No images? Click here Creating pathways to health equity After years of hard work, students are beginning to receive medical school admissions decisions and National Medical Fellowships (NMF) looks forward to supporting a new generation of future health care leaders of color and welcoming them into the NMF community. NMF’s engagement will not end at scholarships and service-learning programs, but continue throughout their careers as physicians and clinical researchers on the front lines in the fight for health equity. NMF’s work is grounded in its Strategic Framework, and this newsletter . . . NMF's Gratitude and Impact You are invited to take an in-depth look at the work NMF does, who makes it possible, and the impact made in a single year. Read about NMF’s programs, scholars, and alumni; celebrate its philanthropic investors; and see how effectively the organization stewards the resources entrusted to it. . . . Student Opportunities Medical Students of Color Wellness Circles NMF is partnering with The Steve Fund to offer monthly virtual Wellness Circles to NMF scholars! Facilitated by mental health experts, these sessions provide scholars with a safe and intimate space to explore the unique challenges they encounter in their academic and professional journeys, as well as address mental health issues. NMF scholars are invited to sign up to receive support, voice concerns, share experiences, and learn coping strategies. "Más Allá del Estetoscopio" Podcast on Spotify “Beyond the Stethoscope” is a podcast for doctors in training, regardless of academic level. Internal medicine resident Dr. Reniell X. Iñiguez shares his experiences, challenges and triumphs in the complex world of medicine. Listeners can expect to hear stories of overcoming and resilience, as well as explorations of scientific and ethical breakthroughs. Open Scholarships & Programs
. . . Meet Dr. Pamela Payne-Foster NMF alumna Pamela Payne-Foster, M.D., M.P.H. is a professor, deputy director, and senior fellow focused on population health and community medicine, outreach, and strategic partnerships at the University of Alabama School of Medicine in Tuscaloosa. A 2021 recipient of NMF’s Distinguished Alumni Award – Dr. Payne-Foster is currently serving as vice-president for National Medical Fellowships’ Alumni Alliance and as a Health Equity Ambassador. “I believe NMF can provide local communities with invaluable advocacy opportunities and education – and it is their kind of hard work and leadership that makes me excited for the future.” . . . Our Community's Health Depends on You NMF has fought for health equity for nearly 80 years and remains more committed than ever. We believe in empowering Black, Indigenous, Latine, and People of Color voices by putting them at the forefront of the health care workforce to solve our biggest health care problems. Please make a donation to NMF and help us invest in health professionals who believe that our health matters more than the bottom line, like NMF alumnus Dr. Herman B. Gray, Jr. Dr.
Gray is the founder of NMF’s Gray Family Scholarship Program for African-American students enrolled at Wayne State University School of Medicine, where he chairs the department of pediatrics. . . . Alumni Opportunities Become a Sawubona Healing Circle Facilitator NMF and the Association of Black Psychologists will be offering Sawubona Healing Circle Facilitator Training online. NMF is also in conversation with the National Latinx Psychological Association, to further work on NMF’s strategic pillar advancing behavioral health and wellbeing. |