This month, recent headlines have highlighted international cultural exchange and governmental collaborations with a focus on recognising Indigenous knowledge across regions.
At an international level, the World Intellectual Property Organisation has recently adopted a groundbreaking new treaty on intellectual property, genetic resources, and associated traditional knowledge, recognising Indigenous peoples' invaluable cultural contributions. Governments around the world, have recognised that this treaty is an important step toward further protection of First Nations people’s traditional knowledge. On a regional level, recent
news from the Pacific has highlighted the recognition of Indigenous literature and traditional language. In Australia, the Government introduced legislation to establish two new Indigenous arts bodies, and the Cook Islands has placed an importance on traditional language preservation.
For our part in international cultural exchange this month, our Executive Director Magdalena Moreno Mujica presented at the 40th Meeting of the Council of Pacific Arts and Culture in Honolulu, Hawai’i and during this week, we held our 10th Pacific Chapter meeting which took place alongside the 13th Festival for Pacific Arts and Culture – one of the largest gatherings of Indigenous Pacific Islanders, drawing artists and cultural practitioners. The
regional meetings and culture exchange connected both governments and communities to share knowledge and practice and addressed issues such as protecting traditional knowledge and cultural expressions. Moreover, this month, IFACCA officially welcomed the National Cultural Commission of Papua New Guinea as a new National Member of the Federation, whose mandate is to facilitate, preserve, protect, develop, and promote the traditional cultures of the Indigenous people of Papua New Guinea.
In the Americas, Paraguay has hosted the 56th Meeting of the MERCOSUR Ministers of Culture on 7 June which brought together senior representatives from the region to discuss safeguarding the cultural diversity of Indigenous peoples, with an emphasis on citizenship and respect for human rights. In Canada, it is National Indigenous History Month, and the Canadian Government has committed to permanently supporting the Indigenous Screen Office so Indigenous
peoples can continue to tell their stories. While in Asia, the National Commission for Culture and the Arts, Philippines recently celebrated their National Heritage Month with a thematic focus on Indigenous peoples and during this month has collaborated with Malaysia on cultural exchange activities. In Africa, Nigeria collaborated with China with the Charge D’affairs of the Chinese Embassy Mr. Zhang Yi reaffirming China’s commitment to collaborate with Nigeria in cultural exchange
programmes and infrastructure development. Moreover, in Morocco, Ministers for Culture in Morocco and France discussed boosting cultural cooperation.
In Europe, at the Nordic-Baltic Culture Ministers meeting, the Ministers for Culture signed a new declaration on Nordic language policy that aims to strengthen linguistic unity in the Nordic region and recognises new mother tongues and a number of minority languages in the Nordic region. In Estonia, the Estonian Ministry of Culture has designated 2024 as their Year of Cultural Diversity, with the aim to boost cultural exchange between communities and
to support a wider understanding of traditional and cultural knowledge. And in Sweden, the Swedish Arts Council participates in the Gothenburg Book Fair which this year spotlights Sámi literature.
For our readership across the arts and cultural policy sector interested in participating in cultural exchange and debate, next year we are collaborating with the Arts Council Korea (ARKO) to host the 10th World Summit on Arts and Culture, taking place in Seoul, from 27 – 30 May 2025. We are inviting proposals to participate in the programme, with applications closing soon on Wednesday 31 July 2024, and you can find more information here.
As always, if you have news, publications or updates that you would like to share, please contact us at news@ifacca.org.
IFACCA at FestPAC and international culture meetings in Honolulu, Hawai'i, USA
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Image: Participants at the 40th Meeting of the Council of Pacific Arts and Culture held in Honolulu, Hawai'i.
Honolulu, Hawai’i, has just celebrated the 13th edition of the Festival of the Pacific Arts and Culture (FestPAC), the only festival of its kind to bring First Nations voices across 27 countries in the Pacific under the theme Ho‘oulu Lāhui—Regenerating Oceania. Typically held every four years, FestPAC celebrates the vibrant cultural heritage of Pacific Island nations through art, dance, music, navigation and more; and showcases the region's diverse cultural expressions. The Pacific Community (SPC) – an IFACCA Affiliate Member – is the custodian of FestPAC and its key activities including the Council of Pacific Arts and Culture, the Council of Cultural Ministers amongst other key actions and initiatives. There are various events that take place in the context of FestPAC over ten days and IFACCA was honoured to participate in several key gatherings represented by our Executive Director Magdalena Moreno Mujica and our Operations Manager Kate Nixon. In addition, IFACCA convened our 10th meeting of the Pacific Chapter Members.
