Welcome to your first ACORNS for 2023! On behalf of the IFACCA Board and Secretariat we wish you all the best for the new year. We remain committed to working towards our shared vision for a world in which arts and culture thrive and are recognised by governments and peoples for their manifold contribution to society.
It is now only three and a half months until the 9th World Summit on Arts and Culture in Stockholm, Sweden from 3-5 May 2023 that will address artistic freedom as a fundamental pillar of cultural policy and examine how we can – and why we should – safeguard artistic freedom. Along with our co-hosts, the Swedish Arts Council (SAC), we are eagerly looking forward to delivering an inclusive, high-quality in-person event in Stockholm.
During the Summit, we will explore a range of political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and cultural influences that affect – and shape our conceptions of – artistic freedom, and how we might strengthen and advance it. With the countdown to the Summit having well and truly begun, we are delighted to confirm we will be joined by more than 65 expert programme participants representing more than 35 countries in more than 25 programmed sessions during which participants will tackle critical issues from a multitude of perspectives.
The dialogues at the Summit will commence with the in-conversation session Artistic Freedom in an Age of Complexity, designed as an exchange between the two thought leaders, Bangladeshi photojournalist, teacher, social activist and one of Time magazine’s Persons of the Year 2018, Dr Shahidul Alam and UN Special Rapporteur on the right to education, Farida Shaheed. The session – introduced by Mika Romanus, Director, Swedish Arts Grants Committee – will explore how we can develop and share the common understanding of artistic freedom, while also offering insights on how threats to artistic freedom evolve and what interdependencies we must consider in our response to such threats.
In the afternoons of Days 1 and 2 of the Summit, participants will also have the opportunity to explore issues further, offer their perspectives and speak with leading experts during the long table session Culture Wars: the Arts on the Front Line, presented by the Salzburg Global Seminar; as well as work together and focus their energies during participatory workshops on Understanding Current Tools and Policy Frameworks to Safeguard Artistic Freedom with Ole Reitov and Sara Whyatt; Artistic Freedom and the Climate Crisis with Julie’s Bicycle’s Alison Tickell; and, Operating Outside the Mainstream Box with Rupa Subramaniam. We will be contacting
registered delegates in the coming weeks with details on how to secure their place. If you plan to join us but have not yet registered, we highly recommend you register soon to avoid disappointment!
We are also thrilled to announce more programme participants who will be sharing their knowledge and experience at the Summit: Renata Carvalho (Brazil), Andrea Dempster-Chung (Jamaica), Basma El Husseiny (Egypt), Fredrik Elg (Sweden), Ben Evans (UK), Lucy Ilado (Kenya), Jimena
Lara (Mexico), Anette Novak (Sweden), Volodymyr Sheiko (Ukraine), Frances Koya Vaka'uta (Fiji). Our diverse participants bring their own experience and ideas to the Summit theme of artistic freedom. Find more information about the programme and participants, visit the Summit website.
An important reminder that the second phase of registration for the Summit is now open and will close on 28 February 2023. We strongly encourage registered delegates to secure their accommodation at the Summit's hotel partner by end February 2023, as May is an extremely busy time of the year to visit Stockholm.
As always, you can find the latest updates on the Summit website at artsummit.org. You can also find full programme details here; and full information on confirmed programme participants here. We will be sure to keep you updated on the Summit via
ACORNS and our social channels (Twitter and Facebook, and via #ArtSummitSweden). Join us for these important discussions in Stockholm this May.
ACORNS Iberoamericano
Le recordamos que continuamos entregando noticias del espacio iberoamericano tanto de los países miembros como artículos en prensa en general de la región. Al final de cada edición de ACORNS encontrará la sección de ACORNS Iberoamericano. Asimismo, nuestro sitio web cuenta con una variedad de noticias en español a su disposición.
Arts Council publishes Review of ‘A Year in the Arts’, 2021-22
Arts Council of Northern Ireland, 10 January 2023, Northern Ireland
The Arts Council of Northern Ireland today (10th January) published its Annual Review 2021-22, recounting many of the highlights of the (financial) Year in the Arts in Northern Ireland, supported by Arts Council exchequer funding from the Department of Communities as well as National Lottery funds.
Launch of the First Ever Regional Cultural Strategies
Arts Council Malta, 16 December 2022, Malta
Minister for The National Heritage, The Arts and Local Government Owen Bonnici, together with Parliamentary Secretary for Local Government Alison Zerafa Civelli, launched the six Regional Cultural Strategies.
