A new home for the Grove has been found and whānau are being contacted No images? Click here ![]() Wednesday 10 November 2021 He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tangata he tangata he tangata. Te kanohi kitea ka hoki ngaa mahara ka heke ngaa Roimata. Ka mihi taatou ki te Maumahara Grove What is the most precious taonga in the world? It is people, it is people. Stirs up the treasured memories of our loved ones, gone but not forgotten. The fountain of tears that conveys our korowai of aroha. We salute and acknowledge our treasured valours and special family and dear friends. We acknowledge Te Whare Wānanga o Wairaka for the kaitiakitanga and manaakitanga. We welcome the new residential resting place of the illustrious “Memorial Grove”. Tihei Mauri Ora A new home for our Memorial GroveThe Memorial Grove site on our Mt Albert campus forms part of our land sale to the Ministry of Housing and Development (MHUD), so it will be handed over in the coming months. We’re aware of the significance of this space and over the past few months, in collaboration with stakeholders across Unitec, we have chosen a new space to establish our memorial of past staff and ākonga.
The new Memorial Grove will be established next to the Gate 4 carpark, which provides a grass area where trees and memorial stones can be moved to and new trees planted.
![]() The forested area adjacent to the new space will also offer our Environmental and Animal Sciences School another outdoor teaching laboratory area where our ākonga can learn about planting and native forest regeneration. Contacting whānauIt’s important that we let whānau know about the relocation of our Memorial Grove. Our Chaplain Ricky Waters is in the process of contacting the family members of our ākonga and kaimahi who are honoured in the Grove. In some cases, our contact details of the whānau are out of date, so if you have details of staff, students, or families who have connections to any of the memorials (see the list below this message), please contact Ricky Waters. Whānau will be invited join our karakia to farewell the old site. They will have the choice of taking their whānau member’s memorial stone with them, picking an existing tree in the new Memorial Grove space, planting a new tree, or transplanting the existing tree to a new home. This preparation mahi will take place over the next two months. I appreciate the ongoing efforts and support from Ricky Waters, Whaea Tanya White, Matua Hare Paniora, Dan Blanchon, Jaala Jacobs, Andrew Happy, Untaka Cai, Jason Cocker and Bill Dobbin, as we have worked on the relocation of the Memorial Grove to its new home. It is an important kaupapa and I’ve been thankful that such a collaborative, considerate group has given this mahi the respect it deserves. I will keep you updated as we work towards opening our new Memorial Grove. Ngā mihi Michelle Teirney Memorials - seeking information on the whānau of these past staff and students
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