At the 40th Meeting of the Council of Pacific Arts and Culture held on 3 June, Ms Moreno Mujica, presented an overview of the challenges and opportunities of leading public agencies for culture in times of exponential change creating synergies between the Pacific context and other global contexts. She shared key findings from the 9th World Summit on Arts and Culture in Stockholm in 2023 in particular those related to First Nations people and also presented the vision for the 10th World Summit on Arts and Culture that will take place in Seoul, Republic of Korea in May 2025, and how strongly it connects to the Pacific concerns on safeguarding traditional knowledge as we chart the future. On 4 June, the IFACCA Secretariat were observers at the 7th Meeting of Pacific Ministers of Culture. Read more.
New National Member: National Cultural Commission of Papua New Guinea
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We are very pleased to welcome the National Cultural Commission of Papua New Guinea as a new National Member of the Federation. Mr Adrian Collette, AM, Chief Executive Officer of Creative Australia and Chair of the IFACCA Pacific Chapter, said: "We extend a warm welcome to the National Cultural Commission of Papua New Guinea as they join the IFACCA family and look forward to the unique insights and experiences they will share, enriching both the Pacific Chapter and our collective efforts as a global federation."
Read more here.
ACORNS Iberoamericano
Le recordamos que continuamos entregando noticias del espacio iberoamericano tanto de los países miembros como artículos en prensa en general de la región. Al final de cada edición de ACORNS encontrará la sección de ACORNS Iberoamericano. Asimismo, nuestro sitio web cuenta con una variedad de noticias en español a su disposición.
Consider the progress of the completion of a number of major projects in the heritage sector and formulate a roadmap to ensure the sustainability and efficiency of the workflow
Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Tunisia, 14 June 2024, Tunisia
The Minister in charge of running the Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Mr. Moncef Boukathir, supervised on Friday, June 14, 2024, a meeting that included the structures of the ministry concerned with the heritage sector, namely the National Institute of Heritage, the Agency for the Revival of Heritage and Cultural Development and the General Administration of Heritage, to consider the progress of the completion of a number of major projects and formulate a roadmap that ensures the sustainability and efficiency of the workflow.
All in for Arts: A rallying cry for a more creative Aotearoa
Creative New Zealand - Toi Aotearoa, 05 June 2024, New Zealand
One of the best things about All in for Arts is listening to perspectives and stories from communities around the motu about the value of creativity to them. Five speakers give short personal speeches at each event. They’re often funny, sometimes surprising, sometimes artistic, and sometimes move you to tears.
The Creative Health Review: how we're supporting a happier, healthier and more creative future
Arts Council England, 24 May 2024, England
The Creative Health Review, recently published by the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Arts, Health and Wellbeing, highlights how integrating creativity and culture into health and social care could help us live well for longer. In this blog, Hollie Smith-Charles, our Director of Creative Health and Change Programmes, tells us about the Arts Council's role in these initiatives, the evidence supporting them, and the impactful projects making a difference across the country.
National Arts Council of Singapore and Creative Australia Commit to Greater Collaboration in the Arts
National Arts Council of Singapore, 23 May 2024, Singapore
The National Arts Council of Singapore (NAC) and Creative Australia signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) today, committing to greater collaboration in the arts between Singapore and Australia over the next five years. Under the MOU, NAC and Creative Australia will work closely on joint research projects in the areas of arts and wellness, technology, and audience engagement.
Readout of Federal Interagency Working Group on Arts, Health, and Civic Infrastructure Meeting
National Endowment for the Arts, 23 May 2024, USA
On Thursday, May 16, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra participated in the second meeting of the Federal Interagency Working Group on Arts, Health, and Civic Infrastructure. Founded in 2024, the Working Group facilitates the exchange of insights and information about arts and cultural resources and strategies across federal agencies, with the goal of helping to improve the health and well-being of individuals and communities.
Sharing is Caring – Culture Greening Communities: Key messages from COP28
ICOM - International Council of Museums, 10 June 2024, International
Enabling people to understand the climate crisis and take action requires support for climate communication, education, access to information, and public participation. These social aspects of climate action are referred to as Climate Empowerment. Action for Climate Empowerment features in major international agreements, namely in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Agreement.
Government adopts resolution on National Programme for Culture 2024–2031
RTV Slovenia, 30 May 2024, Slovenia
A development document has been adopted that defines the public interest in the field of culture and key strategic priorities and directions in the field of investment. The basic guideline of the new resolution is a clear vision of culture as the central policy of a solidarity-based and sustainable society.
