No images? Click here Photo above: Congratulations to all students who were recognised in our Awards Assemblies . Message from the PrincipalDear Parents/Guardians and Families, I trust the term is going well for all families. One of the major goals of Kennedy is to provide as many opportunities as possible to engage with our community. Over the next few weeks, a number of exciting occasions will be provided to maximise family engagement with the College. This includes:
I encourage you to look out for more opportunities to attend College events this Term, with even more listed in this newsletter. One recent community event was our Awards Assembly for Year 7-9 students. The presentation of certificates of excellence and achievement to many of our students promotes and highlights the exceptional standards they are reaching. Congratulations to recipients of these significant awards. We look forward to sharing more opportunities during the Term 3 journey together.
Mr Mark Ashby Chaplain Chats![]()
Words have the power to help or to harm. Words carry weight, and the right word used the right way can lift all those around the one who speaks the word. Every year at Kennedy, we pick up a particular word and commit a whole week to it. This word is ‘brio’ and next week we are celebrating our ‘Be BRIO Week’. To be brio is to bring life, energy, light, fire and zest to those around you. The story of Be BRIO Week at Kennedy is quite truly an illustration of this word in action. In 2021, with COVID still influencing daily school life, two Year 9 students begun a class project to run a school activity to engage with students. They grabbed hold of the word 'brio' and made a week-long focus on being difference makers at the College. This week was student run, student focused and lots of fun. The school felt different during that week as students looked to lift each other up and add zest to our College. The purpose of this week still holds four years on. The two students are now in Year 12 and are about to finish their Kennedy journey. It’s with this in mind that this year’s focus is ‘Legacy’: be brio to such an extent that your light, life and energy continues to leave its mark on others, even after you have gone. I would love to encourage every home to lean into the culture of being brio. Bring life, light, fire, energy and zest to all those around you. Curriculum Report![]() We recognised the academic achievements of students across all year groups with two Award Assemblies. Well done to all students who continue to apply themselves in class and with revision and practice. At the start of each year, the College seeks to identify and acknowledge students who have improved their results from Semester One to Semester Two. I would encourage all students to remain focused and maintain their positive application in and out of school. NAPLAN ResultsNAPLAN results for Year 7 and 9 will be released through SEQTA under ‘Reports’. In the new format for NAPLAN reports students are placed in one of four categories: Exceeding, Strong, Developing and Needs Additional Support. The first page of the report also describes what a student typically demonstrates within each category Year 9 students who have not demonstrated the Literacy & Numeracy requirements for the WACE will be provided with their first opportunity to sit OLNA at the start of Term 4. More information about NAPLAN and OLNA is being distributed to families. Year 12 StudentsYear 12 students are in their final weeks of scheduled classes with the end of Term 3 concluding formal lessons. ATAR students have College written examinations in the second week of the school holidays and the first three days of Term 4. Now is a great time for parents of Year 12 ATAR students to discuss revision timetables and ways that they can support their child during this intensive time of study and revision. Some simple tips include setting some time aside on a Saturday morning for a coffee or lunch with your child. Establishing a study zone and time that the family respects, especially younger siblings, also supports students who are studying. Course SelectionsThank you to all Year 7-11 families for completing course selections for 2025. At the end of the year students and families will be informed of their 2025 courses. If possible, information will be released during Term 4 but I am sure everyone can appreciate the complexities in constructing a timetable for all students. Pastoral Care Report![]() We have had an excellent start to Term 3 with the recognition of student achievements at two Awards Assemblies. At Kennedy, students are expected to strive for personal excellence in all they do, and these assemblies allow us to acknowledge a wide variety of academic achievements. Congratulations to all award recipients. During Extended Form in Week 2, we invited our current Year 10 students to apply for a position as an 11/7 Mentor. The 11/7s program facilitates a smooth transition for our incoming Year 7s while the mentors themselves experience significant personal growth by participating in the program. This role helps mentors develop communication, teamwork and leadership skills. Student leadership, including the 11/7 Mentor program, is a vital part of Kennedy's culture. Our programs provide opportunities for students to participate actively in decision-making processes and contribute significantly to the life of the College. One of the major events organised by student leaders is the annual Kennedy Day, held in Week 6 of this term. Student Leaders develop this day to uplift the student body and celebrate who we are as a College. This year's event will be held on Wednesday 21 August and will begin with an assembly organised by the student Executive Leadership team. Food trucks will be on campus with students able to buy a range of treats. Our student leaders are working hard planning this day and we look forward to celebrating life at Kennedy together. Throughout the next two terms, Kennedy will be focusing on cyber safety. In today's digital age, we must equip our students with the knowledge and skills to safely navigate the online world. A member from the WA Police will be talking about online safety to each year group throughout the Semester and we have also invited Rebekah Nisjen from Lighthouse Cyber Education to present on this topic to Year 7, 8 and 11 students during the term. Rebekah will also speak to parents and guardians on Thursday 15 August. I strongly encourage parents and guardians to attend this adult-only event and to engage with their students on this important topic. Click here for more information on this presentation. As we progress through Term 3, I encourage students to make the most of the opportunities at Kennedy and to contact the Pastoral Care team if they require extra support. Kennedy NewsTerm 3 Award Assemblies![]() ![]() The third Term at Kennedy Baptist College has started with two assemblies to commend our students on their academic efforts and results, with a Year 10-12 gathering in Week 1 and a Year 7-9 celebration in the following week. By commemorating the success of our students, we aim to encourage them