5 skills your student will need to get hired in 2022There are five attributes that are the most valuable skills sought after by employers. Discover what they are and learn how can your student can build upon and refine these skills during their time at Fox. Read. Sneaker-cleaning entrepreneur raises the bar for students at FoxOne of 22 inaugural Cecil B. Moore Scholars, Cory Matthews runs his own sneaker cleaning business and plans to get his master’s in business administration by the age of 22. Read. Free student writing and presentation helpRecruiters consistently rank verbal and written communication skills as two of the most important skills for college graduates to have. To prepare students for success, the Fox School’s Business Communication Center offers free peer tutoring and review services. Learn more. A better future for allFrom building a community around student success to making education more accessible to preparing Fox students for the future of work, Dean Ron Anderson looks back at 2021 and ahead at the Fox School's next chapter. Read. The Rebuild IssueThis issue of Fox Focus is all about how we continue to help our community and the business world survive and thrive. Hear Fox community members share their stories about positive outcomes for all. Their stories. FOX LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMThe Fox Leadership Development Program is designed to help your student find and participate in activities on campus, throughout the region, and beyond! Students must earn 250 total points, with at least 20 points in each of the five competencies. Learn more. ![]() These enriching experiences with professionals and aspiring peers have contributed to my personal growth, opened my eyes to a whole new world of possibilities, and helped me gain momentum to propel myself towards my goals and aspirations. FLDP allows one to explore, learn, and evaluate their life, passions, and career choices. — Brian Huang, MIS and Accounting major |