A team led by an academic clinical fellow based in Birmingham has been named the winner of the renowned Rowan Hillson Award 2022. The team, led by Dr Punith Kempegoda, from DEKODE and the University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, won the award for its cloud-based DKA management monitoring system. Revised guidance on how to manage diabetes in frail older adults who are admitted to hospital is now available for healthcare professionals. The Joint British Diabetes Societies for Inpatient Care (JBDS-IP) has released an updated version of the Inpatient Care of the Frail Older Adult with Diabetes guideline to improve hospital care for older people with the condition. This guideline was coordinated by Professor Alan Sinclair of fDROP and King’s College, London. A quality improvement framework for peripheral arterial disease has been published by the Vascular Society. A Best Practice Clinical Care Pathway for Peripheral Arterial Disease responds to recommendations made in the vascular surgery GIRFT programme report in 2018. The presence and degree of diabetic retinopathy are independent predictors of severe coronary atherosclerosis in type 2 diabetes, a study by Egyptian researchers has suggested. On the back of the findings, the research team from Sohag University and Ain Shams University recommend diabetic retinopathy (DR) degree be taken into consideration when evaluating whether a person with type 2 diabetes is at high risk for coronary artery disease (CAD). Less than one in four women with a history of gestational diabetes are screened annually for type 2 diabetes, a study by Leicester researchers has found. Gestational diabetes (GDM) is where high blood glucose levels develop during pregnancy and if not managed well can lead to complications including induced labour, a caesarean section and a larger than normal baby. People with type 2 diabetes may need to reduce their blood sugar levels sooner after diagnosis than previously thought, to prevent major cardiovascular events such as heart attacks, according to new research. The study from the University of Surrey suggests that controlling blood sugar levels within the first year of diagnosis reduces the incidence of major cardiovascular events. HbA1c is not a valid surrogate marker for all-cause mortality in people with type 2 diabetes, according to a German study. To read more, click here. A national trial has identified that a low-calorie programme can help people put their type 2 diabetes into remission. To read more, click here. GLP-1 receptor agonist therapy reduces the risk of death from cardiovascular causes and stroke in people with type 2 diabetes. To read more, click here. Several aspects of diabetes care were under the spotlight at an event set up for people with the condition. To read more, click here. A few days away at an international conference - ATTD 2022 (Advanced Technology & Therapeutics in Diabetes). A phrase which had lost its poignance, its significance as we battled with a pandemic. This opportunity perhaps showcased how common it was, yet how much we missed the human contact, the opportunity to talk to people in the flesh and simply the camaraderie. To read more, click here. Bringing you the latest jobs from around the country within the field of diabetes. Consultant in Diabetes & Endocrinology – Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Lead Diabetes Specialist Nurse – Band 7 – Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Diabetes Specialist Nurse – The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Locum Consultant in Diabetes & Endocrinology – East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust Join the expanding diabetes community on Twitter and follow us for the latest diabetes news updates at @DiabetesTimes. We are now on YouTube where you will find interviews with leading people within the field of diabetes. Click here to visit our page. |