February 20, 2024 - First Week of Lent
Tuesday within the First Week of Lent (V8)
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Bishop's Homily for the First Sunday of Lent
(Philip Jaeger / Shutterstock.com)
[Immaculate Conception Church, Lihue (Rite of Election); St. Stephen Diocesan Center, Kaneohe (Mass for Deacon Retreat); Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa, Honolulu (Rite of Election)]
Rainbows are a very common sight here in Hawaii, and even though common, we never tire of seeing them. Our University of Hawaii’s sports teams are named the Rainbow Warriors, and we see the rainbow on our license plates. It is a beautiful gift of God, and as we heard in the reading from Genesis, was given to us by God as a sign of his covenant that he would never again destroy the whole world by flooding. (In fact, he never did destroy the world, only purified it and renewed it.) But the rainbow requires two things for us to see it: sun and rain. Only when these two seemingly opposite natural phenomena occur together do we see the beautiful bow that God created.
I believe it is the rainbow that can be a symbol of Lent for us, a symbol of discernment that combines both rain and sunshine. We might say that Lent reminds us that most things in life are not black and white, and that we need to learn discernment to see the will of God for our lives. Read more...
Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl 2024
From the Office for Social Ministry
Every Lent since 1975, millions of Catholics across the United States have come together through CRS Rice Bowl to support people struggling with hunger and poverty—both at home and around the world. CRS Rice Bowl is the Lenten program of Catholic Relief Services, the official relief and development agency of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Rooted in the history of the Eucharistic Congress, for almost 50 years the CRS Rice Bowl invites Catholics and faith communities in the United States to encounter God and our global family throughout Lent by practicing the pillars of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Jesus tells us, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst.” When we receive Jesus through the Eucharist, our hearts are filled with his love and the call to share that love with our sisters and brothers in
need around the world.
During Lent, we’re invited to act on this call through our Catholic tradition of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. When we practice these Lenten pillars, we enter a living relationship and unite our hearts with God and with one another. Lenten alms donated through CRS Rice Bowl support the work of CRS in more than 120 different countries each year. Twenty-five percent of donations to CRS Rice Bowl stay in the local diocese, supporting efforts to feed and house all in our One Ohana here in Hawaii. Read more...
Lenten Adoration, Benediction, and Reflection, Feb 21
Every Wednesday of Lent at 6:00 p.m.
Starting Wednesday, February 21, 2024
St. Anthony Church, Wailuku
Join the Lenten Adoration, Benediction, and Reflection in a journey to holiness this Lenten season in celebration of the Eucharistic Revival. Fr. Ace Tui will preside at this weekly event through the end of Lent.
Flyer available HERE.
Maui Lenten Mission "Living the Promise," Feb 24
Saturday, February 24, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
St. Theresa Church, Kihei
Join "Living the Promise" with Jesse Manibusan at this Maui-Lanai vicariate event for the parish year of the Eucharistic Revival.
Jesse Manibusan is a composer, singer/songwriter, storyteller, humorist, catechist, evangelizer and encourager. Working with any and every age group, Jesse has that knack to build instant rapport, connect to his audience, and create life-giving memories that help deepen faith and cultivate the joy that inspires service, sacrifice and the celebration of life.
Register for this free event HERE. Flyer available HERE.
’Ohana Mass, Feb 24
Saturday, February 24, 2024 at 5:30 p.m.
Mary, Star of the Sea Church, Honolulu
From the Office for Social Ministry
At Mary, Star of the Sea Church on Oahu, parishioners established their Ministry for Persons with Disabilities by welcoming persons with varying gifts and abilities to celebrate the “’Ohana Mass.” Ushers who are members of the Knights of Columbus offer a warm welcome and escort them to the designated pews where they were able to better participate in the Eucharist. After Mass, the community continues fellowship together through a potluck supper where all joyfully serve each other with nourishing food and aloha. These “‘Ohana Masses” and potluck fellowship normally take place on the fourth Saturday each month, 5:30 PM at Mary, Star of the Sea where all are welcomed to celebrate and share their gifts as one ‘Ohana.
Live stream available at Mary, Star of the Sea's YouTube Channel.
For more information, please call the parish office at (808) 734-0396 or email rafmendoza@rcchawaii.org.
Israel Through Millennial Eyes, Feb 25
Sunday, February 25, 2024 at 2:00 p.m.
Mystical Rose Oratory, Chaminade University of Honolulu
Responding to an invitation by the Interfaith Alliance of Hawaii, two Chaminade millennials joined in an ecumenical pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Join them as they share their experiences and impressions. This event is sponsored by the BDK-Yoshiaki Interfaith Program at Chaminade University of Honolulu. For more information, please contact Dr. Malia D. Wong, O.P. at mwong2@chaminade.edu.
Flyer available HERE.
