No images? Click here 25th October 2024Synod Meeting Day 2Worship and Bible StudyWith the theme 'We Gather as One,' worship opened with the song 'Come People of the Risen King.' Rev Nathan Whillas referred to Colossians 1, and gave a powerful prayer, and as we prayed, we were asked to consider our own particular context, of space, your church, your agency, wherever you serve the church. A reminder that what we do at Synod is one of those spaces as well. 'As we gather today, as we make decisions, and how prayers shape the life of our church, fill us with the knowledge of your will, through all spiritual understanding, and help us today to live in ways worthy of the Lord and to bear fruit in every good work, and to grow in knowledge of you.' The Bible reading came from 15: 9-25 NRSV. As the father has loved me, so I have loved you. Dr Toar Hutagalung gave the Bible study. Dr Hutagalung repeated the Bible reading in his native language of Indonesian. He gave a reflection on joy, on friendship and creation. Is it about what we do about joy, or how do we make joy? He referred to theologian Jurgen Moltmann. Moltmann managed to find joy despite his painful memories. Where did he find this joy? His joy came from God. What is the connection between pain, joy and love? Without pain how can we know what it is like to know joy? Dr Hutagalung asked all: What is joy to you? What did you find in the reading about joy? How do we enjoy God's joy for us? He finished with: 'May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.' Romans 15:13 NIV General Secretary ReportRev Philip Gardner presented his first official report as General Secretary. He thanked the Synod Standing Committee for their service and contribution these past 12 months. Highlights of his report included:
Questions were posed to meeting participants:
He added that he looks forward to the work we will continue to do as we seek to encourage the growth of missionally vibrant congregations, renew the covenant with First Peoples, and live out our mission in ways that bring life and health to our state, our nation and our partners in mission and ministry. The full report is available at this link: UCA SA - Synod Meeting 2024 Moderator's ReportModerator Rev Peter Morel, acknowledged the number of Ministers that have passed this last year. He noted their service but also the grief experienced by the church in this loss. Also, he mentioned the recent passing of Rev Brian Phillis just this last week and Pastor Ruth Threapleton. He urged all to connect in with the pastoral notes, because they detail and acknowledge the contribution and lives of those Ministers that have answered the call of God and faithfully served the church. The General Secretary and Moderator will undertake a number of road trips next year to visit across the church; and the Moderator will shortly embark with Youth members of the church to visit South Korea, and the PROK missional partnership. He acknowledged the staff in the Synod office and the rich contribution made by them and the college in the work of the Uniting Church in South Australia. The full report is available at this link: UCA SA - Synod Meeting 2024 SERC Ecumenical AwardRev Anne Hewitt, of the Synod Ecumenical Relations Committee (SERC), advised that on behalf of the church the committee seeks to work ecumenically across the church. In particular, SERC seeks to share information broadly about ecumenical activities across denominations. This year the SERC Award goes to Barmera and Berri Uniting Churches. Extra recognition was also awarded to the Kangaroo Island Uniting Churches. Robert Iles Book VideoA short video was presented about the books of Rev Dr George Robert Iles. The books are 'Kierkegaard and the Church Today,' and 'The Life and Writings of George Robert Iles.' More information is available at this link. Celebration of Ministry ServiceRebecca Purling welcomed all to the service and Max Howland and Beth Hancock read the scripture readings: Psalm 126 and Mark 10: 26-52. President Rev Charissa Suli gave the preaching of the word. She acknowledged all that received acknowledgement today, and spoke of a time of transition, closing one period and perhaps stepping into the next - the joy of new beginnings and the bittersweet of letting go. She called all to trust that God is present weaving together threads of love. Rev Suli noted that the order of the service brought back memories for her, she was once a Lay Preacher, and once explored discernment, and then became a candidate - becoming ordained, on her journey as a wife and mother of three children at that time, undertaking theological study and placements. She recalled her journey, and the significant of the milestones acknowledged today as significant. Rev Suli spoke of Psalm 126 'The lord has done great things for them. The Lord has done great things for us, and we rejoiced.' The words of Psalm 126 is a song of resurrection, not just a physical return but a spiritual one too. She explained that she stands in awe of what God is doing. Those named today, think about what God is doing in your lives. Through every season, regardless, God's goodness will hold you. Look to those that have come before you, there is wisdom there, and allow God to transform you, as you feel the wisdom passed on from generation to generation. Rev Suli mentioned Bartimaeus, and what it means to be silenced and ignored. Consider who do we silence? Are there voices in our communities that we choose to overlook or ignore. As we celebrate these people today - yes Lord we will follow you - what do you want Jesus to do for you? Like Bartimaeus, the challenge for us is to learn from this story, as we are taught humility and to trust in God, so we can see where the Holy Spriit is leading us. May God's blessing be on you all, may you lead with humility and compassion. Rev Philip Gardner announced the Synod of South Australia has resolved to induct the following, and Moderator conducted the service of commissioning: Rev Jennifer Hughes as the Executive Officer Mission Resourcing Colleagues in Ministry He also invited Placements and Safe Church Team: Andrew Robertson, Linda Vinall, Mel Pippos, Wendy Perkins and Gill Morel. Moderator Peter Morel gave a prayer of thanksgiving for all acknowledged in today's Celebration of Ministry service. He thanked them for their faithful service to God and the church: Lay Preacher Milestone Introduction of New Candidates Acknowledgement of the Newly Ordained Acknowledgement of Retiring Ministers Recognition of 20 years of Ordination Recognition of 30 years of Ordination Recognition of 40 years of Ordination Recognition of 50 years of Ordination Recognition of 60 years of Ordination Facilitation ReportMalcolm Wilson reported a high level of participation in Working Groups. Jacob Blackwell, Andrew Telfer and Leanne Davis provided a summary of the results of Working Group feedback. The Working Groups considered the Strategy & Planning Mission and Property Report in relation to viable congregations and also the Disability and Inclusion Policy. MLDB ReportRev Jenni Hughes and Rev Prof Vicky Balabanski presented the Mission and Leadership Development Board Report. Highlights included:
Rev Professor Vicky Balabanski, reported from the perspective of the Uniting College in relation to the Missional Framework. Highlights included:
Proposal 7 Disability and Access Inclusion PolicyAdditional wording of the Proposal: UCSA recognises and upholds all outcomes required under the Disability Inclusion Act 2018 (SA), however will endeavour to go above and beyond minimum standards for accessiblity and inclusion subject to congregation/organisational financial capacity. For decision: Consensus Proposal 8 Stand Against RacismThis proposal seeks to make a stand against racism, in particular, divisions created upon appearance or assumed characteristics based on race, culture, religion, or ethnicity with the result that they stop treating people with care and respect. We also seek to strengthen the Covenant with all congregations. For decision: Consensus Proposal 9 Cutting the Pastoral TiesSeeking clarity around the way in which ministers retire or otherwise, who have served in a congregation either as their minister or in supply, when that placement concludes, will cut the pastoral ties not only liturgically, but also seek to worship and serve in a different congregational setting. This is the practice in most other Christian denominations. It is proposed that the norm should be that those who have formerly been ministers in placement or supply in a congregation at the time of cutting pastoral ties, should intentionally seek another worshipping community of which to be a part. For decision: Consensus |