Fed Day is upon us... No images? Click here June 12, 2024 Leading the news this week: This afternoon, the Federal Reserve announced its decision to maintain the current interest rate and projected just one rate cut for the remainder of the year. Initially, they had forecasted three cuts to interest rates in 2024. However, due to inflation cooling at a slower pace than anticipated, that projection has shifted Now let's dive into the latest news in higher education! *NEW* CTE Research GrantsThe National Center for Education Research released a funding announcement for fiscal year (FY) 25 CTE research grants. The Career and Technical Education (CTE) topic supports research on the implementation and effects of CTE programs and policies on education and career outcomes. Research under this topic addresses CTE policies, programs, curricula, and instructional practices, including career pathways; learners’ exposure to and experience with CTE opportunities, including work-based learning (WBL) connected to a formal education program; and the effects of participation in different types of CTE programs on a variety of learner outcomes including mastery of CTE content or skills as indicated by course grades or credits earned, technical skills, assessment scores, industry certification, or associated labor market outcomes in a field related to the CTE training. Additional information can be found here. Letters of intent are due June 27, 2024. The deadline to submit applications is September 12, 2024. Pathways to Support: Preparing for the Basic Needs Grant WebinarJoin ACCT and the Hope Center for College, Community, and Justice at Temple University (The Hope Center) as we equip institutions to leverage the Basic Needs for Postsecondary Students Program. This federal grant opportunity aims to strengthen support services for students in higher education institutions, addressing basic needs insecurities and bolstering student success on campuses. During the webinar, we'll delve into the essentials of the grant competition, allowable activities, Department of Education priorities, and the key components of a successful grant application. We’ll review promising practices for providing systemic support for student basic needs, such as facilitating access to public benefits, establishing basic needs hubs, and conducting student surveys to inform interventions. We will also welcome a guest speaker from the Department of Education to share insights with us. The webinar will take place Wednesday, June 26 at 2:00 pm ET, click here to register. ED is Accepting Comments Regarding Changes to Federal GrantsThe Department of Education (ED) is accepting public comments on proposed updates to the Postsecondary Student Success Grant (PSSG) program and the Transitioning Gang-Involved Youth to Higher Education program. These changes to priorities, requirements, and utilization definitions are expected to take effect in competitions starting from fiscal year (FY) 2024. Comments are due July 8, 2024. Postsecondary Student Success Grant (PSSG) - ED intend for these priorities, requirements, and definitions to support projects that equitably improve postsecondary student outcomes, including retention, upward transfer, and completions of value, by leveraging data and implementing, scaling, and rigorously evaluating evidence-based activities to support data-driven decisions and actions that lead to credentials that support economic success and further education. Transitioning Gang-Involved Youth to Higher Education - Support projects for organizations that work directly with gang-involved youth to help such youth pursue higher education opportunities that will lead to postsecondary certification or credentials. ED is proposing changes to the priorities and definition for use in this program.
Outreach EffortsIs your institution meeting or hosting an event with federal elected officials? We created a Congressional Contact Form that will help us track outreach efforts of community college leaders across our membership. By filling out the form, you are better informing ACCT's advocacy efforts and our advocacy team is able to continue those conversations with congressional staff in DC. ACCT NOW is the go-to resource for issues affecting community colleges. Our new website features original reporting and research, as well as of-the-moment legislative updates. ACCT NOW also includes articles, reports, and research from outside sources that benefit the ACCT community. Read the Latest Articles on ACCT NOW: Have a Question?Contact us with any questions or concerns about public policy and ACCT's advocacy on behalf of two-year colleges and two-year college trustees. ACCT's Latest Action in Washington alerts are sent to interested ACCT members to keep you up to date on important legislative activities that impact community colleges. If you no longer wish to receive ACCT's Latest Action in Washington alerts, reply to this email with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line. For more information about ACCT's advocacy services, visit acct.org/advocacy Spread the Word.Please encourage your fellow trustees, presidents and colleagues to stay up to date about legislation that affects their community colleges by joining the Latest Action in Washington (LAW) Alert network. To join, simply register here. For more community college news from inside the beltway, follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn, or like us Facebook. |