Abu Dhabi’s Saadiyat Cultural District on track for completion in 2025
The Art Newspaper, 26 May 2024, United Arab Emirates
The Saadiyat Cultural District is on track for completion by the end of 2025, the Department of Culture and Tourism Abu Dhabi has announced. When finished, the district on the western side of Saadiyat Island, close to the centre of the United Arab Emirates capital, will be one of the greatest concentrations of museums and cultural venues.
Govt allocates 3bn/- for Arts, Culture
Daily News, Tanzania, 24 May 2024, Tanzania
The Ministry of Culture, Arts and Sports has allocated a significant budget of 3bn/- for the Culture and Arts Fund in the 2024/25 fiscal year.
Where We Meet: a best practice guide for arts organisations and artists
Scottish Refugee Council, 11 June 2024, Scotland
This new resource is a working document commissioned by Cross Borders, a Scottish Refugee Council project. It responds to the potential for artists, creative practitioners and arts organisations to co-create inclusive spaces for healing and belonging.
Fair Pay in the Arts: The talk of the town or the elephant in the room?
IETM - International Network for Contemporary Performing Arts, 05 June 2024, International
Through this publication, the aim is to extract insights into the various roles that public funders, artists, unions, resource organisations, and institutions, can undertake in promoting and enacting fair pay practices. The report sheds light on possible gaps in existing frameworks, as well as areas outside of regulations and legal enforcement.
How are Canada’s artists really doing?
Cultural Human Resources Council, 04 June 2024, Canada
The Cultural Human Resources Council (CHRC) has released an analysis for its survey on affordability and working conditions of Canadian artists. The report, prepared by Hill Strategies Research Inc., is based on an innovative national survey.
The Fragile Triangle of Artistic Freedom
Forum for International Cultural Relations, 23 May 2024, International
This study addresses the lack of knowledge, data and awareness of the challenges of artistic freedom worldwide and explores the current status of artistic freedom monitoring and documentation systems.
Reminder to submit your proposal by 31st July for the 10th World Summit on Arts and Culture 2025
![Call for Participants: 10th World Summit on Arts and Culture 2025](https://i4.createsend1.com/ei/i/E1/427/EAF/csimport/wsac_2025_logo_stackeddates_cmyk1.160933.111941.png) |
IFACCA - International Federation of Arts Councils and Culture Agencies, 21 May 2024, International
We are pleased to invite proposals to participate in the programme for the 10th World Summit on Arts and Culture, which will explore the theme: Charting the future of arts and culture. We welcome proposals from policy makers, academics, government representatives, cultural and community leaders, practitioners, and professionals working in the fields of arts, culture, creative and cultural industries, as well as other related sectors.
To submit a proposal, please use the online form available in English and Spanish. While there is no form in French, submissions in French are still welcome. Please note that submissions sent via email will not be considered. Applications close on Wednesday 31 July 2024, and you can find more information and details on how to submit a proposal on the Summit website here. If you know anyone who might be interested, please share the details.
EU-Latin America Forum on Cultural Diplomacy 2024
Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, 08 June 2024, Germany
Participation in the conference is open to governmental & diplomatic officials, academics, artists, journalists, civil society practitioners, private sector representatives, young professionals and students as well as other interested individuals from across the world.
Los titulares de este mes han destacado los intercambios culturales internacionales y las colaboraciones intergubernamentales, especialmente las centradas en el reconocimiento del conocimiento indígena.
A nivel internacional, la Organización Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual acaba de adoptar un tratado histórico sobre propiedad intelectual, recursos genéticos y conocimientos tradicionales relacionados, que reconoce la valiosísima contribución de los pueblos indígenas. Gobiernos de todo el mundo han reconocido que el tratado es un paso importante hacia la protección del conocimiento tradicional de los pueblos indígenas. A nivel regional, nos están
llegando noticias del Pacífico sobre el reconocimiento de las literaturas indígenas y las lenguas tradicionales. El gobierno australiano ha iniciado la tramitación parlamentaria de legislación crear dos nuevas entidades de artes indígenas, y las islas Cook han dado importancia a la conservación de la lengua tradicional.
