In the NewsBallentine Partners Publishes Third Annual Impact Report Each year we write this report to summarize our progress, hold ourselves accountable, and to share our learnings and evolution as a business. We hope you will enjoy reading this, and, as we always do, we seek feedback, suggestions, and wisdom from others. Ballentine Partners Announces Two New PartnersBallentine Partners is delighted to announce two new partners: Senior Client Advisor Emily Cashman and Director of Private Investing Elisa Lustig. This brings our total number of employee owners to 21 and our partner to employee ratio to 20%. For What It's WorthWe are delighted to be publishing a new blog series For What It's Worth from our Deputy Chief Investment Officer Pete Chiappinelli. Chairman Powell, Meet Mike*, a Leading Inflation IndicatorAll through 2021, even into the late fall — the “market” and the Fed — kept thinking that while, yes, recent inflation numbers looked elevated, inflation would settle down into normal ranges in relatively short order. My son was telling me otherwise. Zero to Ninety… in Sixty DaysHow fast can the market change its mind on interest rates? Head-spinningly fast, as it turns out! Equities & Inflation Pass-through: How the Big Ragu got SmallerThey rolled out the new jar, monitoring for any drop in sales volume. Nothing happened. It had worked. And true to the competitive capitalism idea, every single one of our competitors followed suit within the next four to five months. The Agg and the Agony of A Lost DecadeThe Agg bond index just posted a 10-year negative real return. It can happen again. So creative thinking is still required. What are we talking about? A lost decade for bonds, that’s what. Sure, there were a few headlines about bonds having a tough quarter, but nothing about the real story. What We're ThinkingHopefully Helpful Reading SuggestionsLet’s face it. Many business books should have been produced as short articles rather than 200 page books, or not written at all. But, there are a few gems. Here we mention some of our favorites. What's New at BallentineWe're so pleased to welcome the following team members who have joined us this year:Pete Chiappinelli, CFA,CAIAPete joined us in February as a Deputy Chief Investment Officer. Leor Radbil, MBALeor joined us in March as a Operations Manager for Private Investments. |