18 April 2024#8
afrika Platform

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world

Nelson Mandela


Internationalisation@Home project: MONSTER: OTHER/ALTERNATIVE

You are cordially invited to attend the Internationalisation@Home project: MONSTER: OTHER/ALTERNATIVE.

The project consists of 3 separate parts that can be attended independently:

  • LECTURE: Monday 15 April, 11h30-14h15, Blandijn.
  • WORKSHOPS: I. Monday 22 April, 11h30-14h15 and II. Thursday 25 April, 11h30-14h15, De Centrale.  
  • Dance performance & Film: 'MAKING MEN': Thursday 25 April, 20h00, De Centrale.
CARAM Lecture: "Becoming stranger": ambivalent distance and proximity - 19/4/2024

You are invited to the CARAM lecture, upcoming Friday 19.04.2024 at Blandijnberg.

Doctoral student Ophélie Mercier (Middle East Studies - UGent) will share her research on experiences and subjectivities of Egyptian artists in Europe, in dialogue with Prof. Liza Franke (Islamic Studies - UGent).

Dance performance: "It's like a finger pointing a way to the moon" van Moya Michael in KVS - vanaf 19/4/2024

Na de gelauwerde Coloured Swan trilogie en Outwalkers, stelt choreografe Moya Michael voor om te dansen dichtbij de bewakers van woorden, bewegingen en ritmes die ze tegenkwam in Zuid-Afrika en Namibië. Na een ontmoeting met !Amace, Be en hun Ju/'Hoansi familie, werkt ze samen met een groep genodigde kunstenaars aan de voorstelling It's like a finger pointing a way to the moon.

Taalcafé @ Faculty of Sciences - 19/4/2024

Ghent University's Faculty of Sciences organizes Taalcafés where you are very welcome to practice and interchange languages.

Bring along friends who are interested in practicing a language or in socializing with scientists in different languages !

New reading group on The Dialectic Is in the Sea: The Black Radical Thought of Beatriz Nascimento - April & May 2024

The reading group will focus on the recently published The Dialectic Is in the Sea: The Black Radical Thought of Beatriz Nascimento (2023). The book introduces and translates some of Nascimento's most important texts.

Beatriz Nascimento was a founding voice and writer of Black feminism who researched 'alternative social systems organized by black people', such as quilombos and favelas.

How to decolonize the university? Public Lecture and Workshop Series

With this Public Lecture and Workshop Series, the Network wants to address Eurocentrism in the curricula, as well intersectional inequalities in education and research.

In this year-long series, local and international experts will offer insights and hands-on training for staff and students on racism and sexism in academia, and the decolonisation of the curriculum, teaching and research methods.

Attendance is free, but registration is required.

VLIR-UOS Community Talk: Integrated watershed management - Best practices for working with the community from Arba Minch, Ethiopia - 24/4/2024

Land is the only resource that smallholder farmers (more than 80% of the country’s population) have for their livelihood strategy in the Arba Minch region. This crucial resource is exposed to erosion and land degradation due to unsustainable farming practices, deforestation and population pressure.

In this community talk key strategies from the IUC project with Arba Minch University will be shared, with a focus on the collaboration with local government actors and smallholder farmers themselves.

Symposium 'Meet the PhD Jury: Prenatal and Postnatal Lipid-Based Nutrient Supplementation and Cognitive, Socio-emotional and Motor Function in Preschool-Aged Children' - 25/4/2024

The public lecture will be presented by the guest speaker, Dr. Maku Demuyakor, focusing on her research regarding the effects of prenatal and postnatal lipid-based nutrient supplementation on the cognitive, socio-emotional, and motor functions in preschool-aged children in a Ghanaian setting.

Gastlezing: Alleen door Afrika: de opzienbarende reis van Kazimierz Nowak - 29/4/2024

Deze gastlezing vindt plaats van 11h30 - 12h45 in de Blandijnberg en is onderdeel van het vak “Afrika: actualiteit, discours en beeldvorming”, door Prof. Inge Brinkman.

High-level conference: European University Alliances - Drivers of Change and Innovation in Higher Education - 29 & 30/4/2024

On the occasion of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the ten Belgian universities invite researchers and policy makers to reflect on the European University Alliances as drivers of change and innovation in higher education. This high-level conference will explore multilingualism, inclusion, student and staff mobility, superdiversity in academia and the labour market, pedagogical innovations and the European Degree label.

The conference will also focus on how the alliances can contribute to an enhanced collaboration with our partner universities in the Global South.

CMSI Lecture - The Shoah in Postcolonial Perspective: Etty Hillesum and her Moroccan Secret Sharer - 21/5/2024

Rebekah Vince is a Lecturer in French at Queen Mary, University of London. She is a memory studies scholar specialising in French postmemory narratives, francophone postcolonial studies, and the Mediterranean francosphère.

Her research moves at the intersection between postcolonial studies, Jewish studies, and transnational French studies, engaging with dialogic approaches to memory.

Primafamed-Workshop - 4-5/6/2024

We invite you to partcipate in the upcoming Primafamed-Workshop (4-5 june 2024) in Nairobi, Kenia, on development of Family Medicine and primary Care Capacity buildng in Africa.

CMSI Lecture - Translating Trauma, (Re)writing Memory: Mauritius and the Indenture Narrative - 19/6/2024

Suppliers of its largest workforce to colonized Mauritius for over a century, slavery and indenture were characterized by structural violence. This violence was physical, psychological and discursive, marked by misrepresentations, gaps, and the suppression and destruction of archival material.

This talk highlights key features of this intergenerational trauma in and through Dr Sraddha Shivani Rajkomar's English translation of  the novel Gandhiji Bole The.

