No images? Click here ![]() Message from the CEOIn the first quarter of 2024, PHA has prioritised engagement opportunities across the plant biosecurity system to improve collaboration, strengthen partnerships and enhance integration. One of these opportunities was the Nationally Integrated Surveillance System for Plant Pests (NISSPP) workshop in mid-March where plant industry and government representatives from across Australia gathered in Melbourne to finalise activities to investigate requirements for the development of a NISSPP. Member meetingsPHA's Member meeting will be held 30-31 May both in-person and online. Keep an eye out for the notice of the General Meeting, which will be sent to all Members early next month.![]() Annual diagnostics and surveillance workshopsThe hybrid Annual Diagnostics Workshop (ADW) and Annual Surveillance Workshop (ASW) took place in Tweed Heads, NSW, last month, where delegates shared their knowledge and learnings, and facilitated connections and collaborations through presentations, panel discussions, and workshops. ![]() PHA’s Digital Systems team presents at ADW and ASWPHA’s Digital Systems team presented educational workshops on AUSPestCheck® and the Australian Plant Pest Database (APPD) at the recent Annual Diagnostics and Surveillance Workshops (ASW and ADW). The workshops provided an overview of the systems and outlined new features. ![]() Make a bee-line for your hivesApril marks the launch of the annual Bee Pest Blitz month, and we're calling on all Australian beekeepers to inspect their hives for high-priority pests like varroa and tropilaelaps mites. Beekeepers will also find resources such as posters, flyers, and a training video to ensure thorough hive inspections. ![]() Keynote speakers announced for 3rd Australian Biosecurity SymposiumWe are excited to announce that Dr Chadden Hunter, wildlife biologist and filmmaker, along with Dr Claire Madden, Head Veterinarian at SeaWorld, will join the line-up of keynote speakers at the 3rd Australian Biosecurity Symposium this August. ![]() Delivering surveillance and resourcing into the futurePHA’s Nationally Integrated Surveillance System for Plant Pests (NISSPP) workshop brought together industry and government stakeholders to finalise the framework addressing future plant pest surveillance and resourcing needs. The workshop was a key milestone, concluding a series of consultations and building on findings to shape an effective, sustainable surveillance system. ![]() Calling all industry liaison championsPHA’s free training for Industry Liaison Officers (ILOs) aims to enhance practical skills, deepen understanding of the ILO role, and help build important industry and government connections. Upcoming sessions are scheduled for Victoria, the Northern Territory, and Queensland. ![]() Hitchhiker pests and Greenlife retailer trainingDo you work in the nursery industry or handle imported goods? The free online Hitchhiker Pests and Greenlife Retailer Pests and Diseases courses are designed to help staff recognise and report plant pests and diseases, crucial for protecting our industries and environment. ![]() New EPPRD version issuedA new version of the Emergency Plant Pest Response Deed (EPPRD) was issued on Wednesday, 3 April 2024. The new version includes updated contact details for signatories listed in Schedule 2. ![]() PHA presents future of HTS technology in biosecurityPHA joined global experts to explore advances in High Throughput Sequencing (HTS) technologies for biosecurity, with PHA’s Dr Cheryl Grgurinovic presenting on a project scoping a centralised HTS data platform. AUSVEG’s latest Vegalogue episode with Dr Tran-NguyenEpisode 7 discusses a new national biosecurity strategy for vegetables featuring PHA’s Dr Lucy Tran-Nguyen, changes witnessed in the vegetable industry over 60 years with Geoff Moar, and more. Testing new varroa mite detection technologyTwo new pilot programs in NSW and the ACT will evaluate the potential of BeeRight technology and citizen science in detecting varroa mite in Australian hives. Exploring solutions for khapra beetle at the Australian borderThe Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry and Murdoch University are exploring the use of ethyl formate as an alternative to methyl bromide to control and eradicate khapra beetle at the border. New edition of the Plant Biosecurity Manual TasmaniaThe 2024 edition of the Plant Biosecurity Manual Tasmania is now available. The manual assists importers or exporters of plants, plant matter or products into or out of Tasmania. Inspector-General signs biosecurity reportThe Inspector-General has completed a review of the biosecurity report: Strategy, governance and planning to strategically manage the department’s biosecurity science resource. Asian honey bees confirmed at Port of BrisbaneFollowing enhanced biosecurity measures after a detection of a single Varroa jacobsoni mite, a new exotic incursion of Asian honey bees has been detected at the Port of Brisbane. CEBO releases Roots of Resilience filmReleased by the Chief Environmental Biosecurity Office (CEBO), ‘Roots of Resilience' showcases the invasive myrtle rust fungus threat, biosecurity importance, and First Nations' insights and connections to Australia's forests. NT Government appoints Bee Biosecurity OfficerThe Northern Territory Government has recently appointed a Bee Biosecurity Officer to support and strengthen the Territory’s bee keeping community. Reminder: PBRI Symposium coming up in MayComing up from 8–9 May in Cairns, QLD, the Plant Biosecurity Research Initiative (PBRI) Symposium will showcase