No images? Click here TAPPING THE WISDOM OF THE BODY![]() Photo by RDNE Stock project on Pexels “To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe.” —Marilyn vos Savant A POWERFUL, HIDDEN RESOURCEWhile it is easy for us to think of our bodies as vehicles for movement and action, it is harder to see them as vehicles for producing intelligence, developing insight, or optimizing resilience. But recent advancements in functional MRI scanning reveal that the intelligence contained within our bodies can be a resource for addressing the negative effects of trauma in life, whether major traumatic events or the more minor, frequent stressors associated with daily living. “Physical sensations are the very foundation of human consciousness,” writes noted biophysicist and psychotherapist Peter Levine. He goes on to say that “consciousness actually unfolds through the development of body awareness, of learning to understand the nuances and the meaning of our internal physical sensations and of our emotional feelings as well.” According to Levine, our physical bodies are not just the foundation of consciousness, but also they’re profoundly connected with our overall health and well-being. We can take advantage of this hidden power in our bodies to enhance our lives in many ways. Learning how to optimize our bodies through gentle movement, body awareness, and other simple techniques confers a host of desirable benefits. MOVE THE BODY TO ENHANCE EMOTIONSHumans have three basic neural systems that we use to manage mind-body interactions, to direct behaviors, and to process feelings and emotions: 1. Autonomic nervous system For example, in a situation of persistent job strain, the autonomic nerves constrain organ systems; the sympathetic nervous system readies the body for flight; and the vagus nerve sends volumes of information back to the brain stem to report on the overall state of the body. In this stressful scenario, we might suffer from heart palpitations, indigestion, anger, and disappointment—all of which will need to be processed and resolved if we are to return to our baseline of relative ease. While these physical symptoms might abate with a job change, re-balancing our feelings and emotions often requires an additional intervention. This is where personal body-movement practices can be especially helpful. Yoga, Tai Chi, Pilates, and other formal movement systems are useful here as are individual bodywork techniques such as self-massage, coherent breathing, and body-awareness practices. Since these same three neural systems also manage our core feelings of goodness and belonging, regular bodywork and movement practices have the added benefit of increasing our happiness and contentment. A NEW PATH TO RESILIENCEResilience can be thought of as an ability to bounce back from disruption or to adapt to change quickly. With modern living’s patterns of constant change and disruption, resilience is a highly desirable and useful skill for navigating life. Numerous studies have shown that people who maintain consistent movement practices have more resilience than people who are similar in other respects but don’t engage in regular movement. Furthermore, emerging brain-research findings explain why this is and help us appreciate the magnificence of our mind-body systems. These discoveries also make a compelling case for why having a regular bodywork and movement practice is so beneficial. Once we begin to see our health as something we have the personal power to build, learning and mastering methods for growing health become easy. Fortunately, quality information, experienced mentors, and a community of support for cultivating effective bodywork practices can be found in the High Health Network. These and other advanced practices enable us to create the energy and capacity we need to navigate life successfully and pursue the things that matter most to us. If you or your company wants these and other extraordinary health-building methods, contact us to find out more. Joyce M. Young, MD, MPH Photo by KoolShooters on Pexels “The body is the map of the mind.” —J.D. Landis Sincerely, Your colleagues at Advanced Wellness Systems High health is now a business imperative. Your company needs it for competitive edge. The High Health Network makes it easy. Get the one sheet. |