Office of
Human Resources

Picnics, pool days, and sunshine can only mean one thing, summer is here! But those aren't the only things that make summer so sweet. The latest issue of While You Were Working has arrived!

This summer edition is all about YOU. Additional personal days for employees, staff recognition for years of great service, campus building access updates, and the best ways to get in shape this summer. Check it all out in this newsletter!

Have a coworker who should be in the know? Send them this link to sign up for future releases of this newseltter!


More You Time: Additional Personal Days for Staff

We think you're pretty great and deserve time to do the things that make you, you! Beginning on July 1, 2022, the University is providing additional personal time for staff and executives.

  • Full-time staff and executives will now have 3 personal days (22.5 hours) available for use
  • Part-time staff will now have 1.5 days (11.25 hours) available for use
  • Staff that experience a change in percentage of effort within the fiscal year should refer to the Staff Handbook to understand their available personal time

So, whether you use your extra time off for some self-care, volunteer opportunities, or personal development, we just want you to use it!

Learn more about the additional personal days.

Pivio: The Complete Health Improvement Program

Pitt is offering a new wellness opportunity called Pivio. Pivio is a proven lifestyle education program that focuses on plant-based eating, physical activity, stress reduction, mindfulness training, and positive psychology.

Pivio classes consist of 18 remote sessions over 12 weeks. The deadline to sign up for the next session of classes is July 18. Once you complete the program, participants will receive:

  • Knowledge and skills to develop long-term healthy habits
  • One-year access to Pivio online education materials and resources
  • Up to $100 in Health Incentive Account (HIA) rewards

Learn more about Pivio and how to express interest in participating.

Chancellor's Staff Recognition Ceremony

In June, Chancellor Gallagher hosted the Staff Recognition Ceremony. This ceremony celebrated staff from all areas of the university for their accomplishments and continued commitment to Pitt. Nearly 1,200 employees were recognized for their years of service, from 5 years all the way to 50 years. Check out a recording of the ceremony.


Staff Recognition: By the Numbers

  • 5-Year Anniversary: 613 Employees
  • 10-Year Anniversary: 270 Employees
  • 20-Year Anniversary: 195 Employees
  • 30-Year Anniversary: 67 Employees
  • 40-Year Anniversary: 27 Employees
  • 50-Year Anniversary: 1 Employee

Thank you for your years of dedicated service!

POGOH Around Pittsburgh

Interested in getting around the city and improving your physical fitness at the same time? POGOH has you covered! Pittsburgh's bike share system provides staff, faculty, and students with a healthy and affordable alternative transportation option.

Pitt employees must use their Pitt login credentials and unique voucher code that was emailed to them in May 2022 to activate their account. Search "Your POGOH at Pitt Bike Share Promo Code" in your email search bar to locate your personal code. Started at Pitt after May 2022 or unable to locate your code? Use your Pitt email to request a voucher code at

Building on University of Pittsburgh campus

Campus Building Access Restrictions Update >

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University of Pittsburgh