11 October 2023#18
afrika Platform

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world

Nelson Mandela


Congratulations - Marleen Temmerman member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences!

Congratulations to Marleen Temmerman, the founding president of the Africa Platform of Ghent University Association!

Marleen Temmerman has long been a world authority thanks to her unyielding fight for women's rights and health. Now there is additional recognition as a new member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. And that as the first Belgian woman.

Book presentation: Wealth, Land and Property in Angola - 12/10/2023

Book presentation organized by the African History scholars affiliated to the African Studies program at Ghent University.

To register, contact Samuel.Coghe@UGent.be

Openingslezing Lerend netwerk rond Dekolonisering. Wit is meer dan een kleur. Over Ras, Klasse en Witheid - 18/10/2023

Zeg je nu wit of blank? Het is geen onschuldige vraag. Sibo Rugwiza Kanobana verkent in deze lezing hoe we door stil te staan bij ons taalgebruik vat kunnen krijgen op uitsluitingsmechanismes. Daarbij focust hij zich op systemisch racisme en hoe dat juist functioneert in een Europese context. Er wordt vandaag immers veel gesproken over witheid, maar wat is dat eigenlijk? Een huidskleur? Of is er meer aan de hand? En hoe verhoudt zich witheid ten opzichte van klasse-ongelijkheid? Op deze en andere vragen gaat deze lezing dieper in.

7th African Diaspora Agrofood Forum & Exhibition: 20-22/10/2023

Since its first edition, the African Diaspora Agrofood Forum focused on bringing together individuals, businesses, and organizations from the African diaspora and the agrofood industry.

The forum is specifically targeted towards the African diaspora in Europe, which presents an opportunity for entrepreneurs to engage with this influential community.

During the two days of exhibition there will be side events including panel discussions, workshops, and presentations from industry and development experts.

Lecture Stories [that] Matter: Migrant Academics’ Narratives of Precarity and Resilience in Europe - 23/10/2023

The volume consists of narratives of migrant academics from the Global South within academia in the Global North. The autobiographic and autoethnographic contributions to this collection aim to decolonise the discourse around academic mobility by highlighting experiences of precarity, resilience, care and solidarity in the academic margins.

This lecture will be given by the book editors:

  • Olga Burlyuk, professor of Europe's external relations at the Department of Political Science at University of Amsterdam.
  • Ladan Rahbari, professor of Sociology at the Department of Sociology at University of Amsterdam
Conférence: L'imaginaire écologique africain: entre le naturel, le culturel et le spirituel - 20/11/2023

Si les questions écologiques sont omniprésentes dans notre vie quotidienne, dans les medias et les débats politiques, ainsi que dans les expressions culturelles, la littérature, le théâtre... nous sommes peu conscients de la manière dont la nature et l’écologie sont représentées à d’autres endroits du monde.

Dans cette conférence, Prof. dr. Mamadou Faye (Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar) abordera le rôle que la littérature peut jouer dans le développement d’une conscience écologique en Afrique, mais aussi dans la promotion du dialogue interculturel à travers les continents.

Inaugural Lecture of the Endowed Chair of South Africa: Languages, Literature, Culture and Society: 23/11/2023

You are cordially invited to the inaugural lecture of this year's endowed Chair of South Africa: Languages, Literature, Culture and Society at Ghent University.

In her inaugural lecture, the acclaimed South African writer, philosopher, and professor emeritus at Stellenbosch University, Marlene van Niekerk examines what kind of critical apparatus would be needed to best identify the conditions of possibility under which Afrikaans literature was produced and the levels of self-understanding that can be expected from a historically privileged South African who teaches literature to students abroad.



Overview of different programmes in education, research, and innovation open to EU-Africa cooperation

A very comprehensive overview was provided to us by The Guild of European Research Intensive Universities.

Take part in the Open Doors Fellowship Program and open your lab to meaningful collaboration with African Scientists - deadline: 15/10/2023

The Open Doors Fellowship Program, coordinated by IPBO (Institute of Plant Biotechnology Outreach) in partnership with VLIR-UOS and UGent, targets post-doctoral and mid-career women working in African (inter)national research centers. 

As we enter the second year of candidate selection, we are looking for Flemish labs willing to host our fellows from May 2024 up to 12 weeks. The program covers all official bench fees, visa paperwork, accommodation, stipend disbursement, and travel arrangements. All you need to do is to open the doors of your lab!

ANSER Conference: Catalysing Change: Enhancing Evidence-Based Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Policies in Challenging Times - abstract submission deadline: 15/10/2023

Capitalizing on the momentum of the ICP+30 anniversary, the Belgian EU Presidency and the upcoming EU elections, this conference will bring together renowned researchers, policymakers, advocates, and program implementers from around the world to examine the multifaceted dimensions needed to re-energize the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR)agenda.

