  Issue Number 204 July 2024
In this issue
President's Column
AIBC 2024 National Conference
Skills Development Exchange (SDE) pilot
Welcome to our New Members
Member Profile: Rural Doctors Network
ACT Update
QLD Update
NSW Update
NSW Committee member
WA update
Doing Business Guide Indonesia
Partner Events: Trade Expo Indonesia TEI 2024

For a list of current events, please click here.



Jennifer Mathews
National President

President's Column


Dear AIBC Members and Friends,

I am pleased to present AIBC’s newsletter for July 2024. 

AIBC is actively engaged with key stakeholders on the implementation of initiatives under the Government’s “Invested: Australia’s Southeast Economic Strategy to 2040”. This includes the newly established Investment Deal Team in Jakarta and the Southeast Asia Business Exchange. 

In June, I was delighted to take part in the inaugural Australian Digital Tech Mission to Indonesia “Partnering for a Digital Future”. 

By 2030 the digital economy of Indonesia is projected to be worth USD$220-360 billion as Indonesia continues its digital transformation, presenting significant opportunities for Australian technology companies.

Led by Australian Business Champion for Indonesia, Prof. Jennifer Westacott AO, the mission provided a great opportunity for Australian businesses in Agtech, FinTech and Cybersecurity to showcase their technology to potential Indonesian partners. 

A highlight of the Business Mission was Austrade’s launch of a new Landing Pad program in Jakarta. The Landing Pad program provides tailored advice and in-market experiences. It is delivered digitally and in-market. In-market programs are often timed to coincide with events such as trade shows, with local partners  providing additional expertise.The Landing Pad will help Australian companies capitilise on the vast opportunities in Indonesia through a digital export readiness program and in market delegations, with the first focussing on Fintech. Interested companies can register here

AIBC’s State Chapters are planning a range of networking events over the coming months, so please join us if you can.  And AIBC’s Industry Groups (Healthcare; Mining and Energy; Agriculture and Food; Education, Skills and Training and Investment, Finance and Infrastructure) continue to provide a valuable industry sector focus for our membership and stakeholders. 

Registrations are open for the 2024 AIBC National Conference to be held at the Sofitel Hotel in Sydney from 11-13 November.  The theme of this year’s conference is “Invested Australia/Indonesia: The Time is now/Sekarang Waktunya”.

The program will include exciting plenary sessions as well as break out sessions offering interactive discussion on key industry sectors: Healthcare, Education and Skills, Mining and Energy, the Digital Economy and many more.  We are also pleased to offer a range of exciting sponsorship opportunities – with details available here. We hope you will join us in Sydney in November for what promises to be a great National Conference. Please register here

Finally, AIBC is a voluntary organisation which relies on the support of its membership and welcomes new members.  For those existing members, we look forward to you renewing your membership with AIBC and remaining a valued part of the AIBC network. Information on joining AIBC may be found here.

Salam Hangat

Jennifer Mathews
National President


AIBC 2024 National Conference

Sofitel Wentworth, Sydney, Australia 11 - 13 November 2024

The Australia Indonesia Business Council is excited to welcome you to our National Conference in Sydney from 11-13 November 2024. 

With the Australia-Indonesia trade and investment relationship growing from strength to strength, you will hear from key industry and government leaders about what this means for your business. Our great line up of speakers includes Senator Tim Ayres, Assistant Minister for Trade and Minister for Manufacturing, Special Envoy for the Southeast Asia Strategy, Nicholas Moore AO; Indonesian Ambassador HE Dr Siswo Pramono and Business Champion for Indonesia, Prof. Jennifer Westacott OAM.

Building on the Australian Government’s ‘Southeast Asia Economic Strategy to 2040’, aimed at deepening economic and trade engagement with the region, the National Conference theme is: Invested: Australia-Indonesia I The Time is Now! / Sekarang Waktunya! 

We’ve designed the program to offer a contemporary picture of business opportunities in Indonesia, including market trends across the key industry sectors of Education, Skills and Training, Healthcare, Mining and Energy, Infrastructure and Investment, Food and Agriculture, the Visitor Economy; and the Digital Transformation.  These are sectors offering a clear alignment between Australian industry capability and Indonesian growth priorities.

The Conference will also provide a unique opportunity to network with high level Australian and Indonesian government and industry representatives.

The conference will commence on the evening of Monday 11 November with a welcome reception at Government House, hosted by H.E The Hon Margaret Beazley AC KC, Governor of New South Wales.

Tuesday 12 November will feature keynote speakers discussing the future of Australia Indonesia business relations and a choice of industry focussed panel sessions, followed by the Conference Gala Dinner.  

On the morning of Wednesday 13 November, there will be an opportunity for Business Matching, hosted by Investment NSW and the Indonesian Consulate General of NSW. 