to continue to believe and persevere, especially as we get closer to the end of the year than the start of it. This message of endurance was reflected in the devotion by our Principal, who explained the story behind famous Olympic film, 'Chariots of Fire'. To find out more about our Awards Assemblies, check out our latest blog post or click on the below links to see some images of Award recipients. Please note that the link to the images will expire on 15 August. Cambodia Mission TripFrom teaching the children Kennedy Baptist College helps support at Transform Cambodia to investigating ancient temples, our latest Cambodia Mission Trip was a great opportunity for our students to learn about themselves and another culture. Find out about this trip in our latest blog post and discover more about the Trips and Tours on offer at Kennedy here. ![]() College Notices2025 Term DatesTo help families prepare for next year, Kennedy has released the Term dates for 2025 on our website. Please note that these dates differ from public schools. ![]() Annual ReportWe are proud to present our Annual Report to the College community. This report focuses on the progress Kennedy Baptist College made in 2023 to strive for educational excellence and further the mission of the College. We invite our community members to read the report here. Dance Showcase - Tomorrow Night!Tickets are still available for our Dance Showcase! this event will start at 7.00pm tomorrow night and will be held at the Kennedy Auditorium. Along with the theme of "Dance For A Reason", there will be multiple opportunities to support the efforts of Transform Cambodia and their 'Kennedy Kids'. ![]() Trips and Tours - Expressions of Interest Closing SoonWe are delighted to continue to offer our students the opportunity to go on various tours in 2025 and 2026. Thank you to all parents and guardians who have already responded to our official launch. Please be reminded that Expressions of Interest close Friday 9 August. If students are eligible and want to be considered for more than one tour, you may select more than one tour on the form and rank their preferences. However, all tours have limited places. The tour coordinators will review the expressions of interest and then offer places to students based on their tour selection criteria after the closing date. Please see our website for more information about the tours on offer. Father's Day Breakfast![]() Our annual Father’s Day breakfast is coming up on Thursday 29 August! Kennedy Baptist College dads are invited to sit down together and share a great morning meal provided by our Beedawong Cafeteria. We welcome advocate for social justice and former 6PR radio host Graham Mabury as this year's guest. The RSVP for this popular event will open on Thursday 8 August with a formal invitation to be sent to our families. Kennedy Insight: Online Safety![]() Every child has the right to feel safe, whether they are offline or online. Join us at our next Kennedy Insight on Thursday 15 August as we discuss ways of protecting our children on the internet with the help of trained educator and expert in child protection, Rebekah Nisjen. Find out more about this adult-only event and RSVP by clicking on the link below. Road Closure Affecting Campus DriveMurdoch University has announced the long-term closure of Campus Drive (South), between Farm Road and the University Carpark 8, from 1 August until 2027. Please see Murdoch University's announcement for more information. ![]() 2024 Interhouse Athletics Carnival InformationAll students will be competing in the Interhouse Athletics Carnival on Friday 9 August at WA Athletics Stadium - Stephenson Ave, Floreat. Please see the program for this event here. This is a compulsory event and students unable to participate must email a medical certificate to the Attendance Officer prior to the carnival. Please refer to the formal communication from Miss Karina Podmore for more information, including regarding transport to and from the Carnival. We are looking for parent volunteers to assist in running some events on the day.Get a front-row seat to the action by signing-up via the below link! ![]() 2024 Community Open DayYou are invited to our Community Open Day on Saturday 17 August 2024 from 11.00am to 3.00pm! This is one of the biggest events on the Kennedy calendar with live performances, explosive Science experiments, and a range of games and activities on offer as families and community members explore our fantastic College. Make sure to make use of this opportunity to journey through the College campus and discover all of our students' amazing work! Join the Open Day Team!The Parents and Friends Association is currently organising a range of exciting opportunities to bring our families together in preparation for the day, including a Jam Making Session on this Saturday 3 August and a Silent Auction Wrapping Evening on Thursday 15 August. The P&F are also looking for donations for their cake stall and Silent Auction. Funds raised from these endeavours will go towards P&F initiatives for our community, such as the installation of shade sails near the Murdoch Oval. To sign up for volunteering, including to help out on Open Day itself, please go to our SignUp page by clicking here. ![]() ![]() Silent Auction DonationsSilent Auction donations can be brought into Student Services during Term 3, up until Thursday 15 August. All items are to be new or unused. As a thank you, students will receive a House point for delivering items. Make sure to check the different theme for your student's year group: ![]() ![]() AbsenteesParents and guardians are asked to notify the College before 9.00am on the morning of absence via the absentee form on the Kennedy App under Parent Lounge or by phoning the College absentee line (08 6188 0698). For any other student matters or information, please feel free to email Student Services or stop by to talk to one of our staff. ![]() Uniform Shop – Term 3 2024 Opening HoursDuring Term 3 of 2024, the Uniform Shop will be open Monday to Wednesday 8.00am to 3.45pm. ![]() Beedawong Cafeteria MenuThere are delicious items available in the Cafeteria such as fruit salad, sushi and freshly baked muffins and chocolate croissants each day! There are also some great online lunch options such as Butter Chicken & rice, baguettes & wraps to order via our online ordering system at See the link for the menu. ![]() Volunteering OpportunitiesWe value the support of Volunteer opportunities for Term 3 are plentiful as we prepare for the Kennedy Community Open Day. This includes jam making, cake making, and helping out during Open Day. ![]() Student WithdrawalIt is a condition of enrolment that at least 10 school weeks’ notice (not including scheduled school holidays) of a student’s withdrawal is given in writing to the Registrar at In the event that such notice is not given, a 10 week withdrawal fee will apply per student. We are always looking to improve our College and take care of our community. Will you please tell us how we are doing and review us on Google? Submit your review here. The next newsletter will be published on: |