research, development, and extension supported by PBRI member organisations and partners. CRDC appoints new Executive DirectorAllan Williams has recently been appointed as the new Executive Director of the Cotton Research and Development Corporation (CRDC), bringing a wealth of experience and a career devoted to the cotton industry. Leadership opportunity at CSIROCSIRO are looking for a Deputy Director of ACDP / Science Director for the AAHL Business Unit, to provide strategic vision, leadership and direction that ensures the world-class Business Unit and facility, remains globally scientifically competitive and impactful. Hort Innovation Churchill Fellowships openApplications are open for Hort Innovation’s Churchill Fellowships, supporting transformative projects driving positive change within the Australian horticulture sector. Submissions close on Wednesday, 1 May. Melons Australia hits the road in 2024Melons Australia are continuing the delivery of important industry information to growing regions with their 2024 Roadshow Series, including research and development insights, industry advocacy and biosecurity. Fall armyworm research news updatesEngage with the latest fall armyworm (FAW) research, development and extension activities for horticulture via the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries eHub and FAW newsletter. Rebound in agriculture value for 2024-25Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Murray Watt welcomed ABARES' latest forecasts, with production levels expected to rebound by up to 6% in 2024-25. Latest from Prevent Fruit Fly![]() Profile: John Webster, Independent Chair of the NFFCJohn Webster joined the National Fruit Fly Council (NFFC) last year as the Independent Chairperson. As a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, John brings a wealth of experience, coupled with several Chair and member tenures in industry RD&E groups. The NFFC recently caught up with John to learn more about him and the important role he plays in the fruit fly space. Latest from Grains Farm Biosecurity![]() Best practice biosecurity for sowing winter cropsAs grain growers gear up to sow winter crops, implementing robust biosecurity measures is paramount. From tackling the 'green bridge' to ensuring seed quality and maintaining clean machinery, proactive steps can significantly reduce the risk of plant pathogens and pests. ![]() Bringing used grains machinery into VictoriaConsidering importing second-hand farm machinery into Victoria? While a cost-effective option, there are crucial biosecurity considerations to address, from meeting Victorian legislation to mitigating risks of introducing pests and diseases. Latest from Farm Biosecurity![]() Farm biosecurity begins before the gateProfessionals like agronomists, vets, and contractors visiting multiple sites can inadvertently transport pests and diseases between locations. By making a few tweaks to your off-farm biosecurity practices, you can play a crucial role in minimising the risk of spreading pests and diseases. Staff movementsWelcome to our new team membersPHA recently welcomed Adam Hurrell in the role of National Manager, Digital Systems. Adam comes from an extensive ICT management and customer service background in the Federal Government, with expertise in service delivery, system development, technology transformation and governance. Also joining the Digital Systems team, we welcomed Project Officers Jessica Kriticos and Imogen Gad. Jessica brings a strong background in biological and environmental sciences, focusing on national and international biosecurity measures. She has also co-authored CLIMEX models on the potential distributions of two pest species found in Australia, and is currently completing her Honours degree in Environmental Science at the Australian National University. Imogen has a Bachelor of Biomedical Science and Master of Medical Science (Clinical Epidemiology) and extensive experience in research, project management, and governance. Imogen has provided crucial support for public health investigations and emergency responses, including swine flu, equine Influenza, and COVID-19. We also welcomed Lily McDonald who joined the Emergency Response team in the role of Project Officer: Emergency Response. Lily completed her Bachelor of Agricultural Science specialising in plants and genetics in Perth before moving to Canberra to study her Masters in Agricultural Innovation at the Australian National University. Out and about![]() The PHA team Sarah Hilton, Amanda Yong, Jonathan Terlich, and Sarah Corcoran, at the recent Parliamentary Friends of Biosecurity event at Parliament House in Canberra. ![]() Making its debut at the Parliamentary Friends of Biosecurity event, our 3D printed Varroa mite was displayed alongside the Red Imported Fire Ant (RIFA) to highlight the importance of biosecurity in protecting our agricultural industry. ![]() Members of the PHA team attended and presented at the Annual Diagnostics Workshop and Annual Surveillance Workshop in NSW that was held from 19 - 21 March. ![]() PHA’s Bee Biosecurity team, Sarah Hilton and Kathryn Pagler, presented on bee pest surveillance at the Nationally Integrated Surveillance System for Plant Pests (NISSPP) workshop in Victoria. ![]() PHA’s Amanda Yong visited the Australian National Herbarium at CSIRO in Canberra as part of the National Biosecurity Communication and Engagement Network (NBCEN) annual in-person meeting. ![]() PHA’s Stuart Kearns and Rebecca Powderly with CABI’s Lina Yip (middle) at the PHA office, exploring collaborative opportunities and providing feedback on user experiences. |