Welcome to your All About Albury Newsletter
This month our CEO, Frank Zaknich, talks about the ongoing flood response across our community, the Mayor chats with Councillor Daryl Betteridge, we officially launch our Reconciliation Action Plan and highlight opportunities to have your say... plus lots more.
Mayor Kylie King caught up with Councillor Daryl Betteridge, who has returned to Council after recently retiring.
Cr Betteridge is passionate about being part of decision making for our community, and inspiring others who hold the same values to give Council a try!
It's been a challenging time for many in our community who have been impacted by high-intensity storm and rainfall events, coupled with significant Murray River water levels. We’re working closely with the SES, VRA, MDBA, and other agencies to ensure a coordinated response to keep our community safe.
Frank Zaknich - CEO
Albury has seen significant growth in recent years, driven by a wide range of employment options and enviable lifestyle opportunities, which has increased since COVID-19. Our Draft Local Housing Strategy provides a plan for how and where housing needs to be delivered to meet the needs of the community now and into the future, and we want to hear your thoughts.
Members of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community, community organisations, our RAP Working Group and RAP Advisory Group, Councillors, and Government representatives came together to celebrate the official launch of our Reconciliation Action Plan.
A number of upgrades have been identified for the Les O'Brien Athletics Precinct, to improve usability and accessibility, attract events and increase participation, and improve the overall look and operation of the area. Check out our Draft Les O'Brien Athletics Precinct Master Plan and let us know what you'd like to see up first!
Eight important community and cultural initiatives will receive funding through Round 1 of our Community and Cultural Grants Program 2022/23. The program provides not-for-profit community groups and individuals with funding for programs that develop capacity, meet a need, or provide a cultural experience. Join us in congratulating the worthy recipients!
Do you hear what we hear? Chrissy is just around the corner! If your office has organised a staff Christmas party to celebrate, you can register your party with our Arrive Home Safely initiative to receive subsidised taxi vouchers for your staff. Let’s make sure everyone gets home safely this Christmas.
The Albury region continues to experience unprecedented growth, with the urban area expanding significantly in recent years. We are undertaking a Rating Structure Review to ensure there continues to be fair distribution of the rates property owners pay across our city. Have your say by this Friday 18 November.
Often cloaked in myth, the stories of spies are sometimes stranger than fiction. The Albury LibraryMuseum's newest exhbition, Spy: espionage in Australia, reveals the personal experiences of secret agents and the curious history of espionage and counter-espionage in Australia. Check it out until 5 February 2023.
Did you know that you can choose to downsize from a 240L red bin to the 140L size and save on your rates? If you find your red bin is only half full on rubbish day, contact us to downsize your bin and keep our planet (and your wallet!) happy.
Sunday mornings are for exploring! MAMA is now offering Free Family Tours which include a guided walkthrough of our current exhibitions, stopping at selected artworks for a closer look and responsive activities. Now every Sunday from 10.30am - 12pm!
The MAMA Kids Gallery's first installation, Chromakinda, by artist Mikala Dwyer, encourages creative play and imagination through costumes, chalk art and impromptu performances, framed by the new Dean Street window.
553 Kiewa Street,
PO Box 323
Albury NSW 2640
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