Nuestra aportación al intercambio cultural internacional este mes es la presencia de la directora ejecutiva de IFACCA, Magdalena Moreno Mujica, en la 40ª reunión del Consejo de las Artes y la Cultura del Pacífico en Honolulú, Hawái, y esta semana celebramos nuestra 10ª reunión del Capítulo Regional del Pacífico durante el 13º Festival de Artes y Cultura del Pacífico, uno de los mayores encuentros del mundo de nativos de las islas del Pacífico, que
reúne a artistas y profesionales de la cultura. Las reuniones regionales y el intercambio cultural reunieron a gobiernos y comunidades con el propósito común de compartir conocimientos y experiencias en temas como la protección del conocimiento tradicional y de las expresiones culturales. Además, IFACCA dio la bienvenida oficial este mes a la Comisión Nacional de Cultura de Papúa Nueva Guinea como nuevo miembro nacional de la Federación. La Comisión tiene por misión facilitar, preservar, proteger, desarrollar y promover las culturas tradicionales de los pueblos indígenas de Papúa Nueva Guinea.
En las Américas, Paraguay acogió la 56ª reunión de los/as ministros/as de Cultura del MERCOSUR el 7 de junio, que reunió a altos representantes de la región para analizar la salvaguarda de la diversidad cultural de los pueblos indígenas, con particular atención a la ciudadanía y el respeto a los derechos humanos. En Canadá se celebra también el mes nacional de historia autóctona, y el gobierno se ha comprometido a apoyar permanentemente la Oficina de
Cine Indígena, de modo que los pueblos indígenas puedan continuar contando sus historias. En Asia, la Comisión Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes de Filipinas celebró su Mes Nacional del Patrimonio con un foco temático en los pueblos indígenas y ha colaborado con Malasia en actividades de intercambio cultural. En África, Nigeria colaboró con la República Popular de la China donde el encargado de Asuntos Culturales de dicha Embajada, el Sr. Zhang Yi reafirmó el compromiso de China para
colaborar con Nigeria en programas de intercambio cultural y desarrollo de infraestructura. Además, en Marruecos, los ministros de Cultura de Marruecos y Francia dialogaron sobre el impulso a la cooperación cultural.
En Europa, los/as ministros/as de Cultura de las regiones nórdica y báltica firmaron una nueva declaración sobre la política lingüística nórdica que aspira a reforzar la unidad lingüística en la región nórdica y reconoce nuevas lenguas maternas y una serie de lenguas minoritarias de la región nórdica. En Estonia, el Ministerio de Cultura ha designado 2024 Año de la Diversidad Cultural, con el objetivo de impulsar el intercambio entre comunidades y
apoyar la difusión del conocimiento cultural tradicional. En Suecia, el Consejo de las Artes sueco participa en la Feria del Libro de Gotemburgo, que tiene como invitada la literatura sami.
Para nuestros/as lectores/as del sector de las artes y la política cultural interesados/as en participar en el intercambio y debate cultural, el próximo año estaremos colaborando con el Consejo de las Artes de Corea (ARKO) para organizar la 10ª Cumbre Mundial de las Artes y la Cultura, que se celebrará en Seúl del 27 al 30 de mayo de 2025. Le recordamos que estamos recogiendo propuestas de participación en el programa y el plazo para presentarlas concluye el miércoles 31 de julio de 2024. Encontrará más información aquí y puede postular en español.
Como siempre, si tiene noticias o publicaciones que desea contáctenos en news@ifacca.org.
IFACCA en el FestPAC y reuniones internacionales de cultura en Honolulú, Hawái, Estados Unidos
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Imagen: Participantes en la 40ª Reunión del Consejo de Artes y Cultura del Pacífico en Honolulú, Hawái.
Honolulú, Hawái, acaba de celebrar la 13ª edición del Festival de las Artes y Cultura del Pacífico (FestPAC), el único festival de su clase que reúne voces indígenas de 27 países del Pacífico, con el tema Ho‘oulu Lāhui – Regenerar Oceanía. El festival FestPAC tiene lugar cada cuatro años y celebra el vibrante patrimonio cultural de las naciones de las islas del Pacífico mediante el arte, la danza, la música, y la navegación, además de mostrar la diversidad de las expresiones culturales de la región. La Comunidad del Pacífico (SPC), miembro afiliado de IFACCA, organiza el FestPAC y sus principales actividades, como el Consejo de Artes y Cultura del Pacífico o el Consejo de ministros/as de Cultura, entre otras importantes acciones e iniciativas. IFACCA tuvo el honor de participar en varios de los eventos que se celebran durante los diez días del FestPAC. Su representación estuvo a cargo de Magdalena Moreno Mujica, nuestra directora ejecutiva, y de Kate Nixon, gerente de operaciones. Además, IFACCA organizó nuestra 10ª reunión de los miembros del Capítulo del Pacífico.
