![]() Message from the CEOThis month we’ve seen a flurry of face-to-face interactions with a Myrtle rust field day in Tullebudgera valley, the 2nd Australian Biosecurity Symposium (ABS) on the Gold Coast and the Plant Biosecurity Research Initiative (PBRI) Symposium in Adelaide. After three years, the much-anticipated 2nd Australian Biosecurity Symposium brought over 400 of Australia’s key agricultural, government, research, and community sectors together to build a stronger biosecurity system. This included the three producers sponsored under the Farm Biosecurity Program. Member meetingsMembers are asked to take note of upcoming member meetings. When: 24 – 25 May 2022 The agenda proxy form and voting guidance are available on the PHA website. National Plant Biosecurity Strategy releasedThe 2021-2031 National Plant Biosecurity Strategy (NPBS) provides a framework to strengthen Australia’s plant biosecurity system over the next decade. ![]() ![]() The 2nd Australian Biosecurity SymposiumTwo weeks ago, PHA staff and more than 400 of the country’s innovative minds and influential players converged on the Gold Coast to network, brainstorm and unite under a common purpose to accelerate biosecurity reform. The 2nd Australian Biosecurity Symposium offered an opportunity to share research outcomes, explore outside-of-the-box thinking and exchange knowledge and ideas across the biosecurity collective – agriculture (animals and plants), pest animals, weeds, wildlife, aquatics, humans and the environment. This year’s symposium theme was ‘A decade of biosecurity: turning a moment into a movement’. Combatting biosecurity threats with scienceThe recent two-day Plant Biosecurity Research Initiative (PBRI) Symposium held in Adelaide, attracted 150 pest and disease experts from around the country and overseas, keen to share new information on the fast-travelling fall armyworm, among a host of other issues. ![]() ![]() International Day of Plant Health: healthy plants start with healthy seedsOn 12 May,. we celebrated the inaugural International Day of Plant Health, which was a great opportunity to highlight the importance of healthy seeds to healthy plants. “The seed industry has been supportive of the idea of celebrating an International Day of Plant Health from the very beginning,” said Osman Mewett, Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Seed Federation. REMINDER: Joint Annual Diagnosticians’ and Surveillance workshop 2022The 11th Annual Diagnosticians’ Workshop (ADW) and the 5th Annual Surveillance Workshop (ASW) will be held from 30 August - 1 September 2022 in Melbourne. For the first time, the ADW and ASW will present a combined workshop program themed around integration to inspire and innovate. ![]() Hort Statistics Handbook releasedThe annual Horticulture Statistics Handbook is out now and includes the latest available data on 75 different categories across fruit, vegetable, nut, nursery and cut flowers. ![]() New import conditions to protect against khapra beetleNew import conditions will help protect Australia against khapra beetle, a highly invasive pest that poses a major threat to Australia’s grains industry. 3rd Australian Native Bee ConferenceThe 3rd Australian Native Bee Conference will be held in Sydney from 11-12 June 2022. This biennial summit is the only national meeting on native bees, and will focus on unlocking their potential. Bee Tech Challenge finalists announcedAgrifutures' Bee Tech Challenge has announced seven established and emerging market ready technologies that provide solutions to key issues facing the industry including biosecurity, hive health, hive safety, and bushfire protection and preparedness. Surveillance Residential ProgramThe Subcommittee on National Plant Health Surveillance (SNPHS) is pleased to announce applications for the Surveillance Residential Program 2022 are now open. Take the opportunity to get in the field or visit another workplace to learn new skills about plant health surveillance. Fall armyworm management guideA management guide for fall armyworm has recently been developed by AUSVEG. Fall armyworm (FAW) is a significant threat to horticultural production globally and is now posing a risk to Australian horticulture. Beekeepers supported after severe weatherRecent severe