We would like to thank our sponsors:

Platinum Sponsors: AustradeFitzpatrick Advisory

Silver Sponsors: Aspen Medical, DFAT, EY, Macquarie International 

We welcome additional sponsors, and you can find more details here or by contacting Rosemary Guyatt at executiveofficer@aibc.com.au

Don't miss out on this unique chance to be part of the conversation shaping the future of Australia-Indonesia relations. 

Register now to take advantage of early bird prices. We look forward to welcoming you to #aibc2024conference

Skills Development Exchange (SDE) pilot

How does your business build cultural awareness and capability? Work placements in another country provide a special opportunity for key employees to develop their own workplace skills while strengthening cooperation and understanding between Australia and Indonesia. Through building strong people-to people links, the SDE Pilot will equip participants with the cultural competency and global perspective necessary to make the most of the opportunities offered by an increasingly interconnected world.

That’s the experience of Thiess Engineering, who hosted 12 Indonesia exchangees through the SDE Pilot at sites across the Bowen Basin in Queensland earlier this year. These exchangees successfully completed a learning and development program developed in partnership with Thiess Indonesia, building their technical competency to repair and maintain critical mining infrastructure

The SDE Pilot provides a visa pathway for Indonesians to build skills and cultural understanding through placements in Australian organisations. The SDE is available to a range of sectors and placements can be for up to 12 months. The program is also open to Australians looking for a similar experience in an Indonesian organisation.
AIBC members have engaged in briefings around the country thanks to the DFAT FTA Mobility Implementation Unit.

Where to start?

  • Identify key employees from your organisation who would benefit from this experience
  • Check out the brochure 
  • Start the conversation
  • Identify the host branch or organisation. Contact AIBC if you need help with introductions
  • Assess Eligibility - including below:
  • Membership of  KADIN, APINDO, IABC, ACCI, AI Group or AIBC
  • Currently working in agriculture, finance, mining, telecommunications, tourism, and the creative and green economies
  • Create broad objectives for the placement and ideal timing (one month - maximum 12 months)
  • Budget for the placement: airfares, accommodation, living expenses
  • Request an application by contacting iacepa.skills@dfat.gov.au

Welcome to our New Members

We are pleased to welcome new members over the past few months from:

Feeld Work
NSW Rural Doctors Network
UNSW Business School
KL International Lawyers
Green Arc Legal
Australian Rural Leadership Foundation
Export Finance Australia
Dinari Pty Ltd

Member Profile: Rural Doctors Network

Welcome to new National Corporate member:

Rural Doctors Network (RDN) exists to improve the health and wellbeing of people living in remote, rural, regional, and vulnerable communities. It is a not-for-profit, non-government charitable organisation that works to create and sustain access to quality multidisciplinary healthcare for all people – no matter where they live.

RDN works collaboratively with health professionals, communities, service agencies, industry, and all tiers of government. The organisation seeks to mobilise knowledge and delivery skills across its vast networks of agencies and professionals to support better health outcomes.

In partnership with Universitas Pattimura, RDN is working to address challenges associated with rural medical health workforce shortages in Maluku, Indonesia. Focusing on enhancing health access for rural communities through tailored strategies to retain and increase medical workforce, the project aims to contribute to improved healthcare access and outcomes and to attract further support to the region.

ACT Update

Meet ACT committee member Derryl Imanalie.

Derryl hails from Jakarta, studied Mechatronics at QUT Brisbane and now resides  in Canberra.  His career has focused on strategy, deals, and technology across various industries, working at global corporates and startups like Deloitte, Orica, Uber, and mx51.

He currently works for Aspen Medical as an M&A Manager, focusing on investments that support their growth strategy, including hospital developments in West Java and HealthTech investments.

Derryl has extensive connections with Indonesian stakeholders - from a pop star sibling, ex-colleagues in senior roles across key sectors and being the great-grandson of Jakarta's first governor. He is always eager to help AIBC where he can to advance Australian-Indonesian connections.

QLD Update

Meet Qld committee member Sandy Lokas

Sandy's career spans over 15 years in the technology industry, with a proven track record of helping businesses transform their operations and processes through technology. He excels at solving complex problems and increasing efficiency, driving business growth. Sandy co-founded several digital solutions, including MODC, a digital business card; Wave CRM, an innovative member management software; and SafeTicket, an event ticketing and exhibition management software used by major events like the Brisbane Truck Show, IndOz Conference, and Heavy Equipment Machinery Show.

As an Indonesian migrant from Jakarta, Sandy values strong networks and draws from his experience of starting anew in Australia. He is a former committee member of the Brisbane Junior Chamber of Commerce and always enjoys a coffee or beer chat. http://linkedin.com/in/sandylokas

NSW Update

NSW Branch Activities - A Busy and Eventful Month
I would like to extend a warm welcome to our new NSW based members who have joined the AIBC. I look forward to meeting you in person at one of our events. We have had a very busy and eventful month with many exciting and diverse events:

Skills Development Exchange Pilot Program Event: On May 28th, we collaborated with DFAT to discuss the new Skills Development Exchange Pilot Program, sparking insightful conversations among participants and showcasing this exciting program.

