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New fact sheet! Concrete roads show better resilience to climate change and extreme meteorological events

Following the release of our infographic “Concrete Pavements make roads more sustainable”, EUPAVE’s working group on Environmental Strategy has produced fact sheets focusing on its different items. The first document looked deeper into the high albedo effect. The second was focused on fuel consumption. The third on “100% recycling“.

The fourth fact sheet shows how concrete roads are more resilient to climate change and extreme meteorological events.

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Invitation to EUPAVE’s 6th workshop on Best Practices “Pervious concrete pavements: an overview of European experiences”, 20 October 2021 (hybrid event)

Wednesday, 20 October 2021 from 13:00 till 17:00
Hôtel Le Châtelain (Rue du Châtelain 17, 1040 Brussels) and online

As a result of climate change, both periods of drought and extreme precipitation occur more frequently. The recent floods in Europe made us face up to the facts and stressed the importance of integrated water management. Solutions include sustainable road surfacing that is permeable to water, that can store the water in the road structure and allow it to infiltrate into the subsurface or to be slowed down and drained to a nearby infiltration facility or sewer system. Concrete offers various possibilities, both with prefabricated elements and cast in situ. With in-situ concrete, there are solutions in draining (porous) concrete and in classic concrete with drainage openings.

This workshop will give an overview of research, practical experiences and innovations in different European countries. It is intended for experts coming from Road Agencies, Engineering Bureaus, Contractors… who have an interest in the design, construction and maintenance of pervious concrete pavements.

Programme and registration »


Submit your abstract to the 14th International Symposium on Concrete Roads!

As announced previously, the 14th International Symposium on Concrete Roads has been postponed to 25-29 June 2023. The motto of the international conference is “Concrete Roads to the Green World”.

The new deadline to submit your abstract is 15 February 2022.

Submit your abstract »


Focus on offset concrete paving and 3D machine guidance during EUPAVE/FEBELCEM workshop at MATEXPO 2021

The Federation of the Belgian Cement Industry, FEBELCEM, and the European Concrete Paving Association, EUPAVE organised on 9 September 2021 a joint workshop on “Offset concrete paving” at MATEXPO 2021, Kortrijk.

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* Do not miss our fact sheets and promotional video! *

News from the International Society for Concrete Pavements



ISCP Wraps up Successful 12th International Conference on Concrete Pavements (12th ICCP 2021)!

ISCP held its long-awaited 12th International Conference on Concrete Pavements (12th ICCP 2021) the week of September 27 through October 1 in a virtual setting using The Aggregate “online venue” platform. This conference featured 96 technical presentations, 10 half-day workshops, and The Student Pitch on a variety of concrete pavement topics. This virtual campus was selected to promote networking opportunities as well as its tech transfer capabilities for attendees. In addition, the online format of the conference allowed participation from a record number of attendees across the globe with 698 registrants representing 31 countries. Click on any of the below The Aggregate venue images to enlarge!

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German Co. Works Alongside INDOT to Create Concrete Roads that Can Charge EVs as they Drive Along

As electric vehicles (EVs) grow in popularity, there are greater questions being asked about how to charge them:
Will there be enough charging points? What about if I can’t plug in at home? Range and battery charging times are getting better every year, it’s still the most limiting factor when it comes to the purchase of an EV. These are valid questions, but a German company might just have the answer thanks to a new concrete road that is able to charge EVs as they drive along.

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Upcoming events

  • EUPAVE Best Practices workshop "Pervious concrete pavements: : an overview of European experiences" (hybrid)

Date: 20 October 2021
Place: Hôtel Le Châtelain, Brussels and online

  • Save the date for EUPAVE EU event "Climate resilience and long-term road investment" (online)

Date: 6 December 2021
Place: Online

  • 14th International Symposium on Concrete Roads 

Date: 25-29 June 2023
Place: Krakow, Poland