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Hi all, Welcome to the first edition of Reaching Out for 2023. We hope you were able to have a happy and relaxing holiday break. Our team is excited to be back and we look forward to continuing to work with you all in 2023. At the end of last year CheckUP released our 2021-2022 Annual Report and the 9th edition of IMPACT magazine. Both publications are filled with stories that showcase our continuing commitment to creating healthier communities and reducing health inequities. Our heartfelt thanks to all of you, our providers, for your contributions. There are a number of upcoming training opportunities and events, including our first Queensland Primary Health Care Network (QPHCN) event for 2023. Taking place on Thursday 9 March, the event will focus on the health workforce. If you have a success story or case study that you would like to share about health careers you can contact comms@checkup.org.au to express interest in presenting. We are now at the six-month mark of the financial year, as a general rule, we expect our providers to have delivered approximately 50% of their services at this point, with future visit dates set for at least the next three months. If you are experiencing any difficulties which may affect your ability to complete your visit schedule, we encourage you to contact our team to discuss how we may assist you. For any other questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch by speaking to your Regional Coordinator or emailing outreachservices@checkup.org.au. We hope you all enjoy reading this edition of Reaching Out. Kind regards, Aidan and Elise Latest edition of IMPACT magazine out now! The stories in the 9th edition of CheckUP’s IMPACT magazine highlight how our organisation, along with our partners, providers, and members, are making a positive difference to the health and wellbeing of communities across Queensland and the Northern Territory. These stories also offer an insight into the dedicated people and organisations who are ensuring communities, particularly our most vulnerable, continue to receive much-needed access to quality healthcare. You can read the latest version of IMPACT online. Join us for our first Queensland Primary Healthcare Network (QPHCN) event for 2023 CheckUP will once again host a series of QPHCN events in 2023. The first event will be held on Thursday 9 March 2023 and will focus on the topic of health workforce. Have you downloaded the Access for All app? Disability awareness is paramount when working with people with disability. CheckUP, in partnership with Queenslanders with Disability Network (QDN) and Enabler Interactive have developed a 3D simulation training app, the ‘Access for All App’. The app provides an innovative way for mainstream health providers to engage in disability awareness training and experience barriers to healthcare access through the eyes of people with disability. It provides three scenarios based on the lived experiences of people with disability and the barriers they have experienced accessing mainstream healthcare. Search ‘CheckUP Access for All’ in your mobile app store to download the app for free. Staff spotlight: Andrew Legg Late last year Andrew Legg joined CheckUP as our First Nations Industry Workforce Advisor (IWA) - Health and Social Assistance. He is part of the team of Industry Workforce Advisors that have been appointed under the Good people. Good jobs: Queensland Workforce Strategy 2022-2023. Andrew is a Western Kuku Yalanji man of the Kuku Mini clan, and the Gurrabana clan of the Yidingi peoples of Far North Queensland. He has a diverse professional background,
having worked in various fields such as entertainment, trade, sales, business management, and human services. He is deeply passionate about working towards positive outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, as well as in areas such as human services, cultural practice and acceptance, the workforce industry, the environment and education. Provider profile: Green Jelly Bean Diabetes Green Jelly Bean Diabetes' mission is to support clients in achieving optimal metabolic health which includes remission over type 2 diabetes and a reduced reliance on medicines. Chris Messina, a qualified pharmacist and a credentialed diabetes educator is the founder of Green Jelly Bean Diabetes. Based in Cairns, Chris also works as an Outreach provider, visiting communities such as Mt Garnet. You can read more about Chris' work in our IMPACT magazine on page 35. Support for Rural Specialists in Australia - Grant Round 7 Support for Rural Specialists in Australia (SRSA) helps rural health specialists stay skilled, supported and engaged so you can continue to provide the best care to your community. New Mental Health Standards for Community Managed Organisations The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care have released the National Safety and Quality Mental Health Standards for Community Managed Organisations. With one in five Australians experiencing a common mental health disorder each year, access to safe and effective care in local communities is essential. The standards provide best practice guidance for service providers and developers and are a framework for delivering safer mental health care. Child Wise 2023 training schedule Child Wise offer a number of training programs that equip individuals and workplaces with vital knowledge and skills in the prevention and early intervention of child abuse and neglect. JBI Evidence Implementation Training - scholarships available The JBI Evidence Implementation Training Program is a 'hands on' approach to practice change, providing attendees with proven approaches to implementing evidence into their practice. The training is designed for healthcare professionals who interested in being a strategic contributor to orgaisational safety and quality by improving patient care. The Evidence Implementation Training Program begins on 27 March 2023. JBI is also offering scholarships for the program. Scholarship applications close 25 January 2023. Voluntary assisted dying in Queensland as of 1 January 2023 Voluntary assisted dying (VAD) is an additional end-of-life choice that is available to all eligible people and gives them the option to ask for assistance to end their lives. Queensland Mental Health Commision invites feedback on the renewal of Shifting minds. The Queensland Mental Health Commission invites all stakeholders and community members to give feedback on the draft vision and priorities for Queensland's renewed mental health, alcohol and other drugs strategic plan and phase two of Queensland's suicide prevention plan. Share your thoughts to inform the draft directions and priorities via the following survey links:
Nutrition in Healthcare Conference 2023 Dates: 17-19 February 2023 Responding to Domestic Violence with Trauma-informed Lens for GPs and Primary Care Providers When : 8 February 2023 Blue Knot Foundation brings the latest information in trauma-informed awareness and support for general practitioners and primary care providers to recognise complex trauma and its possible health presentations. ABOUT THE OUTREACH SERVICES Funded by the Australian Government Department of Health, CheckUP leads a strong, effective consortium delivering outreach services to urban, rural and remote locations and high-need populations throughout Queensland. We aim to increase access to medical specialist, GP and allied health professional services in urban, regional, rural and remote locations throughout Queensland, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. For any queries, please don't hesitate to get in touch with our Outreach team via email outreachservices@checkup.org.au or by phone (07) 3105 8300. |