Upcoming Tasks
Due to the precautions we are taking during the pandemic, we are not currently providing refreshments during tasks. We ask that every volunteer brings their own water and food along, and we ask that you do not share them with others. So please grab your water bottles, flasks and your favourite food before setting out!
Monthly Sunday volunteers
Tasks are held every third Sunday of the month, meet at around 9:45am for a 10 am start. Finish between 3pm and 4pm (depending on the job), with
refreshment breaks and a lunch break around 12.30pm. You are welcome to come for all or part of the day.
19th December 2021: Itchen valley Country Park, coppicing the Woodland Nature Reserve. Meet at 9:45am in the staff car park.
16th January 2022: Hamble Common, Scrub clearance from the meadow. Meet 9:45am at the small car park on School Lane
20th February 2022: Hamble Common, Scrub clearance from the meadow. Meet 9:45am at the small car park on School Lane
Lakeside Country Park Volunteers
Meet every Wednesday at 10am, in front of the Lakeside Conference Building.
22nd December 2021: No task, Christmas break
29th December 2021: No task, Christmas break
2022 Tasks include coppicing & scallop creation on the western side of the lakes, scrub control, tree clearance from the meadows and bramble control on the railway banks
5th January 2022
12th January 2022
19th January 2022
26th January 2022
2nd February 2022
9th February 2022
16th February 2022
23rd February 2022
Hiltingbury Lakes Volunteers:
Meet on Thursdays at the life ring near the Lake Rd entrance at 10 am. On the second Thursday of the month our volunteer task moves to our nearby Hocombe Mead Local Nature Reserve to work alongside the Friends of Hocombe Mead on their task days. On these Thursdays there is no task at Hiltingbury Lakes.
23rd December 2021: no task, Christmas break
30th December 2021: no task, Christmas break
2022 tasks will include woodland coppicing, removing wood debris from ponds and waterways, cutting back paths and fishing swims, invasive laurel and rhododendron control near the Kingsway entrance, planting new native hedge plants
6th January 2022 at Hiltingbury Lakes
13th January 2022 at Hocombe Mead: Coppicing to create a butterfly ride which connects to the southern meadow
20th January 2022 at Hiltingbury Lakes
27th January
2022 at Hiltingbury Lakes
3rd February 2022 at Hiltingbury Lakes
10th February 2022 at Hocombe Mead. Invasive species control at the southern entrance off Hiltingbury Road.
17th February 2022 at Hiltingbury Lakes
24th February 2022 at Hiltingbury Lakes