No images? Click here TRANSFORMING OUR PRETORIA OFFICESIt took a lot of hard work and teamwork, but we have transformed our new technical hub in Pretoria into a typically warm and inviting Safire space. On Monday, 8 April we welcomed a vibrant new Safire team with specialised expertise to assist our brokers... NOTEWORTHY NEWS IN NUMBERS40%:the estimated percentage of time saved in not commuting that people who work from home use to do additional work. $1-trillion:annual global increase in the cost of combating rampant cybercrime, according to a Statista Market Insights survey. 7:number of countries internationally that met WHO levels in terms of clean air quality in 2023. South Africa is not on the list.
The Insurer newsletter and the content of any article published herein, should not be construed as forming part of any insurance contract or policy nor as constituting any form of advice. It is aimed at providing an informal and informative read to the readers thereof. Whilst every effort is taken to attempt to ensure the accuracy and correctness of the information contained herein, Safire Insurance Company Limited does not give any assurance regarding such accuracy or correctness and accordingly does not accept any liability whatsoever for any loss or damage, whether direct, indirect or consequential, arising from any reliance placed in the information contained herein. |