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June 18, 2024

Tuesday within the Eleventh Week of Ordinary Time (V25)
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Bishop's Homily for the Memorial of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary

(New Africa / Shutterstock.com)

[Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa, Honolulu (Oahu Eucharistic Congress Mass, Saurday, June 8)]

How easy it is to leave Jesus behind!

I am sure Mary and Joseph placed great trust in their twelve-year-old son.  This was not their first journey to the holy city of Jerusalem from their home in Nazareth, since it was their custom to go there at the Passover.  There must have been a happy caravan of friends and relatives journeying together to deepen their faith and to become more immersed in their calling as God’s chosen people.  Jesus must have been quite the gregarious young man, feeling at home in many of the households that made up the caravan, enjoying the company of his old friends, and perhaps meeting some new friends along the way.  That must have been so routine that Mary and Joseph took a whole day to notice that he was not with them.  This Immaculate Heart of Mary we celebrate today was suddenly filled with worry and anxiety, perhaps thinking the worst, and simply not knowing where their beloved son had gone.  So they went back immediately to look for him, though it took two more days to find him.  Read more...

Dominican Sisters Mark 6 Decades of Service in Hawaii

The Dominican Sisters of the Most Holy Rosary of the Philippines’ convent in Waipio.  (Jennifer Rector / Hawaii Catholic Herald)

By Jennifer Rector
Hawaii Catholic Herald

The Dominican Sisters of the Most Holy Rosary of the Philippines have influenced the lives of thousands of students in Hawaii for decades, giving their lives to service, education and love.

This year, the sisters in distinctive white-and-black habits are celebrating 60 years of the founding of their Hawaii region.

“Our Dominican charism is to preach the truth about God whom we contemplate in our hearts. We contemplate through prayer and study, live in common with our fellow sisters and share the fruits of our contemplation in doing our mission through education, pastoral work and caregiving,” said Sister Delia Obenza, the Hawaii regional superior.  Read more...

Do Not Leave Jesus Behind

(Mongkolchon Akesin / Shutterstock.com)

From the Office for Social Ministry

“Jesus calls us to feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, welcome the stranger, visit the sick and imprisoned.  We know they are all around us, crying out for our love” - Bishop Larry Silva’s Homily at the Eucharistic Congress Mass at Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa, Honolulu, Hawaii (June 8, 2024)

This month Bishop Larry Silva celebrated the Diocesan Eucharistic Congress Mass on Oahu hosted by the Co-Cathedral parish of St. Theresa on the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. During the Mass that Saturday morning, outside in the church parking lot parish volunteers were distributing the monthly senior Food Bank boxes for hungry kupuna who filed by on foot or in cars lined up in the driveway. Inside the Co-Cathedral, Bishop Larry delivered a very moving homily that underscored how the Eucharist nourishes us to recognize Christ daily in our world today. His sermon asked all to reflect on  “when we walk by the least of our brothers and sisters, do we not leave Jesus behind to fend for himself?  Some are war-weary Ukrainians who continue to live in terror in their own homes, while others have fled and are refugees in foreign lands – and many, right here in Honolulu!  Some are the homeless who live in tents and under freeway overpasses in the many cities around our country.” Bishop Larry urged us all to be very concerned as Our Blessed Mother Mary was “not to leave Jesus behind.”  Read more...

Transportation Friends for Kupuna Project

Catholic Charities Hawai‘i is looking for more volunteers as a driver and/or chaperone to assist kupuna 60 years and older for our Transportation Friends for Kupuna (TFK) Project.

As a volunteer driver, you will use your own vehicle to transport kupuna clients to needed destinations, and as a chaperone, you will assist in accompanying kupuna to and from their destinations. Your contribution as a volunteer will make a meaningful impact on the lives of frail kupuna who live independently.

If you are interested or need more information, please contact Program Volunteer Coordinator at (808) 527-4783

Life in the Spirit Seminar, Jun 21-22

Friday, June 21, 2024, 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Saturday, June 22, 2024, 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

St. John Apostle and Evangelist Church,
One Community Center

The Life in the Spirit Seminar will feature guest speakers Fr. Anthony Rapozo, Dcn. Raffy Mendoza, Tina Andrade, Dr. Maria Victoria Achaval, and Dr. Jorge Samaniego. Praise and worship will be provided by the Hawaii Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services Worship Team.

Flyer available HERE.

ʻOhana Mass, Jun 22

Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 5:30 p.m.
Mary, Star of the Sea Church, Honolulu

From the Office for Social Ministry

At Mary, Star of the Sea Church on Oahu, parishioners established their Ministry for Persons with Disabilities by welcoming persons with varying gifts and abilities to celebrate the “’Ohana Mass.” Ushers who are members of the Knights of Columbus offer a warm welcome and escort them to the designated pews where they were able to better participate in the Eucharist. After Mass, the community continues fellowship together through a potluck supper where all joyfully serve each other with nourishing food and aloha. These “‘Ohana Masses” and potluck fellowship normally take place on the fourth Saturday each month, 5:30 PM at Mary, Star of the Sea where all are welcomed to celebrate and share their gifts as one ‘Ohana.

Live stream available at Mary, Star of the Sea's YouTube Channel.

