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Hi everyone, Thank you to those providers and stakeholders who attended our Outreach Forum on 8 September. After a four-year COVID-induced break from Outreach Forums, it was wonderful to see so many familiar faces as we gathered in Brisbane for what was a highly informative and engaging day. Special thanks to the following outreach providers who participated in the panel discussion. Their personal stories and anecdotes set the scene for the day and meant we had a very inspiring start to the Forum:
In addition, we would like to thank the following providers and stakeholders who also spoke passionately about their outreach experiences at our 25th anniversary Gala Dinner:
Photos from the Outreach Forum can be viewed on the following link - Outreach Forum photos If you have any questions about anything Outreach related, please get in touch by speaking to your Regional Coordinator or emailing outreachservices@checkup.org.au. We hope you all enjoy reading this edition of Reaching Out. Kind regards, Elise Gorman OUR LATEST NEWSCheckUP Outreach Services - The importance of setting visit dates The setting of visit dates is crucial as it ensures services are planned and on track for delivery and it informs communities when outreach providers will be available in their community. Each outreach provider is required to submit visit dates into CheckUP's Outreach Management System (OMS). The OMS is CheckUP’s data reporting system, it allows outreach providers to set visit dates, submit reports and facilitates outreach provider payment for their visits. The OMS connects to the My Community Diary with visit dates showing in CheckUP’s Outreach Diary. Effective planning and consistent communication of visit schedules by outreach providers has a significant impact to health service access in rural and remote communities. It is through this successful planning and delivery of outreach services that CheckUP and outreach providers work towards achieving better health for people and communities that need it most. 2023-24 Outreach Service Schedule CheckUP is pleased to share the current list of services to be delivered from 1 July 2023 – 30 June 2024. This service list is current as per the contracted services as of 01/09/2023 and has been developed by CheckUP and endorsed by the Outreach Advisory Forum. This service list will continue to be updated throughout the year as new services are contracted and commence delivery. Access for All Evaluation is Complete Evaluation of CheckUP's Access for All: Disability awareness for mainstream health providers (AfA) was recently completed by the University of Melbourne. Over 400 responses from health providers illustrated a significant improvement in disability awareness. With providers reporting they learned to be more aware of unconscious bias, improve communication, broaden their view of disability and accessibility, and how providing an 'accessible' service can lead to improved health outcomes for people with a disability. With the release of the recommendations from the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability, AfA is well-placed to build the capacity of all health providers to ensure they provide a health service that prioritises the needs of people with disability. For more information email afa@checkup.org.au Reminder for Outreach providers to complete Cultural Responsiveness Training CheckUP is proud to offer Outreach Providers free access to the Cultural Responsiveness Training program, offered by Indigenous Allied Health Australia (IAHA). This is a reminder that all health professionals delivering services under a CheckUP Outreach Agreement for 2023-24 are required to complete Cultural Responsiveness Training. If you have any questions, please contact our Outreach team via email. Patient feedback survey results Each year, CheckUP distributes a patient feedback survey to CheckUP Outreach Providers to circulate amongst patients, offering Outreach patients the opportunity to give feedback about the service they have received. Over the past 12 months, CheckUP have received feedback from over 200 patients from 32 locations state-wide. The feedback responses were overwhelmingly positive. CheckUP would like to continue to work closely with Outreach Providers to assist them in gathering patient feedback and, whenever feasible, sharing this feedback with them. To read more about the Patient feedback survey view the CheckUP blog post here. UQ Dental clinic - Student-led dental clinic improves oral health of rural Indigenous community A University of Queensland study has found a student-led dental clinic in rural Queensland improved the oral health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples by providing access to culturally appropriate and timely care. The clinic at Dalby in south-west Queensland, opened in 2013 as a partnership between UQ’s School of Dentistry and Aboriginal community controlled health service, Goondir Health Services. By the end of 2023, more than 180 students will have completed a rural Indigenous clinical outplacement at the Dalby clinic, developing students' skills and knowledge in culturally appropriate dental care. Disability Royal Commission Final Report Delivered The Chair and Commissioners of the Disability Royal Commission delivered the final report of the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability to the Governor-General on Thursday 28 September 2023. The report and associated recommendations will be available to the public on this website after the tabling process is complete. Queensland Mental Health Week - 7 - 15 October 2023 Queensland Mental Health Week (QMHW) is an annual awareness week that aims to shine a spotlight on individual and community mental health and wellbeing. Each year, people across Queensland come together during QMHW through local events, conversations and activities to raise awareness of the importance of positive mental health and wellbeing. There are countless ways to be a part of Queensland Mental Health Week (QMHW), you could attend an event in your local community, share QMHW content on socials or even host your own event! For more information on QMHW check out the website here. Queensland Primary Health Care Network - 30 November 2023 At the fourth QPHCN event of 2023, we will hear from leaders in the disability sector discussing current services and programs, accessibility, inclusion, purpose, and the power of working in partnership. there will be presentations and discussions on accessibility, inclusion and workforce diversity. TIME: 10am-12pm LOCATION: Online via Zoom webinar or in-person at the Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council (QAIHC) training rooms, Level 1/36 Russell Street, South Brisbane ABOUT THE OUTREACH SERVICES Funded by the Australian Government Department of Health, CheckUP leads a strong, effective consortium delivering outreach services to urban, rural and remote locations and high-need populations throughout Queensland. We aim to increase access to medical specialist, GP and allied health professional services in urban, regional, rural and remote locations throughout Queensland, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. For any queries, please don't hesitate to get in touch with our Outreach team via email outreachservices@checkup.org.au or by phone (07) 3105 8300. |