Conference of Ministers Responsible for Cultural Affairs in the Arab World
Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Tunisia, 08 December 2022, Tunisia
Within the framework of her participation in the activities of the Conference of Ministers Responsible for Cultural Affairs in the Arab World, which was hosted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on Wednesday, December 07, 2022 in the capital, Riyadh, the Minister of Cultural Affairs, Dr. Hayat Al-Qarmazi, met with her counterpart, the Saudi Minister of Culture, Prince Badr bin Abdullah bin Farhan Al Saud, and this meeting dealt with a number of axes aimed at enhancing joint cooperation in the cultural and creative fields and introducing a number of projects to be implemented in the future.
First Nations language partnerships to Close the Gap
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications, 09 January 2023, Australia
The Australian Government is investing over $4 million towards a pilot program that will establish 11 place-based partnerships between Indigenous language centres and local service delivery partners in health and early childhood education.
The Swedish Presidency programme
Swedish Presidency of the Council of European Union, 01 January 2023
The programme sets out the priorities and main direction for the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union from 1 January until 30 June 2023, including in the area of culture, where the Presidency intends to present Council conclusions on the subject of displaced artists, with the aim of emphasising the importance of giving them protection and support to continue their artistic endeavours within existing programmes and structures.
Brazzaville and Kinshasa hosted ACP-EU Culture’s 2nd regional meeting
ACP-EU culture, 13 December 2022, Congo, DR
Placed under the high patronage of the Ministers of Culture of Congo and the D.R. of Congo, the regional meeting strengthened the visibility of the ACP-EU Culture programme “Creating in Central Africa” and helped advocate with national and regional authorities for increased support to the cultural and creative sectors and served as a privileged framework for meetings and exchanges between the representations of the Organisation of ACP States (OACPS) and the European Union (EU) at regional level and African cultural operators.
New tool MOI Framework helps museums increase their social impact
NEMO - The Network of European Museum Organisations, 09 December 2022
The MOI! Museums of Impact project (2019-2022) has developed the MOI Framework to help museums discuss, evaluate, and choose development goals to increase their impact in society and the tools are currently fully available in English and Eesti (Estonian).
Artists Under Boycott
Avant-Garde Lawyers, 21 December 2022
In a “White Paper” launched on 21 December 2022, Avant-Garde Lawyers (AGL) called upon cultural institutions and cultural event organisers to respect the rights of Russian artists and to show leadership in defending the universal right to freedom of artistic expression without discrimination; highlighting concerns relating to the legality of these actions through the lens of fundamental rights as guaranteed under international law, and providing recommendations on how they can avoid recourse to such damaging measures in the future.
Work & (in)stability
IETM - International Network for Contemporary Performing Arts, 20 December 2022
The session "Work & (in)stability" of IETM Belgrade Plenary Meeting 2022 gave a sense of perspective about the dominant feeling of instability in the cultural sector, through stories and data analyses coming from different regions of the world; and examined the consequences of the “project-based” cultural economy as well as the pressures and transformations that the latter has brought to the field of artistic production.
Art in Turmoil: Artistic Freedom and Human Rights in Latin America and the Caribbean
ARC - Artists at Risk Connection, 15 December 2022
In order to understand how artists and human rights defenders from across Latin America and the Caribbean have been affected by these concerning developments – and the steps they are taking to protect themselves and sustain their creative expression – ARC, in partnership with Amnesty International and Labo Ciudadano, has released a new report on artistic freedom in the region: Art in Turmoil: Artistic Freedom and Human Rights in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Arte en la Tormenta: Libertad Artística y Derechos Humanos en Latinoamérica y el Caribe
ARC - Artists at Risk Connection, 15 December 2022
Para entender cómo las personas artistas y defensoras de los derechos humanos de América Latina y el Caribe se han visto afectadas por estos preocupantes acontecimientos, y enterarnos de las medidas que están tomando para defenderse y mantener su expresión creativa, Artists at Risk Connection (ARC) de PEN America, Labo Ciudadano y Amnistía Internacional han publicado Arte en la Tormenta: Libertad Artística y Derechos Humanos en Latinoamérica y el Caribe.
New deadline Matching Fund International Heritage Cooperation
DutchCulture, 22 December 2022
Through the International Heritage Cooperation Matching Fund, DutchCulture supports projects that contribute to the visibility of the history and heritage that connect the Netherlands with other countries and cultures.