For more information, please call the parish office at (808) 734-0396 or email rafmendoza@rcchawaii.org.

St. Rita Free Clothing Give-Away, Jun 29

Saturday, June 29, 2024, 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
St. Rita Church, Haiku

In the spirit of sharing with the community, join St. Rita Catholic Church in Haiku for their free clothing give-away in their hall.  Gently used clothing, books, shoes, toys, kitchenware, bedding, and more are available for free.  Bring your own bag.  All are welcome!

Flyer available HERE.

Saint of the Week

Saint Romuald, Abbot

c. 951–1027
Memorial - June 19

Saint Romuald was born into a noble family in Ravenna, located in modern-day northern Italy. As a youth, he was reportedly quite mischievous, and by some accounts, even vicious. It’s likely he adopted such behavior in imitation of his father. During that time, the nobility were often engaged in conflicts over control of land, political power, or in response to perceived violations of their family’s honor. When Romuald was twenty, his father, Sergius degli Onesti, found himself embroiled in such a conflict with a relative over land ownership. They resolved their dispute through a duel, which Sergius won by killing his relative. Even though Romuald was no stranger to such conflicts, he was horrified by his father’s actions. Romuald fled to the Benedictine monastery of San Apollinare-in-Classe, just south of Ravenna. Initially, he went to the monastery for a forty-day retreat of prayer and penance to atone for his father’s sin. After forty days, however, he decided to stay and become a monk.  Read more...

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Online Giving for Parishes

Support your local parish online! You can give directly to your parish on the Diocese of Honolulu's Offertory page at www.catholichawaii.org/offertory.

On behalf of the parishes in the Diocese of Honolulu, thank you for your gift of support. Mahalo nui loa!

Live-streaming Masses for the Diocese of Honolulu

There are many opportunities to view Mass via live stream from various churches in the Diocese of Honolulu.


Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace, downtown Honolulu
Sundays at 10 AM
Weekdays at 12 PM, Saturdays at 12 PM and 5 PM

Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa, Kalihi
Sundays at 10:30 AM
Mondays to Thursdays at 6:30 AM, Fridays & Saturdays at 8 AM

Mystical Rose Oratory, Kaimuki
Sundays at 10 AM

Newman Center, Manoa
Sundays at 5 PM

Mary, Star of the Sea, Waialae-Kahala
Saturdays at 5:30 PM

Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Ewa Beach
Sundays at 9 AM

Our Lady of Sorrows, Wahiawa
Sundays at 9 AM
or https://www.olswahiawa.org

Our Lady of the Mount, Kalihi
Sundays at 9 AM

Resurrection of the Lord, Waipio
Sundays at 9:30 AM

St. Anthony, Kalihi
Sundays at 8:30 AM, Weekdays at 6:30 AM, Saturdays at 7 AM

St. Augustine, Waikiki
Saturdays at 5 PM

St. Elizabeth, Aiea
Sundays at 10 AM

St. Joseph, Waipahu
Sundays at 10 AM, Weekdays at 6:30 AM, Saturdays at 7 AM

St. Pius X, Manoa
Sundays at 11 AM
Facebook: Diocese Of Honolulu Evangelization Taskforce

St. Michael, Waialua
Sundays at 11 AM, Wednesdays at 7 AM
or https://stsmichaelpeterpaul.org

St. Rita, Nanakuli
Sundays at 9 AM
or YouTube

St. Roch, Kahuku
Sundays at 7:30 AM

St. Stephen, Nuuanu
Sundays at 10 AM


Immaculate Heart of Mary, Papaikoi & St. Anthony, Laupahoehoe
Sundays at 8 AM (St. Anthony, Laupahoehoe)
Sundays at 10 AM (Immaculate Heart of Mary, Papaikoi)
Saturdays at 5 PM (Immaculate Heart of Mary, Papaikoi)

Our Lady of Lourdes, Honokaa
Sundays at 9 AM & 6:30 PM, Saturdays at 5:30 PM


St. Catherine, Kapaa
Sundays at 9:30 AM, Mondays to Saturdays at 7 AM
or https://www.facebook.com/stcatherinekauai


Our Lady Queen of Angels, Kula
Daily at 7 AM

St. Joseph, Makawao
Sundays at 9 AM

Resources to Prepare for Watching a Livestream Mass:

Events and Previous Announcements


Juneteenth Holiday, Jun 19

Life in the Spirit Seminar, Jun 21-22

'Ohana Mass, Jun 22

Funernal Mass for Father Alapaki Kim, Jun 28

St. Rita Free Clothing Give-Away, Jun 29


Independence Day Holiday, Jul 4

Mass for the Feast Day of Our Lady of Peace, Jul 9


For our most recent news, visit www.catholichawaii.org.

Bishop's Homily for the Tenth Sunday of Ordinary Time

‘Pure Joy Enveloped Me’: The Diocese Gains Three New Priests in Kurt Meyer, Francis Hai Pham and Anthony Tran

Catholic Youths Share Insights on Climate Change in Listening Session Project

Saint of the Week - Saint Barnabas the Apostle

Diocesan Guidelines for Speaker Approval

How to Order a Papal Blessing?

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