Life in the Eucharist Seminar, Feb 29 - Mar 2
Thursday, February 29 - Saturday, March 2, 2024
Mary, Star of the Sea Parish, Honolulu
Join us for this three-day experience that leads people to deeper insight into the Eucharist and to a renewed eucharistic way of life. Discover the profound impact the Eucharist can have on your life and faith journey. Questions? Email vdiolata@rcchawaii.org or call (808) 734-0396.
To register, please click here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/life-in-the-eucharist-lite-seminar-tickets-804217445027
Flyer available HERE.
Basic Christian Community of Hawaii Retreat, Mar 1-3
Friday, March 1 - Sunday March 3, 2024
St. Anthony Retreat Center, Honolulu
Imagine having the opportunity rest in a peaceful and spiritual environment, recharging yourself with prayer, and connecting with God to start the season of Lent. All of this is possible, and it can make all the difference in the Lenten season and into Easter. Experience a weekend retreat with expectant faith; the belief that God can be heard, seen, and felt in spiritual ways. The theme of BCCH Adult Retreat #125 is "Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ." This retreat is ideal for anyone seeking to find peace this Lenten season in expectant faith for the celebration of the Resurrection of the Lord at Easter.
To register or learn more, please visit www.bcchawaii.com.
Knights of Columbus Fish Fry, Mar 8
March 8, 2024 at 4:30 -7:30 p.m.
St. Anthony Church, Kailua
Knights of Columbus Council 6307 is having a fish fry to raise money for students of St. Anthony and St. John Vianney Schools who are in financial need, and for Ho’ola Na Pua, a local organization that is committed to the renewal of girls trafficked in the sex trade, through health, education, advocacy, and reintegration.
Enjoy the “Best Fish Fry Ever” and make some new friends while supporting two great causes.
You can eat in the Parish Hall between 5:00 & 7:30 PM or pick up your meals at the drive thru between 4:30 and 6:30 PM and eat at home.
Purchasing Tickets:
• Only a limited number of tickets will be available at the door
• URL: https://buytickets.at/kofccouncil6307/1103927
Flyer available HERE.
Lenten Retreat "Be This in Memory of Me," Mar 11-12
Monday, March 11 & Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.
St. John Apostle & Evangelist Church, Mililani
Join "Be This in Memory of Me: Embracing a Eucharistic Lifestyle" with guest speaker Fr. Philip Chircop, SJ. During these few hours of retreat we will focus our loving gaze upon the Eucharist. Together we will try to see how the Eucharist is more than a devotion. Eucharist is an action. Eucharist is more a verb than a noun. Pondering the four verbs we hear spoken each time we participate in our parish liturgies - took, blessed, broke, gave – we will try to outline a possible, fresh new way of living the Gospel in the concrete daily events that form the chapters of our lives.
Flyer available HERE.
"November's Song" Fundraiser for the Joseph Dutton Guild, Apr 1-2
Monday, April 1 & Tuesday, April 2, 2024 at 7:30 p.m.
The Brad Powell Theater, Honolulu
Experience an inspiring evening! See "November’s Song" presented by The Actors’ Group, a fundraiser for The Joseph Dutton Guild. Limited seating. Suggested donation: $75 per ticket includes a charcuterie bento.
Your generous support will help with the beatification and canonization of Servant of God, Joseph Dutton, Layman, who devoted 44 years of his life to serving those with Hansen’s disease alongside Saint Damien and Saint Marianne.
Reserve your tickets online at https://www.josephdutton.org/events-new
Flyer available HERE.
Upcoming Maui-Lanai Vicariate Eucharistic Revival Events
Mark your calendar for these upcoming Maui-Lanai Vicariate Eucharistic Revival Events through July 2024. For more information please email Fr. Ace Tui at atui@rcchawaii.org.
Flyer available HERE.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Level I, Part A, Jun 3-14
Monday, June 3 - Friday, June 14, 2024
Mary, Star of Sea Early Learning Center, Honolulu
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) is an approach to religious formation for children ages 3-12. The Level I course is the foundation course and prepares catechists to work with 3-6 year-old children. Level I course participants (Parts A and B) will receive certification from the National Association of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd.
Sessions held weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Optional materials making from 2:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Printable Trifold Flyer available HERE. Register Online HERE.
Rest in Peace
Please pray for the happy repose of the soul of Brother William "Liam" Nolan, CFC, who died on January 15, 2024. He was a member of the Edmund Rice Christian Brothers of North America and a long-time member of the staff at Damien Memorial School.
Services will be held on Wednesday, February 21, 2024 in the chapel on the grounds of Damien Memorial School. Viewing will be from 9:30-10:30 a.m.; Mass at 11:00 a.m. Burial will follow at Hawaiian Memorial Park Cemetery. May he rest in peace!
Saint of the Week
Saint Peter Damian
Memorial – February 21
Orphan, laborer, student, monk, hermit, priest, theologian, teacher, writer, poet, ascetic, penitent, prior, reformer, bishop, cardinal, saint…these are but a few words to describe today’s courageous saint.
