No images? Click here Were you forwarded this newsletter? Sign up to receive it here. ![]() September 2023 If you or someone you know was hoping to take the "Purposeful Technology Integration" course this fall, don't forget to get your application in by Monday, September 11th! We are also excited to announce that the NLRC has funding available that could help support YOUR LCTL professional development event! Check out details below! New to our newsletter? Explore all eleven of our projects in our three core areas of professional development, open resources, and strategic collaboration on our website! ![]() Funding for YOUR LCTL Event!The NLRC is proud to announce funding for LCTL professional development events as part of its Collaborative Professional Development initiative. We expect funding for events to be in the $200-500 range per award. There are three anticipated application periods each academic year. Money can be used for speaker fees or for general sponsorship of an event like a webinar, workshop, or conference. Find out more information on the Collaborative Professional Development page. Want to chat? Book consulting hours!Does your language department or academic unit need on-demand specialized expertise? Save money and time by consulting with our highly skilled team at the National LCTL Resource Center. We offer short-term and long-term services in many areas of specialization. The NLRC offers 20 hours per year of consulting services for free for LCTL programs, departments, and institutions in the U.S., with preference given to minority serving institutions and those that can document a particular need. Learn more and schedule your 30 minute introductory conversation on our Consulting page! NLRC News Highlight: NLRC at EUROCALLThe NLRC was represented in a presentation during the LCTL Special Interest Group Symposium at EUROCALL 2023 at the University of Iceland. The theme of the conference was "CALL for All Languages." The presentation highlighted the LCTL and Indigenous Languages Partnership at MSU and how the NLRC is both enhancing and continuing that work, as well as forging a path for its own unique projects. Are you following our social media/news? Take a look! ![]() OLT OPPORTUNITIESLearn more about our Fall 2023 Online Language Teaching courses! Purposeful Technology IntegrationExplore novel and alternative technology-supported pedagogical approaches, identify technology-enabled practices with the most transformative potential, and design an intentional “new normal” for what language instruction might look like for you in the near future. Fall Dates: September 25 – October 14 Oral Communicative TasksEngage in best practices for designing and facilitating synchronous and asynchronous oral communicative tasks for both presentational and interpersonal modes of instruction. Design scaffolded task progressions in order to meet all your language objectives in rigorous fashion. Fall Dates: October 23 – November 17 Upcoming deadlines for fall course applications:
![]() Many of our fellow Language Resource Centers and National Resource Centers as well as some of our collaborative partners have their own professional development opportunities. This section highlights some of those opportunities.