit the Salamanca Market website and are often looking for information about a particular stall, stallholder contact details, or searching for a product. Your stallholder page is an important way you can promote your business for free. Please note that updates to the stallholder pages will be an ongoing project and will occur over several months. Above Some fabric from Boutique de Cashmere. Your ideas are welcome! This is your stallholder newsletter and we welcome new ideas. If you would like to see something different or have an idea for the next newsletter, let us know at salamancamarket@hobartcity.com.au |