Fonds Elisabeth en Amélie: Reisbeurzenprogramma voor studenten uit het Globale Zuiden die in België studeren en werken rond het thema water - deadline: 18/10/2023

Het beurzenprogramma van het Elisabeth en Amélie financiert stages in het Zuiden voor studenten uit het Zuiden die in België een opleiding volgen op masterniveau (Master, ManaMa, BanaBa) en die een eindthesis maken die betrekking heeft op waterbeheer.

De beurs bestaat uit een rechtstreekse financiële tegemoetkoming tot max. 5.000 euro die de kosten dekt van een stage in een land in het Globale Zuiden (OESO-DAC-landenlijst).

Horizon Europe AgroServ - Call for Proposals open to scientists working in agroecology - deadline for pre-proposals: 23/10/2023

The Horizon Europe AgroServ launches its first call for proposals open to scientists from academia or the industry working on projects that address interdisciplinary topics related to agroecology and who want to access our research services and installations to conduct their research.


AEGIS Summer School: African, Afropolitan and Afropean Belongings - deadline for submitting proposals: 29/10/2023

The 2024 Summer School is organized by the Centro di Studi Africani in Sardegna – CSAS in collaboration with the AEGIS Centres of Roskilde (Denmark), Edinburgh (UK), Lisbon (Portugal), London (UK), CESSMA (France), Leiden (Netherlands).

The aim of the Summer School is:

  • to bring together advanced Ph.D. students and teaching staff from AEGIS Centres in order to exchange field and research experience;
  • to improve the students’ ability to prepare and present their research in an international context and more specifically to serve as a ‘feeder’ for ECAS 10 in Prague;
  • to promote graduate training within AEGIS and stimulate African-European inter-university cooperation.

The workshop is open up to some 20 PhD students and young researchers coming from AEGIS Centres and their affiliates in Europe and Africa. Applicants are invited to submit proposals that address the overall theme.

Multidisciplinary Workshop Green Transition & Biodiversity - Second Announcement and Call for Contributions - deadline for submission of abstracts: 29/10/2023

The Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences will organize its fourth Theme Day on Monday 4 December 2023.

The goal of this conference is to allow young researchers under the age of 40, who are active in global South countries, to meet each other, whatever their specialization, but also to let them know the Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences and its activities (www.kaowarsom.be).

Launch of the Call for VLIR-UOS TEAM projects 2024 - Stage 1 Concept notes - deadline: 8/12/2023

With TEAM projects, VLIR-UOS aims to strengthen the research and educational capacities of higher education and science institutions in partner countries. In addition, TEAM projects are expected to create the conditions for uptake of new and relevant knowledge, applications and/or services by academic, civil society, private and public actors.

A TEAM project is expected to produce results within the duration of maximum 5 years.

The projects allow for medium-term capacity building, e.g. through PhD research, curriculum development, network building, etc.



Journée de présentation des projets de recherche en RDC - 19 octobre 2023

Avec une présentation de ces projets de recherche:

  • Projet Bantu First (Université de Gand/Université de Kinshasa et ISP/Gombe) – Prof. Koen Bostoen, Prof. Jean-Pierre Donzo (recherches linguistiques) et Prof. Igor Matonda (recherches archéologiques)
  • Projet TALC (l’ISP/Mbujimayi) – Prof. Emmanuel Kambaja (recherche lexicographique), Célestin Kubela et Clément Tshimpaka (recherche en didactique)
  • Projet en Génie biologique (UOM/INERA, UGent) – Prof. John Tshibamba et Prof. Wannes Hubau

Pour vous inscrire, veuillez envoyer un email à Annelies.Verdoolaege@UGent.be ou Emmanuel.Kambaji@gmail.com

Pour participer à la conférence, cliquez ici

GAPSYM16: Knowledge production, research ethics and authorship in African contexts - 13 & 14 November 2023. Registration is open now!

This 16th multi-disciplinary conference of the AUGent Africa Platform will be co-organized by the University of the Western Cape. It hopes to showcase how scientists, policy makers, engineers, artists, writers, opinion makers and educators reflect on the highly topical subject of knowledge production and authorship in Africa.

This conference will explicitly be a platform to engage on this topic, also beyond the academia, including the organization of writeshops, round tables and seminars to rethink existing paradigms on the position African research takes in scholarly production.


Want to learn more about the six Regional Platforms? Take a look at www.ugent.be/regionalplatforms
to find all the information you need.

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