No images? Click here ![]() Tuesday 31 January 2023 Unitec campuses closed from 2pm todayTalofa lava All Unitec campuses and facilities will be closed from 2pm today until further notice due to the Heavy Rain Warning – Orange Alert in Auckland issued by MetService. The alert extends from 6pm this evening until 9am tomorrow morning with potential impacts including surface flooding, slips and hazardous driving conditions. Staff who are not carrying out essential functions are directed to leave campus before 2pm to avoid being on site or travelling during the forecast storm. In terms of staff carrying out essential functions, it will include those people who are required to remain on campus to properly respond to an emergency. These groups will be determined by Shiu Verma - Unitec Acting Head of Infrastructure. This directive remains in place until further notice. I will send an email update tomorrow morning. In the meantime, we've put some FAQs together below - scroll down to read them. Please stay safe whānau and continue to check for the latest information from Auckland Emergency Management here. Faafetai Peseta Sam Lotu-Iiga FAQs: Unitec – weather event 31 January 2023Please note that you must log on to Te Aka / The Nest for the links in this document to work. Can I come to campus?On Tuesday 31 January, and until further notice, all kaimahi are required to leave campus by 2pm (the exception being Security, Facilities Management, and IT – who have approval to remain). This includes access to our Medical Centre Te Puna Waiora. Note the Unitec Early Learning Centre is open to care for the children of essential workers' children - please contact them if this applies to you: Ph 09 846 0233; email How do I request access to campus as an essential worker?Essential workers will be approved by Shiu Verma, Head of Infrastructure, please make any requests to Shiu. My house / flat has been impacted and I need to focus on my familyFocus on yourself and your whānau, our biggest focus remains on your safety and wellbeing. Please keep in contact with your line Manager and keep them updated. Is there any support from Unitec?If you have been impacted by the floods and can’t work due to damage, or if you're caring for impacted family members, or your infrastructure services are impacted please notify your line Manager. Special leave can be considered and approved by your relevant Deputy Chief Executive for the period 31 January to 3 February 2023. I have classes this week, what should I do?All classes are to commence via online learning for 31 January to 3 February 2023. Teachers should contact students in their class to advise them of the teaching plan for the week. Communications have also been issued via Moodle and our website. I am having trouble logging on at home – what should I do?For logging faults and/or service requests the IT Help Desk is available 8am to 10pm Monday to Friday, and 9am to 4pm Saturday . The IT Help Desk can be contacted a number of ways, but for teaching-relating priority faults we recommend phoning 0800 275 467 or direct dial 8484, for all incidents and requests.
I would like a monitor or other equipment/materials while working from homeFor this short period of time, no additional equipment arrangements will be made. If you believe you need additional equipment to deliver teaching, please urgently speak to your line Manager. How do I access the H-Drive while working from home?Please refer to the Remote Access User Drive for Unitec Staff for detailed instructions. How do I use Microsoft Teams?Please refer to the Microsoft Teams page on the Te Aka / The Nest for an in-depth overview on Teams. For more information on working remotely in relation to IT queries, please refer to the Working Remotely page on Te Aka. Where can I find information about getting help?If you are struggling, talk to your Manager and check out the ‘Staff Support’ page on the Te Aka / The Nest for information on our internal and independent (external) support network. If you need to talk to someone about your mental health/wellbeing, please contact our Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) for a range of advice and counselling services. If you need someone to talk to right now, free call or text 1737 24 hours a day. Click here for more information. Emergency information and linksIf you were affected by the floods and need information, advice, or support, you can contact the following service providers.
Auckland Council – State of local emergency For urgent flooding issues (building and infrastructure) phone 0800 22 22 00 or use the online form: Report a Problem For information on disruptions to sites and facilities please, visit Facility National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) updates Information on ‘how to keep safe’ and ‘what to do’ can be found on the NEMA website Support available for Auckland and where you can get help: all of government welfare factsheet: Auckland severe weather welfare factsheet) Ministry of Social Development (MSD) contact numbers
Where people have COVID-19 and must leave their homes and cannot be accommodated with other whānau, the number to call is Health 021 227 4908 Marae across Auckland Marae across Auckland are offering support, including the Manukau Urban Māori Authority, Papakura Marae and Manurewa Marae. More information is available on the MSD website
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