Peter was the youngest child born into a poor but noble family in Ravenna, Italy. His parents died when he was young, so he went to live with one of his older brothers who mistreated him and forced him to labor as a swineherd. Eventually, another brother, a priest from Ravenna named Father Damian, took him in and provided him with an excellent education in which he greatly excelled. Peter was so grateful to his priest brother that he added his brother’s name to his own, making him Peter Damian. Read more...
Copyright © 2024 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. www.mycatholic.life
Online Giving for Parishes
Support your local parish online! You can give directly to your parish on the Diocese of Honolulu's Offertory page at www.catholichawaii.org/offertory.
On behalf of the parishes in the Diocese of Honolulu, thank you for your gift of support. Mahalo nui loa!
Live-streaming Masses for the Diocese of Honolulu
There are many opportunities to view Mass via live stream from various churches in the Diocese of Honolulu.
Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace, downtown Honolulu
Sundays at 10 AM
Weekdays at 12 PM, Saturdays at 12 PM and 5 PM
Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa, Kalihi
Sundays at 10:30 AM
Mondays to Thursdays at 6:30 AM, Fridays & Saturdays at 8 AM
Mystical Rose Oratory, Kaimuki
Sundays at 10 AM
Newman Center, Manoa
Sundays at 5 PM
Mary, Star of the Sea, Waialae-Kahala
Saturdays at 5:30 PM
Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Ewa Beach
Sundays at 9 AM
Our Lady of Sorrows, Wahiawa
Sundays at 9 AM
or https://www.olswahiawa.org
Our Lady of the Mount, Kalihi
Sundays at 9 AM
Resurrection of the Lord, Waipio
Sundays at 9:30 AM
St. Anthony, Kalihi
Sundays at 8:30 AM, Weekdays at 6:30 AM, Saturdays at 7 AM
St. Augustine, Waikiki
Saturdays at 5 PM
St. Elizabeth, Aiea
Sundays at 10 AM
St. Joseph, Waipahu
Sundays at 10 AM, Weekdays at 6:30 AM, Saturdays at 7 AM
St. Pius X, Manoa
Sundays at 11 AM
Facebook: Diocese Of Honolulu Evangelization Taskforce
St. Michael, Waialua
Sundays at 11 AM, Wednesdays at 7 AM
or https://stsmichaelpeterpaul.org
St. Rita, Nanakuli
Sundays at 9 AM
or YouTube
St. Roch, Kahuku
Sundays at 7:30 AM
St. Stephen, Nuuanu
Sundays at 10 AM
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Papaikoi & St. Anthony, Laupahoehoe
Sundays at 8 AM (St. Anthony, Laupahoehoe)
Sundays at 10 AM (Immaculate Heart of Mary, Papaikoi)
Saturdays at 5 PM (Immaculate Heart of Mary, Papaikoi)
Our Lady of Lourdes, Honokaa
Sundays at 9 AM & 6:30 PM, Saturdays at 5:30 PM
St. Catherine, Kapaa
Sundays at 9:30 AM, Mondays to Saturdays at 7 AM
or https://www.facebook.com/stcatherinekauai
Our Lady Queen of Angels, Kula
Daily at 7 AM
St. Joseph, Makawao
Sundays at 9 AM
Resources to Prepare for Watching a Livestream Mass:
Events and Previous Announcements
Maui Lenten Adoration, Benediction, and Reflection, Feb 21
Maui Lenten Mission "Living the Promise," Feb 24
‘Ohana Mass for February, Feb 24
"Israel Through Millennial Eyes" Seminar, Feb 25
Maui Lenten Adoration, Benediction, and Reflection, Feb 28
Life in the Eucharist Seminar, Feb 29 - Mar 2
Basic Christian Community of Hawaii Retreat, Mar 1-3
Chrism Mass for the Kauai Vicariate, Mar 5
Maui Lenten Adoration, Benediction, and Reflection, Mar 6
Knights of Columbus Fish Fry, Mar 8
Maui Lenten Adoration, Benediction, and Reflection, Mar 13
Chrism Mass for the Maui-Lanai Vicariate, Mar 14
Maui Lenten Adoration, Benediction, and Reflection, Mar 20
Chrism Mass for the East and West Hawaii Vicariates, Mar 21
Mass for Passion (Palm) Sunday, Mar 24
Chrism Mass for Oahu-Molokai Vicariates, Mar 26
Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper, Mar 28
Good Friday Holiday, Mar 29
Good Friday Morning Prayer, Mar 29
Good Friday Liturgy of the Lord's Passion, Mar 29
Holy Saturday Morning Prayer, Mar 30
The Easter Vigil, Mar 30
Mass for Easter Sunday, Mar 31
For our most recent news, visit www.catholichawaii.org.
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Lent 2024 “Through the Desert God Leads us to Freedom”
Saint of the Week - Our Lady of Lourdes
Diocesan Guidelines for Speaker Approval
How to Order a Papal Blessing?
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