New Videos for Pre-Award AdministratorsNEW DSP VIDEOS FOR PRE-AWARD ADMINISTRATORS Two new videos have been posted within the folder labeled Pre-Award Research Administrator Videos. Please note: You must be logged in with your HawkID to access the videos. Research Security and Research Integrity
Export Control Compliance
Previous Video remains available: PI Departure, Request for Grant Transfer, or Request for Approval of Adjunct, Visiting, Emeritus or Retired Faculty as PI
NEW NCURA VIDEOS! The DSP SharePoint folder for NCURA webinars has two new videos. Links to each individual video are below: Current and Pending/Other Support: Updates to NIH and NSF Requirements and Institutional Approaches Over the last several years, federal agencies have worked to clarify disclosure requirements, partly due to directives in federal law and policy. Charged by the National Science and Technology Council’s Research Security Subcommittee, NIH and NSF have been leading a multi-agency effort to create common disclosure forms, which include Current and Pending/Other Support. This webinar will cover the context in which NIH and NSF have made updates to their Current and Pending/Other Support formats, as well as go through specific changes made to each agency’s forms. Click on this link to access the folder, then click on the webinar you want to view:
Below are links to videos posted earlier and still available to the UI community: Please note: You must be logged in with your HawkID to access the videos. |