2022#4 16 February

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world

Nelson Mandela


Lecture and Workshops - Monster: Other/Alternative

In collaboration with Harold George & AfriKera Arts Trust - 1, 7 & 9 March

This project focuses on monsters as a way to understand ourselves and others, our norms, choices and boundaries, and processes of categorisation.

This is a Faculty of Arts & Philosophy Internationalisation@Home initiative organised by Inge Brinkman (African Studies, Ghent University), Harold George (Dunia Dance Theatre, Brussels), and AfriKera Arts Trust (Harare)


Open rehearsal & debate at Vooruit - 12 March, 18h

Monster: Other/Alternative & Making Men

This is an Internationalisation@Home event organized by the African Studies Programme, UGent (Inge Brinkman) and choreographer Harold George.

Instead of a classic performance, the audience is invited to attend the choreographic process of rehearsing on Othering, masculinities and monsters. In dialogue with the audience, the dancers will put ideas into motion as well as explore explore silences in movement.

By Harold George, DuniaDance Theatre & AfriKeraArts; Moderated by Inge Brinkman

For more information and registration, see


Belmundo 2022

"Maak indruk met je afdruk"

Belmundo Festival is het jaarlijkse Gentse stadsfestival rond internationale solidariteit, georganiseerd door Stad Gent, het Gents Overleg Noord-Zuid en 11.11.11.

Belmundo heeft als doel de Gentse actoren een kader te bieden om activiteiten op te zetten rond mondiale thema’s en om bij de Gentenaars een draagvlak te creëren en te versterken voor internationale solidariteit.

Ontdek de tientallen events in de loop van de maand maart:


Biennial Conference of the Association for African Studies in Italy

Call for Papers is open now

The Association for African Studies in Italy (ASAI) is pleased to announce the opening of the Call for Papers for its VI Biennial Conference Third Millennium Africas in the Global World. Challenges, Reconfigurations and Opportunities, to be held June 29-July 1, 2022 at the University of Urbino Carlo Bo. The call for papers opens on February 1 and closes on March 3, 2022.

For information and submission:


VLIR-UOS Call for Experts

Global Minds assessment commission

VLIR-UOS is launching a call for experts. The object of this call is to receive applications for membership of the assessment commission of one of our flagship programmes: Global Minds.

We seek high profile international experts that add expertise and diversity to the current commission. The commission is expected to assess 6 institutional proposals and attend a commission meeting in May 2022. Female experts in particular are invited to apply for commission membership, and (female) experts from VLIR-UOS partner countries.

The deadline for applications is 11 March 2022.

Could you help us by forwarding the call to individuals in your network that might be interested in applying for membership?


EU-Africa Business Forum 2022

Hybrid event: 14-18 February online and 16-17 February at The Square, Brussels (subject to COVID restrictions)

The 7th EU-Africa Business Forum (EABF22) will take place online (with limited on-site presence for speakers and moderators only). Co-organised by the European Commission, the African Union Commission, as well as EU and African business organisations.


Join a unique opportunity to exchange with African and European business leaders and decision makers. Meet and discuss partnership and investment opportunities with participants from various sectors and countries.


Twelve high-level panels and numerous online workshops will provide insights into the key themes of EU-Africa business, trade and investment relations.


Using Science Diplomacy as a powerful instrument to foster European-African cooperation

Panel discussion on 18 February - Side Event to the AU-EU Summit 2022

The EU-AU Summit in February will be the occasion for raising awareness of SD’s potential in overcoming political tensions and to cast a light on it in the future cooperation of the two continents.

The DLR Projektträger, active member of the EU Science Diplomacy Alliance, is therefore gathering policy-makers, scientists and stakeholders for an interactive exchange on 18 February - on the following questions:

  • How can Science Diplomacy be strategically implemented in African countries and the continent?
  • How can Science Diplomacy help to address the challenges posed by the endeavour to enable a sustainable and green African and European development while addressing the SDGs?
  • How can Science Diplomacy support the development of the AU-EU partnership?



Upcoming events

ENLIGHT webinar series

Discussing diversity, inclusion and racism

WHEN 24-02-2022 from 16:00 to 17:30
WHERE Online
ORGANIZER Africa Platform of Ghent University Association & ENLIGHT partners
CONTACT Annelies.Verdoolaege@UGent.be
WEBSITE https://www.africaplatform.ugent.be/event/enlight-webinar-series-discussing-diversity-inclusion-and-racism-0

Supporting an ethos and culture of inclusion through the University of Sanctuary movement and programme at NUI Galway

The National University of Ireland, Galway has undertaken a series of strategies to develop, nurture, and sustain a welcoming environment on campus, particularly for those in Direct Provision and members of the Irish Traveller community. These strategies encompass an on-going institution-wide response to the unprecedented global refugee crisis and low levels of participation in higher education among the Irish Traveller community, and to provide access to higher education opportunities at NUI Galway.

This webinar will take participants through the institutional strategies taken to achieve ‘University of Sanctuary’ status and introduce some of the individuals and organisations that have both benefitted and contributed.


Debat - Groei in mondiale solidariteit

25 jaar GO Noord-Zuid Stad Gent

WHEN 24-02-2022 from 20:00 to 22:00
WHERE De Centrale, Turbinezaal, Ham 72 te 9000 Gent
ORGANIZER Gents Overleg Noord-Zuid
CONTACT Annelies.Verdoolaege@UGent.be

Wat zijn de ambities en doelstellingen van de stad op langere termijn op het vlak van internationale solidariteit, duurzaamheid, mensenrechten en vrede?

Inleiding met Els Hertogen (directeur 11.11.11)


Hafsa El-Bazioui (schepen Internationale Solidariteit en Facility Management Gent)
Ignace Vandoorselaer (CEO Neuhaus, 4F, ex-CEO Van de Velde)
Geert Laporte (directeur ECDPM)
Badra Djait (voorzitster VOEM en coördinator inclusiviteit, diversiteit UGent)
Erik Paredis (professor Duurzame Ontwikkeling UGent)
Pieter Nuytinck (voorzitter Gents MilieuFront)
Maarten Dheedene (VOKA Oost-Vlaanderen)
Katrien Neyt (gewestelijk secretaris ABVV Oost-Vlaanderen)
Annelies Verdoolaege (voorzitster GONZ)

Moderator John Vandaele (MO* en EnerGent)

GAPSYM15: Biennial Afroeuropeans Network Conference

Intersectional Challenges in Afroeuropean Communities - Call for Papers is open

WHEN 22-09-2022 - 24-09-2022
WHERE Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Etterbeek Campus
ORGANIZER Vrije Universiteit Brussel & Africa Platform of Ghent University Association
CONTACT Annelies.Verdoolaege@UGent.be

The 8th Biennial Afroeuropeans Network Conference “Intersectional Challenges in Afroeuropean Communities” will take place from 22 – 24 September 2022

Hosted by the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), this conference is the result of a long collaboration between academics, writers, artists and activists that gave rise to the International Afroeuropeans Network.

The conference aims to consider how Afroeuropean communities are shaped by the intersections of ‘race’ and ethnicity with other markers of identification such as gender, class, sexuality, ability, age, citizenship status, language… Informed by intersectional thinking and its rejection of unidimensional perspectives in activism, policy and research, the conference explores how diverse processes of privileging and discrimination interact, making for complex and dynamic experiences of what it means to be Afroeuropean.
