The International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT) has just passed, and serves as a reminder to be respectful and mindful of the journeys and challenges different people face, especially members of the LGBTQIA+ community. There are plenty of mental health resources on the wellbeing website, the ALLY Network, mental health first aid
training - all of this is further down in this email. In terms of study, exam timetables for semester 1 have been released in MyAdelaide. Remember to log in and check your timetable as soon as you can, and update your address in MyAdelaide if the exam location looks incorrect. Otherwise, there are plenty of employment opportunities, volunteering and much much more in the email below - so check out what's happening, and enjoy your week!
MayTrimester 2
Teaching begins
How can I contact the ALLY NetworkThe ALLY network is made up of staff and student members who are committed to supporting and advocating for an inclusive and safe campus for the LGBTQIA+ community. A full list of members, and their Faculties, can be found on the Network's page. Reach out if you need support.
Work with us at the Indigenous Oral Health Unit
Interested in completing a PhD or working in Indigenous health research? The Indigenous Oral Health Unit is actively recruiting students and staff for projects across areas of Indigenous health, including chronic disease, oral health, child health and nutrition. If interested, submit expressions of interest and CVs to by COB May 31.
Classics Reading Group
Join the Classics and Ancient History Society's reading group, which meets the last Tuesdays of each month. Read contemporary mythology retellings with fellow Classics fanatics, starting with Madeline Miller's Song of Achilles on 24th May. Non-members are welcome. To find out more information, go to the Facebook event.
Mental Health First Aid Training Learn skills and gain confidence. This free two day course will teach students the signs and symptoms of mental health problems, where and how to get help and what sort of help has been shown by research to be effective. Email Jill Allen for upcoming dates and to register, and find more mental health resources here.
Did you know you can register a preferred name?
If you are known by a name that differs from your legal name, you can register it with the Uni using an online form. It can then be used on MyUni and your campus email account. Legal names will still be used on ID cards and exam lists.
Find casual or part-time work while you study Visit our Level 4 Hub Central location to talk to our Student Employment Coordinator about resume and cover letter assistance, interview tips, where to find work, short courses and more. No appointment required! Drop in from 12pm to 1pm, May 25 and June 1.
This is your opportunity to work alongside South Australian environmental leaders, creatives, innovators and communication professionals. As volunteer, you'll be supporting the delivery of communications functions at the inaugural Dynamic State Summit on 23 and 24 June. Find out more and apply here by Sunday 22 May 2022.
Join PASS sessions and win
Meet new friends, study course content and win prizes by attending Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS). Attend 5 or more PASS sessions and you’ll be in the draw to win 1 of 3 major prizes. Check the timetable today.
International students - Workshop: Building Resilience and Sustained Optimal Performance26 May, 12:30pm to 2:30pm
Ingkarni Wardli 234
In these ever-changing times, we need to learn to adapt to unfamiliar situations. In this workshop, you will learn tools and strategies to build up your resilience and to sustain optimal performance in the most demanding circumstances of your studying, professional, or community life. Free lunch and drinks provided.
DIDA writing workshops continue The Disability Illness and Divergence Association's (DIDA) writing workshops continue in weeks 9 to 12, a quiet place for students with disabilities, chronic illnesses and neurodivergence to study together. Join DIDA Wednesdays 10am-12pm in the Writing Studio on Level 2 of the Barr Smith Library or via Zoom. More info here.
26 May, 11am to 2pm - Hub Central, North Terrace Campus
Postgraduate study can provide you the opportunity to specialise in your existing field of work or change careers all together.
Come along to chat with Faculty staff and Academics about which Postgraduate program could be for you.
20 May, 12pm to 1pm - Schulz Building (Room 307)The Adelaide University Union's Student Employment team has designed this one-hour session to help increase your chance of successfully finding part-time and casual work while you study. Enjoy a light lunch while you learn where and how to
find employment opportunities, how to prepare a resume, interview tips and more!
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