Bahasa Indonesia Day: Led by Lydia, the committee celebrated Bahasa Indonesia Day on June 3rd at NSW School of Languages as part of our advocacy work. More details can be found in this newsletter.

Networking Members Drinks: Held on June 12th, this event had a great turnout of members and potential new members, fostering connections and expanding our vibrant community.

Australia-Indonesia Business Leaders Roundtable: In partnership with the Asia Society, we hosted this roundtable on June 20th. The purpose was to gather feedback and recommendations from Australia’s Indonesian diaspora for the Southeast Asia Diaspora Mapping Report, which aims to deepen SME business links with the region as part of the Federal Government’s Southeast Asia Economic Strategy to 2040. Robust discussions were held under Chatham House rules.

East Java-Sydney Business Meeting: Together with KJRI Sydney, we held this event on 2 July at the Sofitel Hotel Sydney. The meeting showcased numerous investment opportunities in Eastern Java, with Lydia moderating the discussions on behalf of the AIBC.

Book Launch - "Judicial Dysfunction in Indonesia": On July 15th, we launched Simon Butt’s latest book, featuring Prof Tim Lindsey and Dr Laode Syarif. This event provided a deep dive into Indonesia’s judicial landscape a well attended event.

Next event: Our next networking drinks will be on July 17th at Cafe Del Mar.

We look forward to welcoming new members and meeting you all at our upcoming events.

NSW Committee member

Meet NSW Branch Secretary Elizabeth McClean

Elizabeth connected with Indonesia when her family moved to Jakarta in 2012. Elizabeth lived in Jakarta for 8 years, and studied Bahasa Indonesia. Learning the local language gave her the tools to communicate daily and to understand the richness of Indonesian life and culture; behaviours, histories and stories.

On returning to Sydney in 2020, Elizabeth actively sought Australia - Indonesia connections.  Joining AIBC has been the best way for Elizabeth to cultivate connections and business relationships with Indonesia.

An aspiring environmentalist and humanitarian with a passion for building engaged and healthy communities, Elizabeth is the Founder of DJAMU, a social enterprise making a difference in the world by simultaneously reducing plastic pollution and poverty.

Over eight years living in Jakarta, Indonesia, she gained a deep knowledge of the social challenges facing the local community. DJAMU is the result; an innovative solution to reducing plastic waste pollution and taking positive action to combat poverty, through upskilling and educating people in the trash picker community and informal industries in Jakarta.

Her dream for DJAMU is to use social enterprise as a bridge to develop strong cross-cultural links between Australia and Indonesia, establish partnerships and positive outcomes for both communities.

An experienced leader in secondary and vocational education with more than 20 years’ experience,she is  proud of her legacy of work, having inspired many young people to build resilience and capacity and thriving team spirit for both students and staff.Her career has been built on a strong belief in social justice, equity and inclusion and using advocacy, education, innovation and strategic partnerships to solve big world problems.


WA update

Meet WA committee member,  Amrit Budhrani. An Indonesian national currently living in Perth, WA and has been a resident there for the past 20 years. Although ethnically of an Indian origin, his roots are purely Indonesian and was born in Jakarta.

Presently, a Certified Practicing Accountant (CPA) and Registered Tax Agent providing business advisory, tax and accounting services to individuals and businesses (small to large enterprises) he is also a Self-Managed Superannuation (SMSF) Specialist Advisor. He loves helping individuals and businesses grow and thrive financially, whether it is by implementing tax minimization strategies and / or setting up structures to grow and protect their wealth amongst his holistic set of services. Lately, he has assisted clients who are of Indonesian nationals with their cross-border tax obligations and find it rewarding that he can articulate advice using Bahasa Indonesia as well as in English. 

In his spare time, he loves cooking and eating out makanan khas Indonesia as well as spending time with family and friends. There’s been a growing number of Indonesian businesses in Perth over the last couple of decades and great to see that they bring in their warm hospitable nature to the local community here. He's looking forward to connecting with individuals / members here in Perth and also nationally.


Indonesian Language Learning

The AIBC were delighted to partner with Investment NSW, AIYA, NSW School of Languages, the Indonesian Embassy, and the Indonesian Consulate General in Sydney on June 3rd to bring a Bahasa Indonesia Language Day to Year 11 students studying Indonesian in NSW high schools. Investment NSW has been the leading the way in sponsoring a program of activities to promote the study of Bahasa Indonesia that will be delivered in the coming year.