En la 40ª reunión del Consejo de Artes y Cultura del Pacífico celebrada el 3 de junio, la Sra. Moreno Mujica presentó una panorámica de los retos y oportunidades en el liderazgo de las agencias públicas de cultura en tiempos de cambios exponenciales, mostrando sinergias entre el contexto del Pacífico y otros contextos globales. Moreno Mujica compartió los puntos clave de la 9ª Cumbre Mundial de las Artes y la Cultura celebrada en Estocolmo en 2023, especialmente las relacionadas con los pueblos indígenas. También presentó la temática de la 10ª Cumbre Mundial de las Artes y la Cultura que se celebrará en Seúl, República de Corea, en mayo de 2025, y que está tan fuertemente relacionado con interés, en el Pacífico, por salvaguardar el conocimiento tradicional al trazar futuros rumbos. El 4 de junio, el Secretariado de IFACCA participó como observador en la 7ª
reunión de ministros/as de Cultura del Pacífico. Leer más.
Nuevo miembro nacional: Comisión Nacional de Cultura de Papúa Nueva Guinea
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Nos alegra inmensamente dar la bienvenida a la Comisión Nacional de Cultura de Papúa Nueva Guinea como nuevo miembro nacional de la Federación. El Sr. Adrian Collette, miembro de la Orden de Australia, director general de Creative Australia y presidente del Capítulo del Pacífico de IFACCA, se expresó en estos términos: “Damos una calurosa bienvenida a la Comisión Nacional de Cultura de Papúa Nueva Guinea a la familia IFACCA y esperamos contar con sus conocimientos y experiencias, que enriquecerán el Capítulo del Pacífico y nuestro esfuerzo colectivo en tanto que federación internacional”.
Puede leer más aquí.
El rol de la cultura en las comunidades verdes: Mensajes clave de la COP28
ICOM - International Council of Museums, 10 June 2024, International
La Federación Internacional de Asociaciones de Bibliotecarios y Bibliotecas (IFLA) se ha esforzado por reunir al sector bibliotecario con colegas de todo el sector cultural para poner de relieve nuestro rol fundamental en la implementación de la ACE en nuestras comunidades.
Cerlalc y OEI se reúnen en Madrid para fortalecer estrategias conjuntas
CERLALC, 04 June 2024, International
En el marco de su visita a Madrid, España, la directora del Centro Regional para el Fomento del Libro en América Latina y el Caribe (Cerlalc), Margarita Cuéllar Barona, se reunió con el secretario general de la Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos (OEI), Mariano Jabonero, y sus respectivos equipos de trabajo.
Nuestras culturas mueven la economía del país
El Ministerio de Culturas Descolonización y Despatriarcalización, Bolivia, 03 June 2024, Bolivia
“Si bien la oposición (Evo – Mesa – Camacho), busca instalar el discurso de crisis económica en el país, desde el campo cultural, tenemos 2 ejemplos de estabilidad y movimiento económico a raíz de las festividades como el Gran Poder de La Paz y la Chope Piesta de Trinidad” afirmó la ministra de Culturas, Descolonización y Despatriarcalización, Esperanza Guevara, en conferencia de prensa.
Anuncio Oficial Del Decreto N° 1596 “Por El Cual Se Reglamenta La Ley Nº 7140/2023 De Fomento De La Lectura y Del Libro”
National Secretary of Culture, Presidency of the Republic, Paraguay, 28 May 2024, Paraguay
El Presidente suscribe el decreto de reglamentación de la Ley Nº 7140/23 de Fomento de la Lectura y del Libro, y con este acto se abre la etapa de la acción ejecutiva, operativa de la ley, que la Secretaría Nacional de Cultura desarrollará con la elaboración e implementación del Plan Nacional de Lectura, en coordinación con el Ministerio de Educación y Ciencias, la Secretaría Nacional de Políticas Lingüísticas y la insustituible ayuda y cooperación de las instituciones culturales relacionadas con el libro, la lectura y su promoción cultural.
Anuario AC/E de cultura digital 2024
Acción Cultural Española (AC/E), 28 May 2024, Spain
La transformación digital es una necesidad cada día más imperiosa para todos los sectores sociales y el cultural no podía permanecer ajeno a ella. Desde su primera edición en 2013, el Anuario AC/E de cultura digital contribuye a este proceso aportando herramientas que permitan orientarse en sus muchas posibilidades, pero también reflexiones para no desorientarse en sus no pocos claroscuros.
Contact us
Suite 405, Level 4
50 Holt Street Surry Hills, Sydney
NSW 2010
Phone: +61 417 461 675
Email us: info@ifacca.org
Website: www.ifacca.org