CONSORTIUM TRUST REBRANDWe recently announced a rebrand of our Trust with a new logo and strapline, click below to find out why and how we created this fresh new look.NEWS FROM AROUND OUR SCHOOLSThis term we have welcomed all children back into school and want to share some fabulous examples of learning from children across the Trust - click below and take a look! PERSONAL IMPROVEMENTAs a Trust we work hard to encourage and develop independence in our learners - click below to read how. RETURN OF THE SWIMMING GALAWe are thrilled that our first Trust wide sports event since covid has taken place. Click below to read how our swimmers did! PUPIL PARLIAMENTClick below to read how members at Barnby North Cove are encouraging pupil voice with some excellent initiatives. SPRING TERM PARENTAL SURVEYThank you to all parents/carers that completed the survey this term, results are being shared with Academy Heads and the Trust Board. LOCAL GOVERNANCE REIMAGINEDWe want you to join us and have an impact in the schools in your community. Click below to find out more. THE LINKClick below to read a parent's feedback and how their child is thriving following time spent at the Link. FREE LEVEL 2 TRAININGAim Group are providing free online training, click below to see the range of courses and if you are eligible. FAMILY FOCUSED SUPPORTThe rising cost of living means that we all need advice and support from time to time - click below for a list of services that may be able to help you. We would love to hear your feedback so if you do have any comments please email Laura Rogers at |