The day aimed at addressing the threat to Indonesian Language Education in NSW Schools. Seeing another Asian language disappear from the NSW curriculum is dire, as it would limit the opportunities for students to become proficient in languages that are increasingly important on the global stage. This event marks the beginning of efforts to spotlight the importance of Indonesian learning and advocate for its continued inclusion in the NSW curriculum. The day featured an exciting program beginning with the key note address from HE Ambassador Siswo Pramono, followed by a panel featuring Karla Lampe from Investment NSW, Sylvia Corish from the Department of Education, Ross Tapsell from ANU and Alexandra Lyons (New Colombo Plan Scholar to Indonesia). The day followed by  master classes on reading, listening, writing and vocabulary skills led by Ida Harsojo, Lauren Dwyer and Asti Blake, concluding with fun activities including learning the Angklung, and eating krupuk dangling from a string.

The AIBC members understand and promote the importance of language and cultural awareness in building successful relationships both business and personal. Learning Indonesian at high school opens up wonderful opportunities to compliment future study in diverse fields.

Special thanks go to the Indonesian Embassy and Ambassador Dr. Siswo Pramono who addressed the students in person and kindly supported the day by providing the delicious nasi bungkus lunch, the Consulate General of Indonesia Bapak Vedi Buana and his staff, NSW School of Languages for hosting the event, AIBC Chair Lydia Santoso who led the working committee and moderated the day, AIYA’s Matthew Hasjim for assisting with the event and arranging the volunteers from University of Sydney David Wijaya, Pat Hanna (AIA), and last but not least to the teachers who brought their students (in particular Asti Blake & Ida Harsojo) for making this day such a resounding success.

Doing Business Guide Indonesia

Indonesia has transformed into a global economic powerhouse. Currently the world’s 16th largest economy, it is on track to reach the top ten by 2030. Annual economic growth continues to outpace nearly all the world’s major economies, while exports, foreign investment and domestic consumption are all on an upward trend. As one of Australia’s closest neighbours, Indonesia presents new opportunities for Australian businesses to capitalise on.

The Indonesia Doing Business Guide developed by Asialink Business is the essential resource for Australian businesses and investors seeking to grow in Indonesia. Regardless of whether you’re just starting out or already established in Indonesia, the guide provides practical and detailed information to support your business growth plus links to reputable external resources for further information.

Access your free guide

Partner Events: Trade Expo Indonesia TEI 2024

Trade Expo Indonesia is a premier annual event designed to showcase the best of Indonesian products and services to the global market. This year’s expo will feature a diverse range of high-quality goods, including textiles, furniture, processed foods, and advanced technology. Additionally, the event will host various forums and seminars on current economic and trade topics, offering valuable networking opportunities for all participants.As a one-stop business destination, TEI 2024 presents 3 zones of categorized products such as Food, Beverage and Agriculture Products, Manufacture Products, and also Home Living, Fashion and Services to be held at: 

Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE) BSD City Tangerang - Indonesia
October 9 to 12, 2024

Enquiries to : mail@itpcsydney.com


Rooftop Solar and the Green Energy Transition

In his recent article, Bill Sullivan of Christian Teo & Partners, looks at changes to regulations for rooftop solar in Indonesia.

“Solar supposedly represents one of the most promising sources of renewable energy for Indonesia.

Promoting the large-scale development of Indonesia’s renewable energy resources (including solar) has, however, proved to be a very challenging exercise for the Government due to a variety of reasons, including PLN’s weak financial position.

Recent changes to Indonesia’s rooftop solar regulatory regime contain some positive developments.”

To read this article in full, click here.

Exploiting Indonesia's Seabed Minerals

In his recent article, Bill Sullivan of Christian Teo & Partners, looks at regulatory changes affecting seabed mining in Indonesia.

"The Government has announced seven new locations in which so-called “sea sand mining” may take place.

The recent announcement follows important regulatory changes last year that make possible the legal resumption of Indonesian sea sand exports for the first time since 2003.

Indonesia now has two distinct regulatory regimes for the exploitation of seabed mineral resources, depending upon whether the relevant seabed mineral resources are metal minerals/coal or sea sand.”

To read this article in full, click here

Developing a Vibrant Electric Battery Industry

In his recent article, Bill Sullivan of Christian Teo & Partners, looks at fiscal incentives for the electric vehicle industry in Indonesia.

"Various fiscal and non-fiscal incentives are available to parties that invest in the Indonesian electric vehicle industry. Fiscal and non-fiscal incentives are also available to parties that contribute indirectly to the development of the Indonesian electric vehicle industry as well as to buyers and users of Indonesian electric vehicle industry products and facilities.

During the course of the past six months a series of implementing regulations has been issued setting out, in detail, how at least some of the available fiscal incentives, for investment in the Indonesian electric vehicle industry, will work.”

To read this article in full, click here.

Links for futher reading

Modern Diplomacy

Australia Indonesia Centre 


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