Sparkin - Moving You Forward October, 2024
Stuart Parkin
Narrate A Newsletter For Strategic Problem Solvers

Job Searching Woes - Who is technology working for?

(five minute read)

Technology is amazing and can enable but used primarily for the purposes of efficiency/short-term profit with disregard for human impact, it will have the opposite effect - It will disenable and in so doing, lose the benefits automation bring whilst creating many frustrated people.

Your experience when looking for either freelance or full-time work has to be better than it is.

We have to move away from the feeling that the odds are stacked against us. Whether it's the algorithms that exclude or tied agents who will only recommend one company/agency, the one they work for.

The application of technology in advertising and marketing today makes having someone on your side in the job search, more important than ever.

And the whole process of getting work needs to be less transactional.

The experience of getting a job/work, should not feel like a job!

There is a way forward. A number of you I have already discussed it with.

For those frustrated with the way things are currently 'working' when looking for work either as a freelancer or full-time job seeker, let's talk. 



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Stuart: 646-280-5147

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