weather events in South-East Queensland and New South Wales have significantly impacted many beekeepers. Biosecurity Queensland hosted a Bee Biosecurity Webinar about flood affected hives. WIN with AUSVEG pest and disease management surveyHelp identify Australian vegetable growers’ perceptions and approaches to pest and disease management practices, impacts to business risks, and concerns about potential impacts of crop health, and stand a chance to win a $200 Prezzee voucher. Latest from Prevent Fruit FlyWebinar: Coordinated national research of Australia’s fruit fliesThe National Fruit Fly Council (NFFC) is hosting a second webinar series on ‘Coordinated national research of Australia’s fruit flies’ at the end of May. Part 1 will be held on 24 May from 1 – 3 pm (AEST) and will focus on the ‘Phenology and Demography of Australia’s fruit flies’. Part 2 will be held on 31 May from 1 – 3pm and will cover the ‘Distribution and Diagnostics of Australia’s fruit flies’'. ![]() Communique: Meeting 29 of the NFFCThe 29th meeting of the National Fruit Fly Council (NFFC) was held from 14 - 15 March 2022. Due to COVID-19 and its ongoing impact on interstate travel, Council members attended the meeting virtually. Latest from Grains Farm Biosecurity![]() If it has been out and about, then check it out If a vehicle has travelled off your property there is now a useful vehicle biosecurity risk assessment checklist available to help you decide if it requires a clean down before re-entering to prevent the introduction of pests and diseases on farm. ![]() Chemical residues in crops could harm safe grain statusAustralian grain has a healthy export market, accounting for 16 per cent of the country’s agricultural export income. In the event of harmful residues being detected, the Australian grains industry could jeopardise the health of people, animals and the environment, and risk access to export markets. Latest from Farm Biosecurity![]() Monitoring for mango shoot looper Mango and lychee growers in Australia should be on the lookout for the exotic pest, mango shoot looper (Perixera illepidaria, detected in Far North Queensland last year, and most recently in the Northern Territory. ![]() Applications open for 2023 Nuffield ScholarshipsAustralia’s leading agricultural research scholarship is now open to the next generation of growers looking to unearth innovative practices and cultivate the global networks needed to drive change in their businesses. Out and about![]() Sarah Corcoran PHA’S CEO and Dr Mila Bristow General Manager: Partnerships and Innovation in the field at the Myrtle rust field day in Queensland. Kevin Taylor from Nature Conservation Council of NSW receiving his prize from Kathy Kelly, PHA Board member for participating in the Biosecurity Resilience survey. ![]() Sarah Corcoran and Dr Anika Molesworth, one of the 2nd Australian Biosecurity Symposium's keynote speakers. ![]() Lloyd Klumpp, Chair, National Fruit Fly Council, caught up with Dr Mila Bristow, at the 2nd Australian Biosecurity Symposium. ![]() ![]() David Gale, Manager Digital Systems at PHA, presented 'Connecting the dots using AUSPestCheck' at the 2nd Australian Biosecurity Symposium. Dr Lucy Tran-Nguyen, PHA's National Manager Diagnostics, with one of the 2nd Australian Biosecurity Symposium's keynote speakers, Dr Norman Swan. ![]() ![]() Sarah Corcoran, and Barry Large, Chairman of Grain Producers Australia, caught up at the PBRI Symposium. Shafiya Hussein, South Australia's Grains Biosecurity Officer, and Stuart Kearns, PHA's National Manager Preparedness and RD&E, at the PBRI Symposium. Staff movementsFarewell to Jo Lee After six years at PHA, Dr Jo Lee, has accepted an Assistant Director position with the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (DAWE). During her time at PHA, Jo applied her skills, knowledge, insights and strong work ethic across a number of projects including biosecurity planning, the National Plant Health Status Report, fruit flies, Phylloxera management, and the domestic intrastate trade review. She was also part of the Emergency Plant Pest Response Deed team where she supported improvements to Owner Reimbursement Costs, PLANTPLAN, and various challenging EPPRD policy matters . We wish Jo all the best in her new role at DAWE. |