Tender for Situational Analysis of Culture and Creative Industries in the Pacific
Pacific Community (SPC), 22 December 2022
As part of the ACP-EU Culture and Creative Industries Project, SPC is calling for Expressions of Interest from suitable candidates to conduct a Situational Analysis of the State of the Cultural and Creative Industries in the Pacific, and is accepting submissions until February 3, 2023.
New European Bauhaus Prizes 2023
New European Bauhaus, 20 December 2022
The New European Bauhaus Prizes 2023 will award up to EUR 30 000 for exemplary initiatives linking sustainability, aesthetics and inclusiveness - the three complementary values of the New European Bauhaus; and are open to applications from the EU Members States and the Western Balkans until 31 January 2023 at 19:00 CET
IETM Campus Polverigi 2023
IETM - International Network for Contemporary Performing Arts, 16 December 2022
The seventh edition of the IETM Campus 2023 which is being organised in collaboration with longtime IETM member Marche Teatro, Italy, will take place from 10 to 16 May 2023 in the beautiful village of Polverigi (near Ancona) in the Marche region of Italy and is accepting applications until 6 February 2023 at 17:00 CET.
¡Bienvenido(a) a su primer ACORNS de 2023! En nombre de la Junta y del Secretariado de IFACCA, le deseamos un felicísimo Año Nuevo en el que continuaremos con nuestro compromiso de trabajar por la visión compartida de un mundo en el que las artes y la cultura prosperen y sus variadas aportaciones a la sociedad sean reconocidas por gobiernos y pueblos.
Faltan sólo tres meses y medio para la 9ª Cumbre Mundial de las Artes y la Cultura en Estocolmo, Suecia, del 3 al 5 de mayo de 2023, que analizará la libertad artística como un pilar fundamental de la política cultural y abordará cómo podemos salvaguardar la libertad artística y por qué debemos hacerlo. El Secretariado y el Consejo de las Artes de Suecia, coorganizador de la Cumbre, estamos muy ilusionados por ofrecerles en Estocolmo un evento en formato presencial, inclusivo y de alta calidad.
En la Cumbre analizaremos la serie de factores políticos, económicos, sociales, tecnológicos, medioambientales y culturales que conforman e influyen en nuestras concepciones de la libertad artística, y cómo podemos reforzarla y promoverla. Con la cuenta atrás ya en marcha, nos alegra confirmar que nos acompañarán más de 65 expertos en el programa, representando más de 35 países en las más de 25 sesiones programadas, en las que los participantes abordarán estas cuestiones críticas desde una multitud de perspectivas.
Los diálogos de la Cumbre empezarán con la sesión de conversación La libertad artística en una era de complejidad, diseñada como un intercambio entre dos líderes del pensamiento: el fotoperiodista, profesor, activista social bangladesí y persona del año de la revista Time en 2018 Shahidul Alam, y la Relatora Especial de la ONU sobre el derecho a la educación Farida Shaheed. La sesión, presentada por Mika Romanus, directora del Comité Sueco de Apoyo a las Artes, explorará cómo podemos desarrollar y compartir una concepción común de la libertad artística, cómo están evolucionando las amenazas a la libertad artística y qué interdependencias debemos considerar en nuestra respuesta a estas amenazas.
Las sesiones de tarde del Primer Día y Segundo Día de la Cumbre ofrecerán a los(las) participantes la oportunidad de profundizar en estas cuestiones, ofrecer sus perspectivas y hablar con expertos(as) de primera línea en la sesión de mesa larga Guerras culturales: las artes en primera línea, presentada por el Seminario Global de Salzburgo, y de reunir energías trabajando juntos(as) en los talleres participativos Entender las herramientas y marcos de políticas actuales para salvaguardar la libertad artística, con Ole Reitov y Sara Whyatt; La libertad artística y la crisis climática, con Alison Tickell (La bicicleta de Julia); y Actuar fuera de la corriente, con Rupa Subramaniam. En las próximas semanas,
nos pondremos en contacto con los(las) delegados(as) inscritos(as) con información para reservar su alojamiento. Si desea acompañarnos, pero no se ha inscrito todavía, le recomendamos que realice su inscripción prontamente para evitar desilusiones.