Tropentag 2024 - 11-13/9/2024

Explore opportunities... for managing natural resources and a better life for all

Tropentag is a trans- and interdisciplinary conference. Following the long tradition of Tropentag, we encourage participants of Tropentag 2024 to contribute to the conference's overarching aim of exploring opportunities for managing natural resources sustainably and improving the quality of life for all individuals and communities.

Tropentag 2024 (TT24) will be organised as a hybrid 'green event' by University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU), Austria (Insitute and Cluster for Development Research), in cooperation with ATSAF e.V.



International Lathyrus Day - deadline early bird registration: 22/4/2024

Get your ticket today for the first international event entirely dedicated to Lathyrus sativus and its community.

Immerse yourself in the enlightening talks from our Keynote Speakers, be captivated by the cutting-edge work showcased in the Poster presentations and Flash Talks, and take advantage of the unique opportunity to connect with fellow grass pea enthusiasts.

Third European Students' Conference on African Studies at Basel - application deadline: 25/4/2024.

Master’s students of the Centre for African Studies invite Master’s students and recent graduates in African Studies at European Universities to present their research at the 3rd European Students’ Conference on African Studies, to be held at the end of August this year at the University of Basel. 

Call for papers – 8th Colloquium on Afrikaans and South African Studies at UGent - abstract submission deadline: 30/4/2024

Horizons of Political/Poetical Contestation: South African Intersectional Perspectives across Disciplines and Languages (20 & 21 November 2024)

Our call for papers invites proposals that address South African intersectional trends, and that consider the heterogeneous manifestations these can assume, both historically and contemporarily. Inspired by Carastathis, we believe that intersectionality should be understood not only on a personal level but as a “horizon of political contestation”. 

We also encourage diversity in terms of academic domains by adopting an interdisciplinary stance.

Summer School: Human Rights and Persons Deprived of Liberty - application deadline: 3/5/2024

This summer course (18-21 June) is organised by the ERC-IMPACTUM team, the Programme for Studies on Human Rights in Context (Ghent University), and the Global Campus on Human Rights.

This course unravels the complexities surrounding human rights issues related to persons deprived of liberty.

Led by Prof Dr Clara Burbano Herrera (ERC-IMPACTUM, Ghent University) and Prof Dr Manfred Nowak (Global Campus of Human Rights), this course provides insights from world-leading academics from Europe, Africa, and North & South America.

SGroup Intercontinental Academic Exchange Programme ICON - grant applications are open - deadline: 3/5/2024

The aim of the ICON programme is to promote, facilitate and/or strengthen collaboration between SGroup institutions (such as Ghent University) and their overseas partners, thereby contributing to the SGroup’s commitment to expanding collaboration opportunities in education and research through the transfer of knowledge and the development of strategic alliances.

The ICON programme for the year 2024 will provide 10 grants for applications from academic and/or administrative staff.

Summer School on Natural Resources & Development at Kyambogo University, Uganda - application deadline: 15/5/2024

This course (in July 2024) examines the linkages between development and Natural Resources, the principles of Managing natural resources, and the sustainable conservation of these resources.

The course also examines how environmental activists and their interventions conserved protected areas, energy, water, and land in the face of climate variability based on a gender perspective.

The course aims at equipping students seeking qualifications for planning sustainable development, with practical approaches, knowledge, and skills necessary for meeting challenges of sustainable use of natural produce competent professionals who can plan for sustainable use of natural resources globally.

Launch Global Minds Short Research Stays Call 2024 - submission deadline: 31/5/2024

This call targets researchers who are affiliated with a higher education or research institution based in one of the 37 eligible countries in the Global South and who wish to spend between 1 and 3 months as a visiting researcher at Ghent University in order to support and expand their ongoing research on sustainable development challenges.

Specialization course: Geopolitics of Sub-Saharan Africa – Political Transitions in Africa - application deadline: 7/6/2024

This comprehensive course (3rd week of June 2024) offers a dive into the Political Transitions in Sub-Saharan Africa with a diversity of perspectives from across the globe.

This course is organized by esteemed institutions including the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, University of Beira Interior (FCSH/UBI), OBSERVARE, Observatory of External Relations, Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa (UAL), Centre of International Studies, Iscte – Lisbon University Institute (CEI-Iscte/IUL), and the Institute of National Defense (IDN), Ministry of Defense, Portugal.



Making Men: Masculinity, Myth and Paradox - Documentary and Live Dance Performance: 25/4/2024

Making Men looks at the question of masculinity. Four African dancers explore this theme through choreography that is strong and rhythmical, but also subtle and sensitive.

Can failure to fit the stereotype of masculinity lead young men to the unease and violence we witness in many societies today? Are they free to choose to do so in any way they deem appropriate, or are they forced into a mold? They attempt to understand, question and express their doubts. They try to break free of invisible chains, to find their true selves.

The choreography seeks to highlight the limits of the male stereotype for those who seek to experience the full range of human emotions.

GAPSYM17: Africa at the intersection of Climate, Migration & Health challenges - call has been launched - deadline: 1/6/2024

The symposiums organised by the Africa Platform of Ghent University Association (GAPSYM) have been trendsetting in the Belgian academic landscape over the last 16 years, in the sense that they provide a unique interdisciplinary forum to showcase academic research taking place in collaboration with African-based partners.

This 17th multidisciplinary conference of the AUGent Africa Platform will be co-organised by Ghent University’s International Thematic Network CliMigHealth, which focuses on the nexus between climate change, migration and health(care), the United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies (UNU-CRIS) and the Centre for the Social Study of Migration and Refugees (CESSMIR).


Want to learn more about the six Regional Platforms? Take a look at www.ugent.be/regionalplatforms
to find all the information you need.

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