![]() Message from our CEOAs we transition into the final quarter of the year, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the fact that, through sheer hard work and their ceaseless commitment to justice and the well-being of our community, our dedicated team has reached an incredible 13,394 people. This is a remarkable achievement and shows that demand for our service continues to increase year on year - by 26% last year and 24% the year before. We predict this exponential growth will continue in the medium term, given the predicted growth to 3.2 million people in Western Sydney over the next decade - or over 10% of the Australian population! The ever-expanding growth in demand for our services puts a huge strain on our hard-working team. After many years of advocacy with our sector partners to increase resourcing in our sector, it is pleasing to hear that the Federal and NSW Governments are committing additional resources to expand programs supporting domestic, family, and sexual violence survivors. As part of this commitment, JSC is pleased to share confirmation that we will receive funding for the following new roles:
We also received news that additional funding has been committed to the Staying Home Leaving Violence (SHLV) program, allowing expansion to regions not previously covered in NSW. One of the new regions is Canada Bay and Strathfield, which neighbours our existing SHLV program in Burwood and Canterbury. Given we already receive referrals from this new region, we hope to be successful when we engage in the competitive tender process in October. Unfortunately, the new funding has not yet uplifted our chronically under-funded Legal Program. Currently we are forced to turn away more than half of the people who are referred to us for Legal Services. It is challenging for our team to choose the most vulnerable cases, given so many people referred to us have additional barriers to access justice, such as language and education. Although we welcome last Friday’s announcement that the Commonwealth Government will commit five years funding for a new National Access to Justice partnership, we are yet to see details of how this funding will be allocated to individual centres. We are hopeful that JSC will receive funding to engage additional lawyers to meet the high demand for our services. The coming months present critical opportunities to advocate for change and highlight the invaluable work our teams undertake. In October, we will observe the International Day of Non-Violence, reaffirming our commitment to ending domestic and family violence. This leads into November's 16 Days of Activism, a global campaign where we stand alongside survivors to amplify their voices. During this period, the services provided by our Legal team and Domestic and Family Violence (DFV) Casework services will be showcased, emphasising our significant impact in supporting justice and transforming lives. This edition of our newsletter showcases our dedication to providing life-changing support and legal services to a community in need. You will read stories and updates that encapsulate the daily vital work our teams provide. From the legal victories that have changed the course of our clients’ lives to the compassionate support provided by our DFV Casework services, every piece of content here highlights the dedication and expertise that defines us. ![]() Melanie Noden, CEO of Justice Support Centre ![]() Legal making leaps and boundsOur Legal Victim Support Service (VSS) has profoundly impacted the lives of over 100 people this year, offering them critical assistance and advocacy during challenging times. This support has empowered clients to navigate the legal system with confidence, ensuring they receive the justice and protection they deserve.We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our generous donors; your contributions to our fundraising campaign have significantly enhanced our capacity to serve our clients. Your support contributed to the salary of an additional lawyer, enabling our legal team to focus more on this vital area, making a real difference in the lives of those we help.The following VSS case study is a shining example of the maximum compensation that was received for one of our clients. Carla’s* Journey to Safety Carla wrote to our lawyer: Carla’s VS compensation was life-changing and enabled her to achieve safety and security for herself and her child. The compensation was sufficient that Carla could relocate away from her ex-partner and his family and start a new life without fear. She also gave our lawyer a plant
as a gift and wrote: *Name changed to protect privacy New PartnershipLegal is also thrilled to announce a new pro bono partnership with HWL Ebsworth Lawyers to provide Victim Services (VS) advice to our clients. Pro bono lawyers will provide fortnightly telephone advice remotely from their office. This pro bono clinic will allow us to deliver even more VS advice to Domestic and Family Violence (DFV) survivors. The legal team will work closely with the pro bono lawyers to ensure that all clients receive the same comprehensive VS advice. We are thrilled about this collaboration and the positive impact it will have on our services. ![]() Celebrating our REFLECT Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)We are very proud to announce that Justice Support Centre has received conditional endorsement of our REFLECT Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). This plan outlines our commitment to deepening our understanding of First Nations cultures, histories, and contributions, and to embedding reconciliation into our everyday practices. The REFLECT RAP will soon be available on our website in the First Nations section, along with fact sheets and resources designed to educate and inform our community about these critical issues. First Nations Specialist Worker Recruitment ![]() FASS supporting our clientsThe Family Advocacy and Support Service (FASS) is a specialist family violence service located with the Sydney registry of the Family Court. Our FASS support workers can support you through your family law problem and help to improve your safety and the service is free. Our FASS workers attended over 200 court events with clients over the past year providing support services. Given that these court events can last for hours and sometimes even days, the service is very well utilised. Who does the service help? Other family members like grandparents can also use the FASS Service. ![]() SWSWDVCAS supports over 4,000