Nos entusiasma a la vez anunciar otros(as) participantes en el programa que compartirán su conocimiento y experiencias en la Cumbre: Renata Carvalho (Brasil), Andrea Dempster-Chung (Jamaica), Basma El Husseiny (Egipto), Fredrik Elg (Suecia), Ben Evans (Reino Unido), Lucy Ilado (Kenia), Jimena
Lara (México), Anette Novak (Suecia), Volodymyr Sheiko (Ucrania), Frances Koya Vaka'uta (Fiyi). Nuestros(as) participantes aportarán sus diversas experiencias e ideas al tema de la libertad artística en la Cumbre. Para más información sobre el programa y sus participantes,
visite la página web de la Cumbre.
Importante recordatorio que la segunda fase de inscripciones para la Cumbre está abierta y se cerrará el 28 de febrero de 2023. A la vez, animamos encarecidamente a los(las) delegados(as) inscritos(as) a reservar su alojamiento en el hotel colaborador de la Cumbre antes de finales de febrero, ya que mayo es una época del año de altísima actividad turística en Estocolmo.
Como siempre, encontrará las últimas novedades de la Cumbre en la página web artsummit.org. También encontrará el programa completo aquí, y toda la información sobre los(as) participantes confirmados/as aquí. Le continuaremos ofreciendo información
sobre la Cumbre en ACORNS y en nuestras redes sociales (Twitter y Facebook, y en #ArtSummitSweden). Acompáñenos en este importante diálogo en Estocolmo el próximo mayo.
Seremi de las Culturas inicia “Cabildos Territoriales” para elaborar las próximas Estrategias Quinquenales de Cultura 2023-2028
Ministry of Cultures, Arts and Heritage, Chile, 09 January 2023, Chile
Con el objetivo de definir las próximas Estrategias Quinquenales de Cultura que guiarán el desarrollo cultural, artístico y patrimonial de la Región de Valparaíso durante el periodo 2023-2028, la Seremi de las Culturas, las Artes y el Patrimonio iniciará este viernes los “Cabildos Territoriales”, proceso de diálogos participativos que se desarrollará en las provincias de Valparaíso, San Antonio, Marga Marga, Quillota, Los Andes, San Felipe, Petorca y los territorios insulares de Rapa Nui y Juan Fernández.
Cuba y Argelia revisan proyectos de intercambio cultural
Ministry of Culture, Republic of Cuba, 06 January 2023, Cuba
La Ministra de Cultura y Artes de Argelia, Soraya Mouloudji, y el embajador de Cuba en esta nación, Armando Vergara, revisaron proyectos futuros de cooperación en el sector, especialmente en los ámbitos del teatro y el patrimonio.
El Gobierno aprueba el proyecto de Ley del Cine y de la Cultura Audiovisual
Ministry of Culture and Sport, Spain, 27 December 2022, Spain
El Consejo de Ministros, a propuesta de la vicepresidenta primera y ministra de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital, Nadia Calviño, y del ministro de Cultura y Deporte, Miquel Iceta, ha acordado remitir a las Cortes Generales el Proyecto de Ley del Cine y de la Cultura Audiovisual, así como solicitar su tramitación parlamentaria por el procedimiento de urgencia.
Con el Foro Nacional de Creadores, artistas y público se apropian del Complejo Cultural Los Pinos
Ministry of Culture, 19 December 2022, Mexico
La Secretaría de Cultura del Gobierno de México, a través del Sistema de Apoyos a la Creación y Proyectos Culturales (SACPC), llevó a cabo con éxito la primera etapa del Foro Nacional de Creadores (FONC), que en su primera edición convocó a una audiencia diversa y de todas las edades para disfrutar en los escenarios del Complejo Cultural Los Pinos.
Los ministerios de Cultura y Economía siguen trabajando para fomentar el desarrollo productivo de las industrias culturales
Ministry of Culture of the Nation, Argentina, 16 December 2022, Argentina
El miércoles 14 de diciembre, en la Secretaría de Industria del Ministerio de Economía, se realizó la firma conjunta, entre el Ministerio de Cultura y el Ministerio de Economía de la Nación, de dos cartas de adhesión para el fomento del desarrollo productivo de las industrias culturales en general, y del sector Gastronomía en particular, en línea con las políticas impulsadas desde el Mercado de Industrias Culturales Argentinas (MICA).
Contact us
Suite 405, Level 4
50 Holt Street Surry Hills, Sydney
NSW 2010
Phone: +61 417 461 675
Email us: info@ifacca.org
Website: www.ifacca.org